Vol 14, No 1 (2023)

Original study articles

Dynamics of anxiety, depression, and quality of life after early physical rehabilitation of patients who underwent surgical correction of acquired mitral valve defect: clinical prospective randomized study

Lyapina I.N., Argunova Y.A., Shaleva V.A., Dren’ E.V., Pomeshkina S.A., Barbarash O.L.


BACKGROUND: The activation of the patient from the day after an acquired mitral valve (MV) defect with standard cardiorehabilitation surgery and further physical training at an early uncomplicated inpatient stage of the postoperative period appears promising to improve not only the functional status but also the quality of life (QL).

AIM: Our aim was to examine the effect of early physical rehabilitation on the dynamics of anxiety, depression, and QL in patients after surgical correction of the MV defect.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 80 patients (median age 60.8 [47.5; 69.0] years) who underwent surgical correction of an acquired MV defect. Starting from the 7th day after the surgery, patients were assessed for functional status, and the intensity of the training load was selected, and this was done again on the 24th day after the surgery. Moreover, the QL parameters on the SF-36 scale and levels of anxiety and depression on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were evaluated. The control group (n=47) underwent a standard cardiac rehabilitation program from 1st day after surgery. In the main group (n=33), based on the results of the cardiopulmonary exercise testing, physical training on a treadmill was initiated for 14 days, from the 8th day after the surgery, in addition to a personalized training program.

RESULTS: In addition to improving the functional state, early physical training improved the dynamics of QL indicators in the main group. After 14 days of treadmill training, the physical health component increased from a median of 35.1 to 64.4 (p=0.03), and the mental health component from a median of 49.1 to 82.1 (p=0.03). In addition, after the early physical rehabilitation program in the main group, the number of people without anxiety and depression, according to the HADS scale, significantly increased from 9% to 27.3% (p=0.04), whereas the dynamics of the QL, anxiety, and depression levels in the control group were not significant.

CONCLUSION: Early physical rehabilitation, including moderate-intensity workouts with an individual calculation of the speed / angle of the treadmill, starting from 8 days after surgical correction of the acquired MV defect demonstrated efficacy in improving the QL and reducing anxiety and depression levels 24 days after surgery.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Modern possibilities of correction of broncho-obstructive syndrome in chronic heart failure of ischemic origin in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: simple randomized parallel group study

Evdokimov V.V., Evdokimova A.G., Stryuk R.I., Yushchuk E.N., Kuvyrdina N.O., Voronina G.V.


AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of complex basic therapy for chronic heart failure (CHF) of ischemic origin in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with the inclusion of prolonged bronchodilators.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 67 patients (50 men and 17 women) with CHF II–III functional class (FC) with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of <45% in combination with moderate-to-severe COPD (GOLD). The patients were divided into three groups: group 1 (n=30) received formoterol as part of therapy, group 2 (n=19) received aclidinium, and group 3 (n=18) received a fixed combination of aclidinum and formoterol. The basic therapy for CHF included nebivolol, losartan, eplerenone, diuretics, low-dose glucocorticosteroids, nitrates, and cardiac glycosides (if necessary). The clinical condition of patients, intracardiac hemodynamics, was indicated using echocardiography, a 6-min walking test (6MWT), bifunctional 24-h monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate, and spirometry. Quality of life was assessed using the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire, St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, and Modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale.

RESULTS: After 6 months of therapy, the clinical and instrumental parameters and quality of life improved in all groups. At the end of the observation period, the average FC of CHF and dyspnea severity decreased by 17.5, 18.2, 20.1 20.5, 24.2, and 28.1%, respectively. The increase in exercise tolerance was 22.1, 22.6, and 29.2%. An improvement in intracardiac hemodynamics was noted. The LVEF increased by 17.1, 20.5, and 24.6%, and the myocardial mass index decreased by 8.7, 14.2, and 17.4%. The total peripheral vascular resistance, degree of pulmonary hypertension, and duration and frequency of painless myocardial ischemia significantly decreased. The best results were obtained in group 3 using nebivolol, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system antagonists, and a combination of long-acting bronchodilators. Therapy was well tolerated by all study groups, with no serious adverse side effects.

CONCLUSION: The inclusion of nebivolol and losartan in basic therapy, while taking long-acting bronchodilators, improves the clinical and functional states of patients and quality of life, and slows down disease progression. When used in a fixed combination, the use of aclidinium and formoterol improves spirometry to a greater extent.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):17-26
pages 17-26 views

Predictors of microalbuminuria in workers of locomotive crews: prospective observational study

Lazutkina A.Y.


BACKGROUND: Cardiorenal relationships are one of the key problems in cardiology and nephrology. Microalbuminuria is a symptom of kidney pathologies and cardiovascular diseases. Studying the causes of microalbuminuria will help in solving the issue of pathological cardiorenal relationships.

AIM: To study the causes of the origin of microalbuminuria on the group of locomotive crews employees of the Trans-Baikal Railway.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Predictors of microalbuminuria were established using data from a 6-year prospective follow-up of 22 clinical and anamnestic items in a natural cohort group of initially healthy 7,959 men (workers of locomotive crews) aged 18–66 years. A confusion matrix, multivariate regression model, and relative risk assessment were used for this purpose.

RESULTS: Microalbuminuria was found to be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history of early cardiovascular disease, grade I–II retinopathy, and smoking. The established predictors of microalbuminuria showed statistical heterogeneity in different analyses, referring to the significance of their assessment in the models used.

