Implementation of the program of measles elimination in the WHO African region

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The review is devoted to the analysis of the available literature on the elimination of measles. The review focuses on the current measles epidemic situation in the African Region (AFR) and the implementation of the WHO strategic plan for the elimination of measles in AFR by 2020. Measles in the AFR is characterized by a severe course with a high risk of death due to malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency, concomitant bacterial and viral infections, and malaria. In 2015, 105,256 cases of measles were reported in the WHO African Region, most of them among children under 5 years old, 79% of whom were not vaccinated or had unknown vaccine status. Initially, the strategy for implementing the measles elimination program in AFRs was based on a combination of immunization campaigns for children under 14 years of age (coverage of more than 90%) and routine vaccination of at least 90% of children aged 9–15 months. It was recommended to repeat the campaign of mass immunization of children aged 9 months up to 4 years every 3–5 years. The use of this strategy has reduced the number of measles cases by 83–97% during the first year of additional immunization programs. The recommended age of routine measles vaccination in AFRs is 9 months — a strategy to reduce infant mortality, including that due to complications of measles. In 2016, measles vaccination was introduced into the national immunization schedule in all AFR countries, and 24 countries introduced revaccination. Currently, the measles elimination program in a number of AFR countries is based on two-dose immunization (MCV1 and MCV2). The measles prevention program in a number of AFR countries was disrupted due to the Ebola epidemic. There are some common problems in the realization of the program in AFR countries. All AFR countries are committed to the measles elimination program. The review provides information on strategies and successes in overcoming challenges to achieve the goals set for the WHO African Region in the implementation of the programme of measles elimination.

About the authors

J . Camara

University Gamal Abdel Nasser

Author for correspondence.

Researcher, Laboratory of Hemorrhagic Fevers,


Russian Federation

A. Yu. Antipova

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute


PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Virology, 

197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14,


M. A. Bichurina

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute


PhD, MD (Medicine), Head of the Laboratory of Etiology and Control of Viral Infections,

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

V. V. Zarubaev

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute


PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Experimental Virology, 

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

N . Magassouba

University Gamal Abdel Nasser


PhD (Biology), Head of the Laboratory of Hemorrhagic Fevers,



I. N. Lavrentieva

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute


PhD, MD (Medicine), Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Virology, 

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Camara J..., Antipova A.Y., Bichurina M.A., Zarubaev V.V., Magassouba N..., Lavrentieva I.N.

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