Leptospirosis in Vietnam

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Leptospirosis poses a serious public health problem in many countries because about 1 million people suffer annually from this severe, often fatal, infection. At present, its importance has been increasing due to development of integration processes, globalization and intensification of economic activities, inevitable anthropogenic transformation of landscapes as well as rise in number of people with occupational risk of pathogen exposure. The burden of human leptospirosis is expected to rise with demographic shifts and climate change that result in heavy rainfall and flooding. Regarding leptospirosis, Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, is among the most vulnerable global regions. The objective of the review was to analyze available published data on the spread of leptospirosis in Vietnam. More than 100 research articles were analyzed allowing to state that in Vietnam synanthropic rodents (rats), agricultural (buffaloes, cattle, pigs) and domestic animals (cats, dogs) are the main sources of leptospirosis infection in humans. It is essential that rats (cats and dogs also) in Vietnam are used for food. Among all farm animals, pigs are of maximal importance as a source of infection in humans. In Vietnam, Leptospira prevalence in pigs varies widely, up to 73%. It depends significantly on the location, farm size, age and gender of animals, etc. A large variety of Leptospira serovars have been identified in pigs in Vietnam: Tarassovi, Bratislava, Australis, Javanica, Autumnalis, Grippotyphosa, and some others. Official Vietnam reporting of leptospirosis cases based on clinical data does not reflect the real-life incidence rate in humans. However, the available seroprevalence studies reveal that, on average, about 10% of the Vietnamese population are infected with Leptospira. Work in agriculture is the dominant risk factor for acquiring this infection. The highest Leptospira seroprevalence rates were detected in farmers, 63.2%. Serovar diversity is typical for pathogenic Leptospira circulating in Vietnam. In humans, the most frequent are antibodies to Hebdomadis, Wolffi and Icterohaemorrhagiae, but the frequency varied markedly across the country depending on the site, possibly with relation to the environment, as well as with economic activity of the local population. In Vietnam, geographic, climatic and social differences between northern, central and southern regions contribute to the specificity of local leptospirosis epidemiology. This emphasizes the advisability of developing special measures for leptospirosis prevention taking into account regional peculiarities.

About the authors

N. K. Tokarevich

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Email: zoonoses@mail.ru

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Zoonoses

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14

O. V. Blinova

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute

Author for correspondence.
Email: zoonoses@mail.ru

PhD (Chemistry), Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Zoonoses

Russian Federation, 197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14


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