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The analysis of Russian and foreign publications contained results of application of specific immunological methods for diagnostics of genital tuberculosis in patients with infertility has been carried out. It was established that methods of assessment of the system cellular (stimulated of gamma interferon by M. tuberculosis) and humoral (levels of specific immunoglobulins A, M, G classes) and also evaluation of the local specific immunity in patients with infertility were the perspective direction of identification and diagnostics of tuberculosis of genitals in women with infertility in time.

About the authors

A. A. Yakovleva

KUZOO Clinical TB Dispensary No. 4, Omsk

Author for correspondence.
Email: yakovleva_n_83@mail.ru
врач фтизиатр-гинеколог КУЗОО Клинический противотуберкулезный диспансер № 4 Russian Federation

A. V. Mordyk

Omsk state medical academy, Omsk

Email: fake@neicon.ru
д.м.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой фтизиатрии и фтизиохирургии ОмГМА Russian Federation


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