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Vol 8, No 1 (2018)

Urban Geography

Relationship of Housing Construction in the Moscow Urban Agglomeration and Migration to the Metropolitan Area

Kurichev N.K., Kuricheva E.K.


Housing construction in the Moscow urban agglomeration is the main incentive mechanism for migration inflow via the lowering of such important barrier as housing prices. There is a positive feedback between the extensive development of the Moscow urban agglomeration and migration inflow to the metropolitan area, leading to hyperconcentration of population and economic activity. Theoretical analysis has shown that there is an equilibrium ratio between the new housing supply and the net migration into the Moscow metropolitan area. Empirical evidence shows that the ability of the Moscow urban agglomeration to accumulate migration in the 2000s at the respective rate of construction fell by half compared to the 1990s. Migration inflow is mostly contributed by extensive model of agglomeration development and urban sprawl due to the dominance of large-scale economy-class construction projects on unoccupied lands in a 30-km zone between the Moscow Automobile Ring Road (MKAD) and the Moscow Small Ring Road (MMK). The construction in this zone is a key regulator of the migration balance in the Moscow urban agglomeration and at the national level. Extensive development is subsidized by regional and federal budgetary investments, including transportation infrastructure, which contradicts state efforts to mitigate interregional inequality through fiscal redistribution.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):1-15
pages 1-15 views

Demographic and Economic Asymmetry of Urban Development in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East in 1991–2014

Antonov E.V.


The study assesses changes in the asymmetry of demographic and socioeconomic development and territorial inequality in Russia’s East for regions and cities of the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. The employed quantitative evaluation methods (Theil index, Gini coefficient, Herfindahl–Hirschman index) reveal multidirectional trends in the growth of economic inequality between cities contrasting to socioeconomic convergence at the regional level. It is shown that state investments to reduce interregional disparities actually intensify them at lower territorial levels, provoking increased inequality. The evolved and established center–periphery gradients result in demographic dynamics polarization between cities, manifested in increased depopulation of small towns and growth of regional capitals. At the same time, the peculiarities of the urban structure and settlement pattern in Siberia and the Far East bring about the formation of extensive demographic depressions around a small number of growing agglomerations, outside which the urban network degrades, leading to numerous negative socioeconomic consequences.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):16-33
pages 16-33 views

Fluctuations in the Relative Dynamics of Development of Russia’s Regional Centers in 2003–2013

Zhikharevich B.S., Rusetskaya O.V.


The paper considers the dynamics of the socioeconomic development of 75 cities, administrative centers of Russian regions. The main objective of the study is to test the authors’ methodology, which makes it possible to determine and classify the trajectories of change in the relative position of a city in the investigated set in each year of the period. Unlike the common analysis scheme, when situations at the beginning and end of the period are compared, the authors investigate changes over 11 years on an annual basis, i.e., the trajectory of change in the relative position of an object in the selected set. The study and comparison of the trajectories makes it possible to (a) see inflection points, i.e., the years in which the development of a city was relatively accelerated or decelerated in order to further reveal the factors of the change in trajectory and (b) to suggest a basis for grouping cities by trajectory type. The methodology calculates the city development dynamics index by integrating the nine indicators and constructing a rank vector. In addition, the characteristics of a sampling, such as the minimum and maximum values and variation coefficients, are calculated for each of the nine primary indicators for each year. Cities are grouped by the rank vectors that describe the trajectory of the dynamics. Groups of cities that are steadily growing faster than others, stably lagging behind, and with changing trajectories are identified. Hypotheses explaining the acceleration or deceleration of the development of individual cities are put forward. No significant relationship between acceleration of development and development of official strategies has been established.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):34-45
pages 34-45 views

Population Dynamics in Towns of Leningrad Oblast: Effects of the Crisis of 2014–2016

Zhitin D.V., Shendrik A.V.


