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The publication provides an overview of current scientific and medical literature devoted to the study of mechanisms of immunopathogenesis of acne. The concept of the pathophysiology and immunopathogenesis of acne expanded significantly in recent years, many scientists have pointed out the link between the presence of acne and disorders of the endocrine, nervous, digestive and immune systems. Despite the fact that the individual links in the pathogenesis of acne are well studied, there are still questions about the role of commensal Propionibacterium acnes in the initiation and development of acne. So far there is no information on the number of P. acnes in healthy and diseased skin, the relationship between the numder of P. acnes and severity of the disease, also an important question remains unanswered — why do P. acnes cause inflammation for some people, while it don`t for the others? Despite the presence of bacterial factor in the pathogenesis of acne, there are a large number of studies showing that the nature of the patient’s immune response to P. acnes is more important than the infectious agent. For quite a long time data was received that proinflammatory cytokines play an important role in the initiation of acne. Interleukins IL-6 and IL-8 are involved in the stimulation of sebum hypersecretion, and subpopulation Th1 derived from a patient with acne, recognize P. acnes antigens. A number of recently obtained results suggest that P. acnes is a potent inducer of Th17 and Th1, and the study of the role of proinflammatory cytokines in the development of acne suggests new possibilities of acne therapy. Presented in this article is a clinical case clearly illustrates the part of the immune inflammation in acne. Prospective areas of research on the role of signaling molecules in the pathogenesis of acne are covered: such as the mechanism of action of nitric oxide on the secretion of interleukin IL-1 beta, which was shown as a dominant etiological factor in acne vulgaris, as well as an attempt to establish a link between the concentration of the neuropeptide substance P in the serum and the intensity psychological stress in the patients with acne in comparison with those in healthy persons. From the presented literature review it is shown that the immunopathogenesis of acne itself, as well as its connection with disturbances of the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems are the subject of intensive study of both dermatologists and clinical immunologists, who are inquired by patients with acne.

About the authors

A. V. Kormilitcyna

Center of Aesthetic Cosmetology “Sydney”

Author for correspondence.

General Medical Manager

191167, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Ispolkomskaya str., 9-11, Phone: +7 921 984-86-04 (mobile)

Russian Federation

N. M. Kalinina

The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine


PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Head Researcher

Russian Federation


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