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The number of patients with chronic intestinal failure including «short bowel syndrome» (SBS) who require long-term parenteral nutrition (PN) is growing now. 10-year experience of authors in providing home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in Russia shows that HPN is cost-saving method that improves prognosis of patients. The effect of skin-tunneled catheters and venous port-systems in hospital and home PN was analyzed in the open prospective study. 23 PN periods in 20 children were studied. The incidence of catheter-associated infections was 2.58 for 1000 catheter-days for tunneled catheter or port. It was shown that skin-tunneled central venous catheters (CVC) and port-systems reduce the incidence of all infectious complications by 10 cases (p=0.033) per 1000 catheter-days in average, the incidence of catheter-related system infections by 9 cases (p=0.004), the incidence of technical complications by 5 cases (p=0.005) per 1000 catheter-days if compared with standard CVC. Our results make it possible to recommend the use of skin-tunneled CVC and port-systems as a method of choice for patients requiring long-term PN.

About the authors

A. I. Chubarova

Russian National Research Medical university named after N.I. Pirogov; Children's City Hospital named after N.F. Filatov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

E. A. Kostomarova

Bashlyaevskaja Pediatric City Hospital; Russian National Research Medical university named after N.I. Pirogov

Russian Federation

N. S. Zhikhareva

Bashlyaevskaja Pediatric City Hospital

Russian Federation

E. R. Radchenko

Bashlyaevskaja Pediatric City Hospital

Russian Federation


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