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The inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases are relevant public health problem. The general characteristics of this diseases group are significant proportion of patients that does not react properly on ongoing antibiotic therapy. The reason may be various disorders of the immune system. It is known that the development of immune response to pathogen involves a complex interaction of cells and molecules of innate and adaptive immune systems. Currently dendritic cells are considered as a connecting link between innate and adaptive immunity. Toll-like receptors function and expression are intensively investigated in norm and in pathology last decade, which are the most important members of the family of signaling receptors and play an important role in the activation of mechanisms of innate immunity. Infection is one of the major factors that influence in the expression of the toll-like receptors. The level of expression directly correlates with the severity of the process. In some cases toll-like receptors allows as early markers of infection. Consider the role of the toll-like receptors in the development of normal immune response, coudn’t exclude the various defects in signal transmission systems and in the receptors structure in patients with inflammatory diseases. That is why defining the role of toll-like receptors in various diseases is advisable and in the future will allow to improve the effectiveness of the therapy. Nowadays have not generally accepted effective methods of the inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases immunocorrection, there also remains the problem of prevention and therapy. In particular, discuss the use of immunomodulators, so called “therapeutic vaccines” that have the ability to stimulate the antigen-specific response.

About the authors

E. S. Korovkina

I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Vaccination and Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases, Department of Allergology,

105064, Moscow, M. Kazionniy per., 5A

Russian Federation

S. V. Kazharova

I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera


Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Vaccination and Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases, Department of Allergology,

105064, Moscow, M. Kazionniy per., 5A

Russian Federation


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