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Том 9, № 1 (2019)


Why and How Do We Age? A Single Answer to Two Questions

Golubev A.


The chemical properties of the compounds involved in metabolic processes, even the core ones, such as glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, are not confined to the properties utilized in enzymatic reactions; they include the ability to spontaneously form covalent bonds with other compounds, including macromolecule components. The effects of the gene that codes for an enzyme catalyzing the formation of a metabolite with such properties may be regarded as antagonistically pleiotropic. The effects implemented via the product of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme coded for by the gene are required to maintain viability. As for the effects mediated by the spontaneous formation of covalent bonds between this product and slowly renewable macromolecules, they are increasingly deleterious with time, which is provided by the positive effects. Thus, the antagonistically pleiotropic effects are not late-acting, as it is commonly believed, but are cumulative. Since these effects are inseparable from the metabolism, they may be labeled “parametabolic.” The driving force produced by these effects is sufficient for aging to take place in any system that exists due to metabolic processes therein, whereas its genetic information is stored and some other functions, e.g. bearing, are performed by macromolecular components, which feature a much slower turnover than that of the metabolites. Thus, we age because of the chemical properties of our constituents, and we do so as determined by these properties implemented under the conditions in our bodies. Aging is neither a direct product of evolution via natural selection (such as a program determining lifespan) nor a byproduct (delayed payment for current advantages). Aging results from the limitations imposed by the immanent physicochemical properties of metabolites on the capabilities and outcomes of the evolution by natural selection; this is what distinguishes aging from the tear and wear of inanimate objects.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):1-14
pages 1-14 views

Society for All Ages: Are There Any Prerequisites for its Formation in Russia?

Shestakova N., Skvortsova M.


The problems of intergenerational interactions in the spheres of labor and leisure are studied in the context of the idea of a society for all ages. The results of measurement of intergenerational relations with sociological methods are presented. An attempt at measuring intergenerational relationships was made in the course of an expert survey conducted by the authors in 2016 within the framework of the project no. 16-02-00495 “Human Capital of the Senior Generation: Preservation and Use,” which was supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The trends in the application and transformation of mentoring phenomenon were studied, including the establishment of a mixed-age workforce. Facts proving the elderly population’s inclination towards mixed-aged, leisure communication are also revealed. The most important human qualities of the senior generation handed down to children and youth are identified.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):15-24
pages 15-24 views

Effect of Anthropo-Technogenic Load on Medico-Social Aspects of Primary Morbidity and Disability of Population

Puzin S., Myachina O., Esaulenko I., Zuikova A., Pashkov A., Shurgaya M., Memetov S.


Population aging is a global social phenomenon that affects the most important health indicators of the population. The older generation is particularly vulnerable in the current conditions of urbanization and the associated environmental situation. The comprehension of indicators of disability and morbidity of the population, the study of the factors that determine the negative processes of health damage, with an accounting for the regional features of these processes, are necessary for the planning of preventive measures. Elderly disabled people make up 53.3% of the age structure of the primary disability of the adult population in the Voronezh oblast. There are far fewer middle-aged and young people with disabilities; they comprise 30.1 and 16.6%, respectively. These indicators are higher than the average for Russia. The results of noncarcinogenic risk and primary morbidity analysis in the population of Levoberezhny district of Voronezh under permanent anthropo-technogenic load are presented. It has been established that noncarcinogenic risk coefficients were higher than the acceptable level (HQ > 1) for nitrogen dioxide, acrylonitrile, acrolein, 1,3-butadiene, copper oxide, and chromium+6. An unacceptable level of noncarcinogenic risk (HI > 1) is typical for the pathologies of respiratory organs (HI = 285.06), the cardiovascular system (HI = 125.72), and the endocrine system (HI = 25.58). Analysis of the primary morbidity of these nosological forms shows a high distribution in the adult population morbidity. Under rehabilitation measures in patients with diseases of the respiratory organs, circulatory system, and endocrine system, it is necessary to consider the anthropo-technogenic load and relationship between agents and disease development.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Dynamics and Structure of Primary Disability in Retirement-Age Citizens Applying to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of St. Petersburg in 2006–2017

Kantemirova R., Fidarova Z., Chernyakina T., Glazunova G., Sviridova E., Karol E., Titkov Y.