CONCLUSION: The statistical heterogeneity of microalbuminuria predictors of is probably determined by and related to their qualitative characteristics and the unique implementation of their damaging effect in the formation and progression of microalbuminuria at the cellular level. The results of the study showed the need to continue the examination of predictors of microalbuminuria using other statistical analysis tools until their unique specific characteristics are known and the effects of damage on the formation of this pathological symptom are clarified.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):27-36
pages 27-36 views


Skin autofluorescence as an indicator of advanced glycation end-product accumulation in the prognosis of age-related cardiovascular disease: literature review

Lebedev P.A., Davydova N.A., Paranina E.V., Skuratova M.A.


Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are represented by heterogeneous molecular structures and their accumulation in organs and tissues reflects the intensity of oxidative stress and glycemia. As a physiological process, aging is associated with AGE accumulation and changing the morphology and functions of the vascular wall. Accelerated AGE accumulation initiates inflammation, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as arterial hypertension, coronary heart diseases, and atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries; conditions associated with high cardiovascular risks such as prediabetes, diabetes mellitus type 2, and chronic kidney diseases are also characterized by the accelerated AGEs accumulation. The ability of AGEs to fluorescence underlies noninvasively in blood serum, tissues, and skin using a well-proven technique of autofluorescence, which is little known to domestic specialists. This review presents the possibilities of autofluorescence to reflect arterial wall remodeling, which includes stiffness, vascular endothelial function, atherosclerotic plaque formation, and instability, using modern materials. The review emphasizes the evidence base regarding the ability of this method to predict mortality and cardiovascular events in a large population from low to high risk.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):37-48
pages 37-48 views

Relationship between the mechanisms of atherosclerosis and prostate cancer: literature review

Pomeshkina S.A., Barbarash O.L., Pomeshkin E.V., Bragin-Maltsev A.I.


Cardiovascular disease and cancer remain the leading causes of hospitalization and death worldwide. Prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most common malignant diseases in men. Epidemiological studies have shown that the majority of patients with PC die not from cancer but from cardiovascular diseases, particularly coronary heart disease. In recent years, several studies have examined the relationship between atherosclerosis and PC, suggesting a stronger relationship than previously thought. Processing characteristics of the development and progression of both diseases include dysregulation of cell proliferation, oxidative stress, genetic changes, and inflammation. Despite conflicting data on the role of high cholesterol levels in the development of PC over the past decade, numerous studies have confirmed its importance in PC development and progression; meanwhile, statins have confirmed their value in reducing the risk of disease development and progression. The presented data confirm the need for a thorough assessment of cardiovascular risk factors, the presence of concomitant cardiovascular diseases in patients with PC, and the use of methods for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with atherosclerosis to reduce cardiovascular risk and inhibit PC progression.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):49-58
pages 49-58 views

Clinical, electrophysiological, molecular, and genetic characteristics of patients with Wolf–Parkinson–White syndrome: literature review

Tolstokorova Y.A., Nikulina S.Y., Chernova A.A.


The Wolf–Parkinson–White (WPW) syndrome is a condition with early excitation of the heart ventricles due to the conduction of an electrical pulse along the atrioventricular pathway, such as the Kent, James bundle, and Mahaim fibers; the pulse is usually accompanied by supraventricular tachycardia, atrioventricular reciprocal tachycardia in 95% of cases, and fibrillation, atrial flutter, and other supraventricular tachycardia in other cases. WPW syndrome can be observed in patients of any age, approximately 1–30 per 10,000 people, with male predominance. The disease affects 0.15–0.25% of the population. Sudden cardiac death occurs in one patient per 1000 annually, and sometimes this is the first "business card" of the disease. This is mainly due to the lightning-fast formation of life-threatening arrhythmias, for example, with the transformation of atrial fibrillation into ventricular fibrillation. The morphological substrate is an additional atrioventricular connection. Currently, transcatheter radiofrequency ablation is the standard of the interventional treatment of WPW syndrome. WPW syndrome has a diverse etiology. Numerous studies reported that genetics play a significant role in the development of WPW syndrome. Several genetic predictors of WPW syndrome are presented in the modern literature, which may be relevant in predicting and diagnosing hidden forms of this syndrome, such as course, development of symptoms and manifestations, and reduction of the risks of sudden cardiac death.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):59-66
pages 59-66 views

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: literature review

Surikova N.A., Glukhova A.S.


The objective of this article was to analyze and summarize the available data on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome as a risk factor for the occurrence and aggravation of the cardiovascular system diseases. This review presents the materials of domestic and foreign authors about risk factors and their prevention. 52 different literature sources were used — articles published in the international citation databases PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, as well as fundamental research published in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), monographs. The data were selected by keywords: "cardiovascular diseases", "risk factors", "arterial hypertension", "chronic cardiac insufficiency", "atrial fibrillation", "apnea". Materials whose authorship has not been established, textbooks, near-scientific Internet resources, as well as those that do not correspond to the subject of the study were excluded from the analysis. Sleep apnea is a widespread, but not often detected disease among patients with cardiovascular pathologies. Further study of methods of diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea is a promising direction in terms of working on risk factors and the effectiveness of cardiovascular diseases treatment.

CardioSomatics. 2023;14(1):67-76
pages 67-76 views

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