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Том 6, № 1 (2016) Social Geography The difference of food consumption in Russia’s regions
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Regional Development The geoeconomic factor in shaping the spatial pattern of St. Petersburg’s coastal area
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Population Geography The role of migration in enhancing settlement pattern contrasts at the municipal level in Russia
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Population Geography Econometric analysis of factors of internal migration in Russia
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Population Geography Migration activity and adaptation of Russian regional populations
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Population Geography The ethnic map of Stavropol krai: Space–time dynamics for the last half-century
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Urban Geography Evolution of the types of shopping and spatial organization of retail trade in the post-Soviet metropolis
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Political Geography The barrier function of Russia’s borders
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development On the development of structural reform for Russian rail transport
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Geography of Resource Use Management Hydro-economic problems of Crimea and their solutions
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Urban Geography Seasonal pulsation of settlement pattern in the Moscow agglomeration under the influence of dacha and work commuting: Approaches to studies and assessment
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Urban Geography Housing construction dynamics in the 2010s as a factor of transformation of the Moscow agglomeration
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Population Geography Labor markets and the role of otkhodnichestvo in the employment of rural inhabitants of Russia’s Non-Chernozem Zone
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Social Geography Regional and settlement aspects in the structure of nonfinancial wealth of Russian Households
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Regional Development Alternatives to transport support for development of Russia’s Arctic shelf
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Regional Development Russian–Chinese agricultural cooperation in the Russian Far East
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Innovative territory as a basic element in the spatial structure of the national innovation system
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Regional Policy Determining the direction of improving regional innovation policy
Том 6, № 1 (2016) Geographical Atlas of Russia Transformation of agricultural land use in Russian regions in the course of modern socioeconomic reforms
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Variations in Social-Economic Development by Region Crises in post-Soviet Russia: Regional projection
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Variations in Social-Economic Development by Region Comparative analysis of labor productivity in Russian regions
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Variations in Social-Economic Development by Region Assessment of Russian regions by level of innovative development
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Spatial Development Territorial organization of the population and economy of Russia on the brink of tectonic shifts
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Urban Geography Migration attractiveness of cities in the post-Soviet space: A case study of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Urban Geography Structural and economic typology of large Russian cities
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Urban Geography The city of Kaliningrad: Planning the future and young people’s needs
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Geographical features of the foreign electricity trade in the post-Soviet space
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Regional Policy Content and retrospective analysis of regional strategizing in Russia
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Regional Policy The phenomenon of collective foresight as a byproduct of regional strategic planning
Том 6, № 2 (2016) Geography of Nature Management Systematic evaluation of environmental and economic effectiveness of the best available technologies: Regional dimension
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Regions Assessment of diversification in the regional economy (Case study of subjects of the Siberian Federal District)
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Program for reindustrialization of the Novosibirsk Oblast Economy: Development ideology and main directions of implementation
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Regional Development Russia’s Arctic frontier: Paradoxes of development
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Regional Development On state support of the traditional economy of indigenous small-numbered Arctic peoples in Russia
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Urban Geography Capital cities and state borders: Spatial relationships and shifts
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Political Geography Russia’s borders with Abkhazia and South Ossetia on four scales: Analysis of the political discourse
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Regional Policy Municipal strategic planning in Russia in 2010–2014
Том 6, № 3 (2016) Geography of Nature Management Economic effects of the disastrous flood in the Russian Far East in 2013
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Features of regional economic development in Russia in 1999–2013
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Russian agricultural resources and the geography of their use in import-substitution conditions
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Regional disparities in the development of banking institutions
Том 6, № 4 (2016) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Chain retailing: Interregional differences and the role of foreign companies in their occurrence
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Regional Development Creating the conditions for innovation development of resource-based regions
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Population Geography Regional features of population dynamics in Russia in the post-Soviet period
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Urban Geography Housing construction in the Moscow agglomeration: Spatial equilibrium modeling
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Urban Geography Work commuting of the population in the Moscow agglomeration: Estimating commuting flows using mobile operator data
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Regional Planning Program for Reindustrialization of the Economy of Novosibirsk Oblast: Main outcomes of its development
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Regional Planning Problems of coordinating macroeconomic and regional long-term solutions
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Geography of Resource Use Management Environmental threats to Russian borderlands
Том 7, № 1 (2017) Geography of Resource Use Management Assessment of the aesthetic landscape properties for managing areas of outstanding natural beauty and historical significance
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Regional Policy Regional policy of Russia as a geographic task
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Regional Policy Growth points or black holes: How efficient are state stimulation tools for territorial development?