Socioeconomic development in cities and towns is a complex and multifactor phenomenon with various dimensions and evaluation criteria. One of the simplest and most available indicators of a situation in the economic and social sphere is population size dynamics. Using the towns of Leningrad oblast as an example, we analyzed how the 2014–2016 crisis events in the Russian economy affected the population dynamics. Starting from the 1980s, the towns of Leningrad oblast have been developing multidirectionally—in some towns, the population has decreased consistently, while in other towns it has increased; some towns have exhibited stagnation. These differences have been preserved so far, but the rate of increase and decrease in the population, largely driven by migration processes, vary significantly depending on changes in the country’s economy. As a result of the study, we found that the switch in the trend of demographic development amid rapid changes in the rate of economic increase is not peculiar to all towns. We studied different scenarios of the population dynamics in the towns of Leningrad oblast during 2011–2017, and we managed to distinguish several types of urban-type settlements. Based on an analysis of territorial features of the locations of towns, we have proposed an explanation for the differences in their persistence to crisis events in the Russian economy.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):46-57
pages 46-57 views

Social Geography

Factors of Spatial Mobility in Russia

Cherkashina T.Y.


This article considers the “Comprehensive monitoring of living conditions” of the Russian population to determine the level of mobility of residents in different regions of the country. The subject matter of the study is the tourist mobility of Russians. A system of equations from the binomial logistic regression model revealed that the probability of a Russian citizen taking a travel tour is mostly influenced by personal factors, such as economic status and physical condition. The impact of transport infrastructure characteristics is absorbed by the income characteristics of individuals; i.e., regional differences in standard of living correlate with the density of the transport infrastructure. Spatial mobility for tourism purposes was found to be associated to a greater degree with land transport infrastructure rather than with air service. Differentiation of Russians with respect to the parameters of spatial mobility of travel actually reproduces economic inequality, while the density of the transport infrastructure, which differs from region to region, tends not to mitigate the impact of economic resources on spatial movement.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):58-66
pages 58-66 views

Spatial Features of Sectoral Development

Spatial Structure of Passenger Air Services in European Russia

Neretin A.S.


Air service has become one of the most dynamically evolving components of the integrated transportation system in Russia and around the world. It is a major type of medium- and long-distance transportation. The spatial structure of air service has been extensively studied in geography; however, we propose an analysis of this structure using such characteristics of highest passenger importance as air travel frequency and travel time in light of all additional expenses and weighted-average fares on each route. This type of passenger travel studies is not a common practice because of the complexity of actual data collection. This work is aimed at filling this gap; it analyzes the distribution of the network of operating airports in EuropeanRussia. A typology of airlines by weighted-average fare level is presented. Three major centers that attract air passengers are identified: Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Black Sea resorts. A classification of cities is proposed according to transport accessibility from these centers in terms of air travel frequency, travel time, and fares, integrated in a single technique. It is found that assignment of a particular city to a specific class depends on its remoteness from the centers of attraction, the structure of airlines, the availability and character of alternative transport, and average time on the road from the city center to city airports. According to calculations by the proposed technique, the best transport accessibility is characteristic of the major cities of European Russia, some cities in the Extreme North and the North Caucasus; the poorest transport accessibility is characteristic of most cities in Central Russia.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):67-83
pages 67-83 views

Interrelation of R&D, Knowledge Spillovers, and Dynamics of the Economic Growth of Russian Regions

Kaneva M.A., Untura G.A.


The article explores the interrelations between research and development (R&D), innovation activity, and economic growth in the Russian regions. To analyze these interrelations, the econometric framework is applied. Based on data for 2005–2013, panel regression with fixed effects and the Arellano–Bond model are constructed. Hypotheses about the significant impact of knowledge and socioeconomic conditions on regional growth have been tested, while the expenditure on R&D and technological innovation are used to analyze knowledge spillovers; and spillovers of socioeconomic conditions are modeled with a socioeconomic filter. The results of calculations indicate possible competition for labor in the industry when this indicator is included in the socioeconomic filter. The calculations also confirm the significant impact of expenditure on technological innovation and spillovers on technological innovations for regional economic growth. At the same time, knowledge has been more efficiently disseminated to regions with high absorptive capacity, as well as between regions with similar growth rates. The authors conclude that knowledge spillovers can have a significant impact on gross regional product per capita (GRP) growth. The results can be used by regional governments when formulating innovation policy.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):84-91
pages 84-91 views

Regional Development

Key Problems in the Development of the Power of Siberia Project

Kontorovich A.E., Eder L.V., Filimonova I.V., Nikitenko S.M.


