Epidemiology and course of infectious diseases during the covid-19 pandemic. Report 2. Interference engaged between SARS-COV-2 and acute respiratory viral infections

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Currently, the disease caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and the possibility of co-infection with SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens in the current epidemic situation continues to be of particular interest. The review, based on the analysis of literature and own materials, outlines the features of the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 and pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Particular attention is paid to the combined course of COVID-19 and influenza, a comparative characteristic of the severity of the clinical picture. An assessment of the epidemic situation against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic in foreign countries and the Russian Federation (RF) revealed the presence of the phenomenon of SARS-CoV-2 interference with other viral respiratory agents, based on the facts of a sharp suppression of the circulation of influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other ARVI pathogens during the period of active spread of pandemic coronavirus. The main epidemiological indicators of the course of coronavirus infection were compared and the contribution of various pathogens to the etiology of acute respiratory viral infections during the development of the second wave of COVID-19 in the RF was assessed. It was noted that the decrease in the number of new cases by 11.4 and deaths by 2.1 times due to COVID-19 at 6 and 13 weeks in 2022 occurred with unchanged laboratory detection of the influenza virus (0.8%) and an increase in the frequency detection of pathogens of other SARS. The results of observations showed that against the background of a decrease in the incidence of COVID-19, there was no increase in the proportion of diagnosed cases of infections caused by other pathogens, especially influenza. The results obtained confirm the need to ensure effective epidemiological surveillance and additional application of pathogen identification methods for monitoring various ARVI, which can significantly affect the approach to differential diagnosis, patient management tactics and the decision on appropriate preventive measures.

About the authors

Ekaterina V. Boeva

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Email: kathrine.boeva@gmail.com

PhD (Medicine), Assistant Professor, Department of Socially Significant Infections; Infectious Disease Doctor, Head of Department of Chronic Viral Infection in North-West District Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14; St. Petersburg

Nikolay A. Belyakov

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Email: beliakov.akad.spb@yandex.ru

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, RAS Full Member, Head of the Department of Socially Significant Infections; Chief Researcher of the Institute of Experimental Medicine; Head of North-West District Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14; St. Petersburg

Olga E. Simakina

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Email: r154ao@gmail.com

PhD (Biology), Researcher, Laboratory of Immunology and Virology of HIV infection

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14

Daria M. Danilenko

Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza

Email: daria.danilenko@influenza.spb.ru

PhD (Biology), Deputy Director for Scientific Work

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14

Dmitry A. Lioznov

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza

Author for correspondence.
Email: dlioznov@yandex.ru

PhD, MD (Medicine), Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14; St. Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure. Number of influenza positive samples in the years 2017/2018–2020/2021 in China (city of Ningbo) [22]

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Copyright (c) 2022 Boeva E.V., Belyakov N.A., Simakina O.E., Danilenko D.M., Lioznov D.A.

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