Pattern of resilient age-related measles immunity

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Epidemiological situation describing global measles spread is ambiguous. Along with countries succeeded in measles eradication, there are those wherein measles rate remains at quite high level. Because measles is a vaccine-preventable infection, it may then be eradicated solely by ensuring sufficient population coverage with preventive vaccination. The aim of our study was to assess level of measles immunity in medical workers at the Clinics of Samara State Medical University as well as the Samara State Medical University. There were enrolled 1503 subjects (aged 18–79 years), among which all individuals under 55 (77.58%) but not older counterparts provided with medical record on previous measles vaccination or measles infection. Level of serum measles virus-specific IgG antibodies was measured by using ELISA (VektoKor-IgG, JSC Vector-Best, Novosibirsk), with mean concentration ranging in general population within 1.02±0.02 IU/ ml. Positive results were observed in 72.52% of the examined individuals. Average vs. high measles virus-specific IgG level was detected in 52.90% (mean age — 41.4±0.5 years) and 19.62% (mean age — 54.2±0.72 years) of individuals, whereas at level below threshold — in 27.48% of subjects (mean age — 33.25±0.53 years). Thus, in 34.16% of the surveyed vaccinated individuals mostly presented by young subjects contained anti-measles virus-specific antibodies below protective level. Older age groups were shown to increase in average IgG amount with age. Interestingly, age-related measles immunity pattern was observed: percentage of subjects with high vs. low measles virus-specific IgG level increases and decreases, respectively. Taking into consideration a large percentage of subjects previously vaccinated against measles among carriers of low measles immunity, it may be concluded that measles virus-specific IgG antibody level must be monitored in young adulthood to decide of whether subsequent revaccination is necessary.

About the authors

A. G. Sonis

Samara State Medical University of MH RF; Clinics of Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2148-6754

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Vice Rector for Clinical Work, Head of the Department of General Surgery, Samara State Medical University; Medical Director, Clinics of Samara State Medical University


Russian Federation

O. A. Gusyakova

Samara State Medical University of MH RF; Clinics of Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5619-4583

PhD, MD (Medicine), Head of the Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics, Samara State Medical University; Head of the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory, Clinics of Samara State Medical University


Russian Federation

F. N. Gilmiyarova

Samara State Medical University of MH RF

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5992-3609

Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics


Russian Federation

A. A. Ereshchenko

Samara State Medical University of MH RF; Clinics of Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4221-4440

Alena A. Ereshchenko, Assistant Professor, Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics, Samara State Medical University; Pathologist, Clinics of Samara State Medical University

443099, Samara, Chapayevskaya str., 89, Samara State Medical University
Phone: +7 (846) 337-04-63 (office)

Russian Federation

N. K. Ignatova

Samara State Medical University of MH RF; Clinics of Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1547-2150

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics, Samara State Medical University; Pathologist, Clinics of Samara State Medical University


Russian Federation

V. I. Kuzmicheva

Samara State Medical University of MH RF

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5232-1549

Resident Physician, Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics


Russian Federation

I. A. Borodina

Samara State Medical University of MH RF

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7115-6430

Resident Physician, Department of Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry with Laboratory Diagnostics


Russian Federation

S. S. Nenjajkin

Clinics of Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8797-6062

Head of The Department of Infectious Safety and Hygiene, Epidemiologist


Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2020 Sonis A.G., Gusyakova O.A., Gilmiyarova F.N., Ereshchenko A.A., Ignatova N.K., Kuzmicheva V.I., Borodina I.A., Nenjajkin S.S.

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