This article presents data on primary disability at working and retirement ages obtained from a survey of citizens by the General Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of St. Petersburg during the period 2006–2017. The features of the level, structure, dynamics, and distribution by groups of disability at retirement age are shown. There was a significant increase in the disability level in 2007, with a progressive decline to 2011 and a gradual decline to 2017. During the study period, there was a redistribution of retirement-age individuals who were recognized for the first time as disabled by disability groups—the proportion of individuals in the disability I and III groups increased due to a decrease in the disability II group.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Comparative Analysis of Indicators of Disability Due to Malignant New Growths in the Elderly

Chikinova L., Zapary N., Boltenko Z., Shakhsuvaryan S.


The article analyzes the dynamics of indicators of primary, repeated, and general disability due to malignant new growths in the elderly in the city of Moscow during 2005–2014 and determines the main medico-social characteristics of this contingent in comparison with indicators for the Central Federal District and Russian Federation.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Social Security of Aging: Problem Statement

Shipunova T.


The author shows the need to consider aging in the context of social security. The humanizing stages of social security are shown, and it is demonstrated that its theoretical concepts tend to shift towards “human security,” which is developed within the frame of “enhanced security.” The main security object for elderly and senile persons is identified, i.e., the security of physical and mental health. The object of security is comprised of three components: safety of medical care, drug provision, and food security. The relevance of these issues to Russian practice is substantiated based on research materials. Some shortcomings of the state social protection for elderly people are shown.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):42-47
pages 42-47 views

On the Correlation of Guarantees to Ensure the Labor Rights of the Elderly in Russia and Europe

Bobrovskaya O.


Many lawyers, referring to the topic of guarantees for ensuring the labor rights of elderly people who receive a pension, begin their analysis from the provisions of Article 19 of the Russian Constitution on the prohibition of discrimination and Article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the prohibition of discrimination. The ILO Convention no. 111 on Discrimination in Employment and Occupation [8] also does not mention age as a discriminatory motive. At the same time, among the listed elements of Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, there is no direct indication of age. Therefore, the issue of employment and workplace retention for an elderly employee, payments due to dismissal, including those in connection with liquidation of the organization or staff reduction, is related in one way or another to an understanding of the essence of the labor rights of such persons by the bodies that protect justice and the labor rights of workers. Controversial aspects often have fundamentally different approaches to application, thus requiring careful and cautious treatment without generalizations and formalism. Based on an analysis of judicial practice, ILO recommendations, WHO reports, and other materials, we reveal common and distinctive features of guarantees of the labor rights of elderly people and old-age pensioners and the quality of life in Russia and European countries.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):48-55
pages 48-55 views

Protection of the Rights of Disabled People to Access Medicines

Puzin S., Grechko A., Prianikov I., Malichenko V., Puzin S.


Today, disabled people remain one of the most vulnerable categories of the population in any region of the world. Access to safe, high-quality, and effective medicines as a key element of social well-being among disabled people remains a priority of the international agenda and national policy. The right of access to medicines among disabled people is not directly specified in any international document on the protection of the rights of the disabled, which certainly affects the availability of medicines for this population in various regions of the world. The article examines the main international legal documents in the protection of the rights of the disabled for access to health care services, analyzes the practice of implementing programs for drug provision for people with disabilities in the US and Russia, and outlines the main directions for improvement of public policy in this area.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):56-61
pages 56-61 views

Mast Cells of the Human Pineal Gland

Fedorova E., Sufieva D., Grigorev I., Korzhevskii D.


The goal of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of mast cell identification by different histochemical and immunohistochemical methods and to determine the features of their localization in the human pineal gland. Mast cells were found to be an essential component of the human pineal gland at any age. According to our data, the number of mast cells in the pineal gland increased with age. Mast cells were mostly located in the pineal stroma and did not tend to associate with concrements, cysts, or melanin accumulations. Mast cells in the pineal gland were predominantly non-degranulating, which indicated their inactive state. The detectability of mast cells in the pineal gland depended significantly on the used staining technique. The largest number of mast cells was revealed by tryptase immunohistochemical assay, which should be used to accurately determine the population of mast cells of the pineal gland.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Melatonin and the Aging Process in Men in the European Part of the Arctic Zone of Russia

Kim L., Putyatina A., Russkikh G., Tsypysheva O.


