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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts are submitted to the Editor via “Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity” Online Submission and Editorial System ( in accordance with its requirements on the preparation of papers. Please visit the Instructions to Authors in order to submit the manuscript correctly. The journal accepts the following types of publications:


Original article

The article should present the results of the complete study. Manuscript should not exceed 20 typeset pages including figures, tables and references.

The article must include the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussions, acknowledgements.

Introduction includes aims and objectives of the study.

Materials and methods are presented in separate paragraphs with short subtitles.

All nonstandard and noncommercial tests, methods and techniques should be described with enough detail. It is necessary for all reagents, animals, cell cultures etc. used in the research to indicate its producers and/or sources (the names of country, company and institute)

Present the results in logical sequence in separate paragraphs divided by subtitles, without discussions, repetition of methods, duplication of digital data presented in tables and figures.

In the discussion the detailed data analysis of the research is presented against literature data.

This provides validation of authors’ conclusions and findings.

Acknowledgments is an optional section but highly preferable.

In this section the authors may thank the organizations, which subsidized the research, colleagues, who consulted them during the study and/or writing the manuscript as well as the technical stuff who provided help during the research.

Materials and Methods section usually contains the acknowledgments for providing specific reagents and equipment


Brief Communications

The journal publishes short research articles of absolute novelty and significance.

These articles are peer-reviewed and published in short terms.

The volume is limited to 8 typeset pages with no more than 3 figures and/or tables. References should be limited to 15. The title page is organized as noted above. Brief communication is organized as described for original article above but no subheadings are allowed. Results can be included in Discussion section.


Reviews and lectures

Reviews and lectures are mainly ordered by the Editors or can be recommended by a member of the editorial board.

For detailed information on review preparation rules, please consult the Editors


Bibliographical standards


Journal article

Salina T.Yu., Morozova T.I. Immunological methods in differential diagnostics. Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, 2011, vol. 88, no. 11, pp. 50–53. [In Russ.]

Book (Monograph)
Shurygina I.A., Chesnokova M.V., Klimov V.T. Рseudotuberculosis. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2003. 320 p. [In Russ.]

English references

Turenne C.Y., Wallace R., Behr M.A. Mycobacterium avium in the postgenomic era. Clin. Microb. Rev., 2007, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 205–229.
Goodman J.W., Parslow T.G. Immunoglobulin proteins. Basic and Clinical Immunology. Ed. Stites D.P., Terr A.I., Parslow T.G. Appletion & Lange, 1994, pp. 66–79.

Indicate the references within the text, figures and tables by Arabic numerals in square brackets [1, 2, 3,...]. Do not include references to theses, synopses of theses or papers collections, local guidance documents. Number of sources is unlimited. The names of all authors of the paper should be listed in each reference. Do not include unpublished works in the reference list.

Symbols, abbreviations and units of measurement

No more than 3-5 nonstandard abbreviations for frequently used compound terms and names must be defined in the parenthesis at first occurrence of the terms. Standard abbreviations are used in relevant transcriptions. For example for  term ‘interleukin’ the abbreviation ‘IL’ is used no Russian version ‘ИЛ’, as well as, no ‘ТНФ’or ‘ФНО’ but ‘TNF’, no ‘СД’ but ‘CD’. Names of germs are presented in original transcription in italics (E. coli, Streptococcus pyogenes). Units of measurement are used without dot after standard abbreviations (s, h, cm, mg, ml, kDa, etc.).


Artwork should be original (have not been already published) It should be no more than 8 illustrations (tables and figures) in the article. The publication of large amount of illustrations is paid by the author.

Publication of color illustrations (regardless the number of illustrations) also is paid by the author.


Illustration size:

-          maximum height – 210 mm

-          maximum width for one column – 82 mm, for two columns – 170 mm


Tables Each table is submitted in a separate file. Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals independently of figures (graphs and photographs). Title is placed above the table. In tables you should use one or several asterisks (*) for footnotes. Explanation is typed after respective number of asterisks (*) beneath the table. Units of measurement, if necessary, are included in lines’ and columns’ headings.


Figures (graphs and photographs) In the text figures’ (graphs’ and photographs’) and table’ titles are placed immediately after the paragraph containing its first reference. All figures are numbered consequently in Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text. Figures’ titles and notes should be listed in a separate file. In the list should be stated the following: figure’s number, title (capitalized), text of the notes (for microphotographs magnification should be specified). Captions should be short but sufficiently informative. Figures may be submitted in tiff (a resolution at least 300 dpi at 100% scale), .esp or .ai formats. Image data embedded in Word file will not be accepted. Graphs and diagrams are submitted together with the tables on which they were created, or with number identification of indexes represented by respective graphical elements (columns, sectors etc.). in .doc or,  preferably, in .xls file.


