"THE TEACHER! BEFORE YOUR NAME..." (to the 120 th anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Ioffe)

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February 14th 2018 —  anniversary of the famous scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, great immunologist and microbiologist Vladimir Ilyich Ioffe the founder of the Russian school of clinical and epidemiological immunology. He created an authoritative Scientific School, anticipated many concepts of infectious immunology, justified and linked together theory, experiment and practical implementation of 3 fields of science: microbiology, immunology and epidemiology thus providing a fertile ground for breakthrough in infectious pathology. Ioffe has developed the principles of quantitative analysis of processes, created the methodology of titer tests to evaluate the strength of the body's defense system or organism allergization. His works have proved long before foreign scientists that scarlet fever and rheumatic fever were streptococcal infections, introduced immunogram as clinico-immunological characteristic of the patient’s disease, and reflected the patterns of disease development and manifestation. Ioffe’s publications provide comparative characteristics of experimental, clinical and epidemiological immunology as independent immunological scientific areas with its own content, aim and subject of research. Based on the wealth of experimental, clinico-immunological and epidemiological data Ioffe created such fundamental works as “Clinical and Epidemiological Immunology”, “Scarlet Fever”, “Whooping Cough”, “Immunology of Rheumatism”, which are still in the researchers’ focus of attention.

About the authors

Artem A. Totolian

Institute of Experimental Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: totolyan@hotmail.ru

Totolian Artem A. - RAS Full Member, PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Head Researcher.

197376, St. Petersburg, acad. Pavlov str., 12,Phone: +7 (812) 234-94-77

Russian Federation


  1. Вопросы иммунологии и эпидемиологии скарлатины и стрептококковых инфекций / Под ред. В.И. Иоффе. Л.: Медгиз, 1956. 227 с.
  2. Жаботинский Ю.М., Иоффе В.И. Экспериментальные аллергические демиелинизирующие заболевания нервной системы. Медгиз, Л., 1975. 264 c.
  3. Иоффе В.И. Иммунология ревматизма. Л.: Медгиз, 1962. 356 с.
  4. Иоффе В.И. Клиническая и эпидемиологическая иммунология. Л.: Медгиз, 1968. 373 с.
  5. Иоффе В.И. Скарлатина: микробиологическая и иммунологическая характеристика. М.: АМН СССР, 1948. 439 с. [Ioffe V.I. Skarlatina: mikrobiologicheskaya i immunologicheskaya kharakteristika
  6. Иоффе В.И., Иоаннесян-Зверкова Б.И. Общая иммунологическая реактивность. Л.: Медгиз, 1979. 184 с. [Ioffe V.I., Ioannesyan-Zverkova B.I. Obshchaya immunologicheskaya reaktivnost’ [General immunological reactivity]. Leningrad: Medgiz, 1979. 184 p.]
  7. Иоффе В.И., Осипова П.В., Склярова Н.И., Козлова Н.А. Коклюш. Л.: Медгиз, 1964. 283 c.
  8. Опыт борьбы с дифтерией в Ленинграде / Под ред. В.И. Иоффе. Л.: Медгиз, 1962. 192 с.
  9. Тотолян А.А., Софронов Б.Н. Ученый, опередивший свое время // Вестник Российской академии медицинских наук. 1994. № 3. C. 59–62.
  10. Ioffe V.I., Rozental K.M., Totolyan A.A. Complementary nature of receptor structures of bacteriophages and sensitive bacterial cells. Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 1968, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 901–903.

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