We analyzed the concentrations of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-SMT) in working-age men (aged 19–69 years) living in the European part of the Arctic zone of Russia. The 6-SMT level in the studied group was similar to that in the control group of men living in Western Siberia. The 6-SMT level decreased with age and reached the minimal values at the age of 40–49 years. In the group aged 60–69 years, there was a tendency to increase; however, the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05) as compared with men aged <29 years. We observed the effect of alcohol use on the 6-SMT level; it was lower in men who consumed alcohol than in nonconsumers. The plasma level of free testosterone decreased with age; this value in the group aged 60–69 years was 50% lower than in the group aged 29 years. We observed the activation of lipid peroxidation, which was not compensated for by a higher activity rate of glutathione-reductase or higher plasma levels of SH groups as compared with the control group. Age-related decrease in the level of melatonin, which is an endogenous antioxidant, was associated with a gradual accumulation of peroxidation products and reduced activity of the antioxidant system due to decreasing level of SH-groups.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):67-74
pages 67-74 views

The Influence of Peptides on the Morphofunctional State of Kidneys in Old Rats

Zamorskii I., Shchudrova T., Zeleniuk V., Linkova N., Nichik T., Khavinson V.


More than a quarter of the elderly and senile age population suffers from kidney pathology. For this reason, a prophylaxis of kidney diseases with safe and effective nephroprotectors is a priority of gerontology. This work studies the influence of the polypeptide kidney complex (PKC) and peptides AED, EDL, and AEDG, on the functional state of kidneys in old rats. The administration of the PKC and peptides AED and EDL increased diuresis by 1.2–1.4 times. The PKC and peptide AED reduced the urine protein level and protein excretion by 1.5–2.8 times. The PKC and peptides AED and EDL increased distal sodium transport by 1.2–1.3 times. The peptides AED and EDL increased sodium excretion by 1.3 and 1.6 times respectively. The renal effects of the peptide AEDG resulted in a 21% reduction of glomerular filtration rate, a 3.1-fold decrease in the urine protein level, and a 2.5-fold decrease in protein excretion. The peptide AEDG reduced absolute sodium reabsorption by 1.3 times and increased distal sodium transport by 1.4 times. The realization of glomerular–tubular and tubular–tubular balances is verified by the correlation between the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and absolute, proximal, and distal sodium reabsorption. In kidney tissue, stimulation of the antioxidant enzyme activity on the background of inhibition of the intensity peroxidation processes was observed, which, together with morphological data, reflects the absence of nephrotoxic effects. PKC and peptides AED, EDL, and AEDG may be considered nephroprotective agents in kidney aging.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views

The Influence of Metformin on Age-Related Changes in the Number and Proliferation of Dermal Fibroblasts in Mice

Gunin A., Golubtsova N., Subbotkina N., Subbotkin A.


The goal of the work was to examine the effects of metformin on age-related changes in the number and proliferation of dermal fibroblasts in mice. The dermis was examined in 5-month-old mice that received drinking water with metformin at a concentration of 500 mg/L from the age of 2 months (within 90 days). Five-month-old mice that received drinking water without metformin were used as a control. Material from 2-month-old mice was also used in the work. We have counted the total number of dermal fibroblasts and a portion of fibroblasts with positive staining for the Ki-67 antigen. The results showed that there was a decrease in the total number of mouse dermal fibroblasts by 42.3% from two up to 5 months of life and in the proportion of fibroblasts with positive staining for Ki-67 by 12%. The total number of dermal fibroblasts in 5-month-old mice was 13.4% lower under the effect of metformin. The proportion of fibroblasts with positive staining for Ki-67 was reduced by 27.3% as compared to animals that did not receive metformin. Thus, the age-related decrease in dermal fibroblasts of mice is due to the decline in their proliferation activity. Metformin has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of dermal fibroblasts in mice.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Ontogenetic Characteristics of Patients with Erectile Dysfunction with Different Types of Aging

Odin V., Didenko V.


Age-related erectile dysfunction (ED) can form during ontogenesis in accordance with various mechanisms of the pathogenesis of aging in conjunction with a particular cluster of diseases. The goal of this work is to study the ontogenetic features of ED patients in late ontogeny who vary by types of aging. The study comprised 65 men over 45 years old with an explicit form of ED. The first group consisted of patients with general somatic diseases (GSDs) following the accumulative model of aging, and the second group included patients with age-associated diseases (AADs) that arose primarily from the ontogenetic model of aging. Both types of age-related ED are closely connected with ontogenetic events, especially with the onset of obesity and the loss of morning erections (which precede the onset of ED), on average over a decade of life. ED with AADs is the most clinically and pathogenetically compromised. Thus, it is characterized by an earlier age of ED onset, a dysmetabolic pattern, a low geroprotective pattern, a poor quality of primary health, pronounced instability of the gonadostat, a weak sexual constitution, decreased sensitivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary complex to feedback signals, and a large proliferative pattern. ED associated with GSDs had a later age of ED onset, developed much later from the onset of obesity, and had a lower level of testicular volume with a more conserved incretory function but a higher index of IPSS. Therefore, the separation of two ED variants associated with different types of aging in conjunction with the use of ontogenetic analysis allowed the identification of significant differences in clinical and pathogenic forms, which is important for the development of ideas on the diagnosis and treatment of age-related ED.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Effect of Personal History of Athletic Activity on the Clinical Course of Cardiovascular Diseases in Former Athletes