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Trends in the concentration of economic activity and disparities in Russia’s spatial development
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Changes in air transport connectivity of Russian cities in 1990–2015
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Deformation of the transport price field in Russia (a case study of long-haul passenger flight connections)
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Social Geography Relationship between normal and excessive personal income differentiation and regional economic performance indicators
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Social Geography New opportunities for regional development: From social tension to social cooperation
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Historic Geography Historic–geographical peculiarities of exploring Russia’s Northern and Arctic territories in the 17th–19th centuries
Том 7, № 2 (2017) Geography of Resource Use Management Economic and ecological models in Russia’s mining sector
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Spatial Development Organization of systemic monitoring of the macroregions’ development: Case study of the Russian Arctic
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Spatial Development Concept of proximity: Foreign experience and prospects of application in Russia
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Spatial Development Exterritorial and local content of regional development
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Regional Development Towards a knowledge economy: the role of innovative projects in the reindustrialization of Novosibirsk oblast
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Regional Development Policy of regional authorities in establishing petrochemical clusters of Eastern Siberia and the Far East
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Regional Development Integrated assessment of economic security in a resource region
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Urban Geography Post-Soviet urban environment: the experience of St. Petersburg
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Social Geography Economic and social reforms in the North Caucasus: Goals, limitations, problems, and results
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Social Geography Environmental and economic factors of regional variation in childhood cancer across Russia
Том 7, № 3 (2017) Historic Geography Transformation of the spatial organization of the Karelian Isthmus population 1939–1959
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Spatial Studies Schematics of Russia’s averaged regions: Modeling attempted “from below”
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Diversification of regional economic structure as growth strategy: Pros and cons
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Spatial Features of Rural Development Twenty-five years of Russia’s post-Soviet agriculture: Geographical trends and contradictions
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Spatial Features of Rural Development Strategic challenges of the development of agriculture in Russia
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Regional Development Competitive positions of a region in innovative economic development
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Regional Development Reindustrialization of the economies of rural territories (a case study of Novosibirsk oblast)
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Regional Development How the proximity of the sea affects development of economy and the settlement pattern in Kaliningrad oblast
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Social Geography Regional social assistance systems: Why and how targeting policy is introduced
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Political Geography Regional features of the dynamics and structure of terrorist activity in 1970–2012
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Political Geography Impact of crisis in Russia–Ukraine relations on cross-border interactions in Belgorod oblast
Том 7, № 4 (2017) Geography of Resource Use Management Agrarian nature management in Russian regions: Ecological and resource dissonance
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Urban Geography Relationship of Housing Construction in the Moscow Urban Agglomeration and Migration to the Metropolitan Area
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Urban Geography Demographic and Economic Asymmetry of Urban Development in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East in 1991–2014
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Urban Geography Fluctuations in the Relative Dynamics of Development of Russia’s Regional Centers in 2003–2013
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Urban Geography Population Dynamics in Towns of Leningrad Oblast: Effects of the Crisis of 2014–2016
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Social Geography Factors of Spatial Mobility in Russia
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Spatial Structure of Passenger Air Services in European Russia
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Interrelation of R&D, Knowledge Spillovers, and Dynamics of the Economic Growth of Russian Regions
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Regional Development Key Problems in the Development of the Power of Siberia Project
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Regional Development Peculiarities of Applying the Inclusive Development Concept for Resource Regions
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Regional Policy Strategic Planning and Strategic Errors: Russian Realities and Trends
Том 8, № 1 (2018) Geography of Resource Use Management Transformation of Institutions Governing Traditional Nature Management (a Case Study of the Udege People of the Bikin River Basin)
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Urban Geography The Russian Phenomenon of Megalopolis-Type Cities
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Urban Geography Concentration of the Population and the Economy in the Capitals of Post-Soviet Countries
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Urban Geography A Big City as an Independent Central Place System, a Case Study of Moscow
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Urban Geography Migration Processes in Cities of the Russian North in the 1990s–2010s
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Social Geography Fertility Rates in Russian Regions: Convergence or Divergence
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Rural Geography Real and Nominal Numbers of Rural Settlements in Present-Day Russia and Its Regions
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Regional Development Siberian Federal District: What Impedes Economic Growth?
