Prediction of inflammation in hemodialysis patients using neural network analysis

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Background. Numerous hemodialysis patients (HD) suffer from severe, life-threatening inflammation that must be treated to prevent further complications. Early diagnosis of inflammation in HD is highly needed. The present study used matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP3) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP1) to differentiate between patients with/without inflammation using the neural network analysis (NN).

Methods. The positive results of C-reactive protein were used as a criterion for the presence of inflammation in the patients (HD+CRP) versus the negative group (HD-CRP). The NN analysis was used to discriminate between groups using the measured biomarkers.

Results. HD+CRP patients have a higher duration of disease, MMP3 and lower calcium than the HD-CRP level is significantly higher, while vitamin D is significantly lower in the HD+CRP group compared with both other groups (all p<0.05). TIMP1 is significantly correlated with inorganic phosphate and CRP. In NN#1, the model for the prediction of HD+CRP from HD-CRP has an area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) of 0.907 with a sensitivity and specificity 89.2% and a specificity of 100.0%. The top predicting variable for the prediction of HD+CRP is MMP3 (100%), followed by creatinine (87.1%). MMP3 is linked to the pathophysiology of HD, at least through their correlation with the inflammation in HD. In NN#2, the AUC of the ROC for predicting the kidney disease and subsequent HD was 98.9%, with a sensitivity of 100.0% and a specificity of 97.1%. The top four predicting variables for the prediction of high risk of inflammation in HD patients are urea (100%), creatinine (100%), MMP3 (59.7%), and vitamin D (57.1%).

Conclusion. The NN analysis may differentiate between HD patients with inflammation from the HD without inflammation. Also, the measured parameters, especially MMP3, TIMP1, and vitamin D are useful as a diagnostic tools for the kidney diseases and inflammation linked with the disease.

About the authors

Hadi H. Hadi

University of Kufa

Author for correspondence.

Researcher, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Iraq, Najaf

Hawraa H. Al-Mayali

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University



Iraq, Najaf

Habiba K. Abdalsada

Al-Muthanna University


Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy

Iraq, Al-Muthanna

Shatha R. Moustafa

Hawler Medical University


Professor, Clinical Analysis Department, College of Pharmacy

Iraq, Havalan

Abbas F. Almulla

The Islamic University


Assistant Professor, Medical Laboratory Technology Department, College of Medical Technology

Iraq, Najaf

Hussein K. Al-Hakeim

University of Kufa

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6143-5196

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Iraq, Najaf


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. Results of neural network 1 (NN#1) (importance chart) with HD+CRP and HD–CRP as output variables and biomarkers as input variables Note. B.ur — Blood urea, Ca — calcium, eGFR — estimated glomerular filtration rate, Mg — Magnesium, Pi — inorganic phosphate, MMP3 — matrix metalloproteinase-3, S.Cr — serum creatinine, TIMP1 — tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, U.A. — uric acid.

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3. Figure 2. Results of neural network 2 (NN#2) (importance chart) with HD and healthy controls as output variables and biomarkers as input variables Note. B.ur — Blood urea, Ca — calcium, eGFR — estimated glomerular filtration rate, Mg — Magnesium, Pi — inorganic phosphate, MMP3 — matrix metalloproteinase-3, S.Cr — serum creatinine, TIMP1 — tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1, U.A. — uric acid.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Hadi H.H., Al-Mayali H.H., Abdalsada H.K., Moustafa S.R., Almulla A.F., Al-Hakeim H.K.

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