The article discusses the implementation of the Power of Siberia project in terms of the opportunities for integrated subsoil development, including the creation of gas, petrochemical, oil-and-gas transportation, and helium industries in regions of the Russia’s East. Within the framework of the project, the following tasks have been accomplished: an analysis of the natural gas resource base of Eastern Siberia and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and its extraction; the directions of transport infrastructure development are validated; the key problems, with which the project is associated, are shown; the possibility of implementing a public-private partnership is considered. It is shown that the implementation of the Power of Siberia project faces a number of serious difficulties. So, in particular, neither in Russia nor in the world are there superextensive gas pipelines, by which multicomponent gas would be transported. The intentional reduction in the helium concentration will lead to a sharp rise in the cost of its isolation, which calls into question the entire helium program. In addition, the current concept of developing the gas potential of Eastern Siberia does not envisage the use of the Irkutsk processing cluster, which already has a significant infrastructure for the hydrocarbon raw materials processing, as well as are personnel and production potential, unlike the projected gas processing plant in Amur oblast.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):92-100
pages 92-100 views

Peculiarities of Applying the Inclusive Development Concept for Resource Regions

Sevastyanova A.Y., Tokarev A.N., Shmat V.V.


The article explores the possibilities of inclusive development of resource regions. The authors assessed the degree of inclusiveness of the socioeconomic development of Russian regions for the period of 2008–2014. The set of indicators reflecting the state of the considered system and its elements from the viewpoint of inclusive development is determined. The calculation algorithm and principles of the formation of the resulting index are validated. The results show a contradictory picture, analysis of which makes it possible to identify factors specific to resource regions that affect the degree of inclusiveness of economic development. The results of the research are aimed at improving the methodology of studies of regional socioeconomic problems, as well as obtaining a practical effect, providing a contribution to management practice.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):101-109
pages 101-109 views

Regional Policy

Strategic Planning and Strategic Errors: Russian Realities and Trends

Seliverstov V.E.


The article considers some aspects of the current state of strategic planning in the Russian Federation with emphasis on regional strategic planning. The Russian practice of national and regional strategic planning and implementation of critical strategic decisions is illustrated by model “success stories” and cases of missed opportunities and implementation failures. The basis is a case study of the strategies and development programs of the country’s eastern territories, the Program for Reindustrialization of the Novosibirsk Oblast Economy for the Period up to 2025, the Program for Reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the strategic initiative Siberian Science City. It is concluded that successful examples of regional strategies show that their positive results have been essentially achieved by activating a mechanism for interaction and cooperation of the main stakeholders (federal and regional authorities, business structures, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and civil society institutions). At the same time, failure of a number of national strategic initiatives was largely predetermined by neglect of such a partnership, which resulted in the wrong choice of strategic guidelines and implementation mechanisms. Several new trends in the strategic planning system are analyzed.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):110-120
pages 110-120 views

Geography of Resource Use Management

Transformation of Institutions Governing Traditional Nature Management (a Case Study of the Udege People of the Bikin River Basin)

Bocharnikova A.V.


The article analyzes the transformation of institutions regulating traditional nature management of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East with a case study of the Udege population of the Pozharskii district of Primorskii krai from the end of the 19th century until now. It uses materials from field studies conducted by the author in 2011 (study of the conflicts between the Bikin Udege people and the Les Export company) and 2015 (a study of the socioeconomic situation in the village of Krasnyi Yar in connection with the organization of Bikin National Park), as well as the results of an analysis of ethnographic and geographical literature, publications in the media, and statistical data. The main rules and norms governing hunting and collective decision-making in nature management are considered. The main factors determining changes in institutions regulating traditional nature management are revealed, such as market relations, isolation and remoteness from the regional center, proximity to China and Korea, and richness of ecosystems, including rare plant and animal species and unique landscapes.

Regional Research of Russia. 2018;8(1):121-131
pages 121-131 views

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