The fourth ethical comment towards COVID-19 (three years later). Trust and faith: social and moral profile of vaccination

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The summarizing up the semantic and systemic results should comprise the next phase to provide insights into COVID-19 pandemic and consider it as a modern epidemic and humanitarian crisis on global level. The journal «Infection and Immunity» regularly and consistently present the results of ethically viewed legal framework of the pandemic and the administrative regulation of the public health system. Analysis and ethical assessment of the situation covers a wide range of issues, including the provision and operational adaptation of the regulatory framework, the problems of medical care, the processes and conditions for developing diagnostics, treatment and prevention, as well as all aspects related to the organization and implementing vaccination. Three previous ethical comments presented in 2020–2022 during the pandemic were devoted to these issues. Current study within the framework of the «fourth ethical commentary» follows directly from the data obtained while evaluating and analysing real-world experience on vaccination in the context of a regional cluster — the CIS member states, presented in the previous article. The perceived need and obvious significance of the study is to highlight objective factors of vulnerability in the vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify the response spectrum to form trust/or distrust to vaccination in various sectors of society, depending on a set of social and moral factors, including those coupled to a religious denomination. The data obtained are of paramount importance to find the moral ways to support and stabilize a responsible attitude with the aim to protect moral, social and physical health in emergency situations.

About the authors

Olga I. Kubar

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Author for correspondence.

DSc (Medicine), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Etiology and Control of Viral Infections; Member of the Russian Committee on Bioethics (RCB); ex-member of the International Committee on Bioethics

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Galina L. Mikirtichan

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


DSc (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines and Bioethics

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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