The COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review of the current evidence

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Introduction. An epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) begun in December 2019 in China, causing primary concern. One of the important issues is its rapid spread around the world. Among the questions raised, disease epidemiology, clinical, laboratory symptoms and radiological findings and treatment of COVID-19 disease have been identified in some studies. But no systematic review on current evidences about COVID-19 has been published.

Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the COVID-19 epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.

Data sources. We performed a systematic review of the literature, using the keywords: “coronavirus” and “2020”, “COVID-19” in databases: Science Direct, PubMed, Springer and Scopus during January 1, 2020 to February 23, 2020.

Study Selection. All observational studies, as well as case reports and editorial that published in English were include. Data Extraction. Data on the disease control methods of COVID-19 were extracted by multiple observers.

Results. 131 articles were retrieved. After screening by abstract and title, 58 articles were selected for full-text assessment. Of them, 43 were finally included for review. The COVID-19 has spread rapidly and can be transmitted via close human-to-human contact via nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal droplets. The COVID-19, causing considerable problems, especially in patients with comorbidities and old patients. Fever, cough, sore throat and diarrhea are the main clinical features of this emerging disease. The most common radiological finding is bilateral ground-glass view and Lopinavir and Ritonavir are among the antiviral drugs used.

Conclusion. COVID-19 is a new clinical infectious disease and can be a serious problem for health systems. Additional research is needed to elucidate factors that may mediate the pathogenesis of the severe and fatal associated disease.

About the authors

R. Ghomi

9 Dey Manzariyeh Hospital, Isfahan University of medical science

Iran, Islamic Republic of

N. Asgari

9 Dey Manzariyeh Hospital, Isfahan University of medical science

Author for correspondence.

Narges Asgari

Iran, Islamic Republic of

A. Hajiheydari

9 Dey Manzariyeh Hospital, Isfahan University of medical science

Iran, Islamic Republic of

R. Esteki

9 Dey Manzariyeh Hospital, Isfahan University of medical science

Iran, Islamic Republic of

F. Biyabanaki

9 Dey Manzariyeh Hospital, Isfahan University of medical science

Iran, Islamic Republic of

F. Nasirinasab

9 Dey Manzariyeh Hospital, Isfahan University of medical science

Iran, Islamic Republic of


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