Payment for publication

Publication is free for authors and the institution subject to the publication rules of Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity. The editors may demand payment in following cases 1) publication of color illustrations; 2) large amount of image data (more than 8 figures).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • Submitting an article authors guarantee that presented data haven’t been formerly published in whole or in part in any form, place or language. Authors also guarantee that a manuscript hasn’t been submitted to other magazines. After a manuscript is accepted to publication in Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity it cannot be published in whole or in part in any form, place or language without journal administration approval. Exceptions can be made in following cases: 1) preliminary or subsequent publication of article material in thesis format or in the form of an abstract; 2) data presented in a manuscript is used as part of a lecture or review; 3) author uses data presented in a manuscript in his dissertation, book or monograph. Presentation of a publication in whole or in part in any form is not allowed without written publisher permission. Violation of the law will be prosecuted. Protected by RF law № 5351-1 «Copyright and related rights» from 09.07.93.

  • The file containing manuscript should be in .doc, .docx or .rtf format.

  • Apart from the file containing manuscript the following files should also be provided:  

    1) Metadata file (it is entitled “Metadata” when you upload this file to the system):

      • Surname, name, family name, academic degree, academic status, position of author in charge of further communication with the editors (in Russian and English languages).
      • Name of an institution where author in charge works (both Russian and official English variants).
      • Mail address and postal index for further correspondence (in Russian and English languages) 
      • Phone number, fax number (indicating country and city code), e-mail.
      • Surname and initials of the other co-authors, their academic degrees, academic statuses and positions.
      • Full name of a submitted manuscript.
      • Number of pages, number of figures and number of tables. 
      • Indicate an appropriate journal part for your work: lecture, review, original article, short message. 
      • Submission date.
      • All authors signatures.

    2) Scanned copy of metadata file signed by all authors (it is entitled “Authors’ signatures” when you upload this file to the system).

    3) Title page (it is entitled “Title page” when you upload this file to the system, according to following form:

    • Name of a manuscript (full-length name) (in Russian and English languages);
    • Surname, name, family name, academic degree, academic status, position of all authors (full-length) (in Russian and English languages);
    • Name of department and institution where the work was conducted (In case authors are from different institutions, institutions should be enumerated by order starting from number 1,   respective figure is placed after author’s name representing the institution. In English part of an article Latin letters (a, b, c, d etc.) are used for marking instead of figures;
    • contracted name of a manuscript for a header (35 symbols maximum, including spaces and punctuation marks) (in Russian and English languages);
    • 6 key words minimum in both Russian and English languages;
    • address for further correspondence indicating phone number, fax number and e-mail address.

    4) Abstract (it is entitled “Abstract” when you upload this file to the system) in one paragraph without references and specific acronyms for a minimum of 300 words. Abstract in full also should be represented in English. In particular cases by the decision of editorial board an expanded version of abstract in English can be requested.


    5) Figures, if any, each in a separate file (it is entitled “Figure. Figure name (figure name should comply with figure name in the file). Figure sequence number.” when you upload this file to the system)


    6) A file in .doc, .docx or .rtf format with a list containing figure number, title (capitilized), comments (for microphotographs magnification should be specified). Captions should be short but sufficiently informative. 


    7) Tables, if any - each in a separate file (Name of each table should be written in a title of the file containing this table)


    8) File containing list of references (it is entitled “Literature” when you upload this file to the system) according to following form:

    Reference sequence number

    Authors, title of a publication and source where it was published, publisher's imprint

     Full name, title of a publication and source in English

     Reference’s URL

     Arranged in alphabetical order in a table, first Russian-language

    references, than references in languages with Latin script

    Filled in compliance with bibliographic standard according to Authors Guidelines, located on “About journal” page

    Official English title of a publication and source where it was published - for Russian-language manuscripts. In rare instances, when official English title is nonexistent (it is possible for such publications as thesis, books etc.)

    - Editorial stuff requests its translation in red font color. For English-language publications place dash in this column. 

    If article information is not located on a journal’s official site, it is allowed to use off-site URL, for example URL from system, PubMed



  • Text is typed with one and a half line spacing using the font at 14 points; the text employs italics, rather than underlining as emphasis (except for Internet addresses); all references on illustrations, diagrams and tables are in respective places in text rather than at the end of the document.

  • The text corresponds to all stylistic and bibliographic standards, described in Authors Guidelines, located on “About journal” page.

  • Submitting a manuscript to a reviewed journal section, you confirm that you agree with the requirements of Blind review, for more information visit Review section on “About journal” page.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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