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Regional Development Evaluation of the Public Efficiency of an Infrastructure Project: a Case Study of the Eastern Siberia–Pacific Ocean-2 Oil Pipeline
Том 8, № 2 (2018) Geography of Resource Use Management Impact of Warming on Discomfort of Vital Activity of Russia’s Population
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Social Geography A New Interdisciplinary Scientific Field: Arctic Regional Science
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Urban Geography The Moscow Suburbs: Specifics and Spatial Development of Rural Areas
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Urban Geography Trends in the Development of the New Moscow Sector of the Metropolitan Agglomeration
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Spatial Dynamics of the Oil and Gas Field Services Sector: Global Trends and Lessons for Russia
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Regional Development Reindustrialization of the Rural Economy in Zabaikalskii Krai: Pitfalls and Possibilities
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Regional Development Structural Shifts in the Foreign Trade of Border Regions of Russia and Belarus in the Context of Political and Economic Challenges of the 2010s
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Social Geography Impact of Climate Change on the Subjective Well-Being of Households in Russia
Том 8, № 3 (2018) Geography of Resource Use Management Assessment of Landscape Functions of Abandoned Lands to Develop a Scenario for Their Future Use (a Case Study of the Meshchera Lowland)
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Theoretical and Methodological Framework of Social Geography Districting As a Way of Possessing Space
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Urban Geography Population Dynamics of Centers and Secondary Cities of Russia’s Regions: Trends Towards Polycentricity?
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Urban Geography Regional Differentiation of Buyers’ Activity in the Primary Housing Market of the Moscow Agglomeration
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Factors of Growth in Russian Regions: Adapting to New Realities
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Role of Siberia in Russia’s Spatial Development and Its Positioning in the Strategy for Spatial Development of the Russian Federation
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Assessing the Impact of External Effects on Trade in the Regions of the Siberian Federal District
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Rural Development Subsidiary Household Farming in Russian Regions in the Late 20th–Early 21st Centuries
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Rural Development Problems of Development of Nonstandard Employment in Rural Areas of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Rural Development Dachas in the Suburbs of Perm: History, Territorial Organization, and Regional Features
Том 8, № 4 (2018) Social Geography Muscovites and Newcomers: Strategies for Mutual Adaptation
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Urban Development Migration and Investment Activity of Residents of Russian Cities in the Housing Market of Moscow Agglomeration
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Urban Development Transformation of Urban Spatiotemporal Systems: the Influence of Retail on the Post-Socialist Large Housing Estates Areas in Leningrad–St. Petersburg in 1989–2016
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Assessment of the Potential of Municipal Solid Waste Processing in Siberian Regions
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Formation of Conditions for a Strategic Alliance of Extractive Companies for Implementation of Gas Chemical Cluster Projects in Russia’s East
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Main Spatial Trends in the Development of Network Food Trade in Russia in 2000–2017
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Regional Development Spatial Differentiation of the Standard of Living in the Population as a Representation of Disproportions in Socioeconomic Development: A Case Study of Belgorod Oblast
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Regional Development Territorial Structure and Organization of Agriculture in Tyumen Oblast in 1973 and 2014: Comparative Analysis
Том 9, № 3 (2019) Regional Development Compensation of Damage to Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of Yakutia from Industrial Development of the Territory
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Institutional Problems of Spatial Development The Legal Environment and Regional Activity
