ESCHERICHIA COLI phenotypic characteristics and antagonistic activity in opisthorchiasis invasion

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Opisthorchis felineus invasion in human causes inflammatory and dyskinetic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by altered phenotypic characteristics in colon microbiota. The aim of research — study an impact of the Escherichia coli isolate phenotypic characteristics on Klebsiella spp. bacteria, isolated from colonic contents of patients with diagnosed opisthorchiasis as well as E. coli antagonistic activity. Materials and methods. The phenotypic properties of 54 E. coli isolates and 8 genus Klebsiella isolates obtained from colonic contents of patients with diagnosed opisthorchiasis were assessed. Identification of isolates and analysis of proteomic profiles were performed using Maldi BioTyper 3.0 software. 204 co-cultivation datasets were analyzed investigating antagonistic activity of E. coli isolates with varying properties on Klebsiella spp. E. coli and Klebsiella spp. isolates were examined by whole genome sequencing. Results. E. coli bacteria with typical phenotypic characteristics showed significantly more prominent antagonistic activity against Klebsiella spp. A significantly higher level of antagonistic activity against K. oxytoca bacteria vs K. pneumoniae strains. The proteomic bacterial strain profiles were divided into clusters depending on the level of antagonistic activity. E. coli molecular serotyping for O- and H-antigens revealed the genes of enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive and extraintestinal pathogens in 60.0% of cases. Strains with the highest antagonistic activity index, which are carriers of the genes typical to enterotoxigenic E. coli sequence serotypes O6:H1 and O6:H5, were identified. The genome of such strains consisted of the largest number of virulence gene complexes: adhesins, invasins, toxins, bacteriocins. Multilocus sequence typing and sequence serotyping of E. coli and K. pneumoniae strains established their heterogeneity; K. oxytoca isolates were identified as ST242 and ST176. All strains were characterized by homology of antibiotic resistance markers (oqxA, oqxB, fosA) and a variety of beta-lactam resistance gene variants. Conclusion. It was found that E. coli isolates with typical phenotypic characteristics and carriers of virulence gene complexes exhibited significantly more pronounced antagonistic activity against Klebsiella spp. isolated from colonic contents of patients with diagnosed opisthorchiasis.

About the authors

L. V. Kataeva

Tyumen Region Infection Pathology Research Institute

Author for correspondence.

DSc (Medicine), Head Researcher, Head of the Bacteriogical Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tyumen

N. F. Karpukhina

Tyumen Region Infection Pathology Research Institute


Biologist, Bacteriogical Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tyumen

A. A. Vakarina

Tyumen Region Infection Pathology Research Institute


PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher, Bacteriogical Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tyumen

O. N. Kolotova

Tyumen Region Infection Pathology Research Institute


Junior Researcher, Bacteriological Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tyumen

T. F. Stepanova

Tyumen Region Infection Pathology Research Institute


DSc (Medicine), Professor, Director

Russian Federation, Tyumen

K. B. Stepanova

Tyumen Region Infection Pathology Research Institute


PhD (Medicine), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Clinics and Immunology of Biohelminthiasis

Russian Federation, Tyumen


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. The pattern of E. coli isolates obtained from large intestine contents of patients with diagnosed opisthorchiasis based on phenotypic characteristics, %

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3. Figure 2. Comparative characteristics of IAA of E. coli isolates differing in phenotypic properties, daily dynamics, %

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4. Figure 3. Dendrograms of E. coli strains with low IAA 20 (A) and high — IAA > 70 (B) Примечание. *Цифрами обозначены отдельные кластеры E. coli.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Kataeva L.V., Karpukhina N.F., Vakarina A.A., Kolotova O.N., Stepanova T.F., Stepanova K.B.

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