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Institutional Problems of Spatial Development Structural Transformations of the Municipal Space: Substantiation of Expediency and Evaluation of Efficiency
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Spatial Studies Approaches to Identifying the Periphery and Peripheralization in the Space of Modern Russia
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Spatial Studies Territorial Structure of the Russian Digital Economy: Preliminary Delimitation of Smart Urban Agglomerations and Regions
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Regional Development Old-Developed Regions of the Russian Center in the Shadow of the Moscow Capital Region
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Regional Development Regional Investment Policy: How to Overcome the Path Dependence
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Social Geography Territorial Mobility of the Russian Population in the Context of Social Dynamics
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Social Geography People and Money: Incomes, Consumption, and Financial Behavior of the Population of Russian Regions in 2000–2017
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Urban Development Largest Urban Agglomerations and Forms of Settlement Pattern at the Supra-Agglomeration Level in Russia
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Urban Development The Moscow Social Space: Features and Structure
Том 9, № 4 (2019) Urban Development Coastal Cities and Agglomerations in the Innovative Space of Western Russia
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Urban Development Urbanization and Seasonal Deurbanization in Modern Russia
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Urban Development Regional Capitals of Russia and Their Suburbs: Specifics of the Migration Balance
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Urban Development Economic and Demographic Dynamics of Settlements in Leningrad Oblast: Influence of Transborder Clustering Factors
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Regional Development Territorial Gradients of Socioeconomic Development of Russia’s Borderland
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Regional Development Altai Krai under Conditions of Economic Instability: Key Trends and Features of Development
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Regional Development Multiscale Analysis of the Dynamics in Reindeer Herding in Arctic Regions: Geographical Shifts and Intraregional and Local Differences
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Rural Development Shadow Economy in the Countryside of Russian Regions
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Rural Development Migration of Rural Youth in Altai Krai As an Agrarian Region
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Spatial Features of Sectoral Development Assessment of the Prospects for Mongolian Transit As an Integral Part of the Belt and Road Initiative
Том 9, № 1 (2019) Methodological Framework of Social Geography Regional Information Flows: Existing and New Approaches to Geographical Study
Том 9, № 2 (2019) To the 60th Anniversary of the Siberian Center of Regional Science Studying the Economy of Siberia: Continuity and Integrity
Том 9, № 2 (2019) To the 60th Anniversary of the Siberian Center of Regional Science Interlevel Financial Flows in the Budget System of the Russian Federation
Том 9, № 2 (2019) To the 60th Anniversary of the Siberian Center of Regional Science Theoretical Arguments versus Empirical Evidence in Strategic Planning
Том 9, № 2 (2019) To the 60th Anniversary of the Siberian Center of Regional Science Siberia from the Standpoint of Human Development
Том 9, № 2 (2019) To the 60th Anniversary of the Siberian Center of Regional Science Development of High-Tech Business in Siberia: Constraints and Prospects
Том 9, № 2 (2019) To the 60th Anniversary of the Siberian Center of Regional Science Spatial Development Strategy of Russia: Expectations and Realities
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Population Geography Migration of the Elderly Population in Russia (According to the 2010 Population Census)
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Population Geography Methodological Aspects of Studying Labor Commuting
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Variations in Socioeconomic Development by Region Cluster-Based Differentiation of the Socioeconomic Development Level for Municipal Units in the Steppe Regions of European Russia
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Regional Development The Post-Industrial Landscapes of Central Urals, Russia: Heritage Value, Tourist Potential, and Unrealized Opportunities
Том 9, № 2 (2019) Environmental Studies Air Quality in Russian Cities for 1991–2016

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