Zadvorev S., Krysiuk O., Obrezan A., Yakovlev A.


This paper analyzes the prevalence and specifics of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders in former athletes with diagnosed cardiovascular diseases as compared to the cohort of nonathletic cardiological patients with a comparable demographic profile and prevalence of hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is shown that the group of former athletes had a higher prevalence of hemodynamically significant pauses of asystole (RR 2.94, p = 0.044) and SA nodal blocks (RR 5.51, p = 0.02), and they required permanent pacemaker implantation more frequently (RR 5.14, p = 0.017). A higher level of athletic performance and experience in sports are associated with higher risk of atrial fibrillation, and a longer career in sports is associated with intracardiac conduction disorders and dilated atria. The frequency of eccentric hypertrophy increased with longer athletic experience and was inversely linked with the period of deconditioning. The changes were most pronounced in elite athletes, mandating the screening of arrhythmias and conduction disturbances in this subpopulation.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Study of Therapeutic Physical Exercise Impact on the Functional Status of Elderly Women

Zinchuk N., Yermolina N., Dorontsev A., Svetlichkina A.


This paper presents the results of a complex study of the therapeutic exercise impact on physical fitness indicators in elderly women with structural, metabolic, and functional changes. The study involved 12 women aged 61–66 years. All participants underwent physical examination, risk factor assessment, electrocardiography, and duplex scanning of extracranial vessels; the fasting glycemic level dynamics and PPG, as well as the fat indices, hemodynamics parameters, and functional test results were estimated. The results show that individual complexes of therapeutic exercises can significantly slow the paracmastic processes and enhance the quality of life.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):98-100
pages 98-100 views

The Main Diseases and Syndromes Identified in Elderly and Senile Patients Hospitalized at Inpatient Clinics of Different Specialties

Myakotnykh V., Ostapchuk E., Postovalova V.


In total, 661 patients have been examined in inpatient clinics; of these, 234 subjects are aged 60 to 102 years and 427 subjects are aged 18 to 59 years. The variants of pathologies that distinctly increase in prevalence with age are identified. First and foremost, these are pathologies of the locomotor system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system. Conversely, cerebrovascular accidents (strokes) are prevalent in subjects under 60 years old, while the incidence of CAD and angina pectoris without the development of myocardial infarction in elderly and senile subjects insignificantly increases as compared to subjects under 60 years. The specific clinical and etiological features of senile asthenia (as an independent disease) and age-related cognitive disorders are identified as compared with the classical asthenic and cognitive disorders that develop in young and middle-aged subjects. This necessitates the need for specially trained geriatricians to diagnose and treat patients over the age of 60 with a comprehensive geriatric assessment of the patient’s state. It is desirable to reinforce the staff of the geriatric inpatient clinics with neurologists and psychiatrists with priority given to diagnosis and treatment rather than the prevalence of palliative care.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):101-108
pages 101-108 views

Structure and Cytoarchitectonics of Lymphoid Tissue in Appendiсes of Elderly and Senile People

Aminova G.


The phenomenon of population aging has been observed in many countries in recent years due to the increase in human life expectancy. Therefore, studies of lymphoid tissue, which supports the immune processes in the human body, are now of particular importance. The lymphoid tissue of appendices from humans of age groups of 54–81 years and 26–35 years was histologically studied, and the results were statistically treated. The lymphoid tissue belonging to senile age groups showed reductions and rearrangements with partial integrity of the modified lymphoid nodules. The majority of nodules were without lighter-stained germinal centers, and the processes of blast transformation were preserved therein. Mitoses were observed in the central zones of nodules with lighter centers. Lymphocytes actively migrate to lymphatic capillaries. The condition of lymphoid tissue in the appendix depends on the individual body parameters. In some cases, the lymphoid tissue is completely reduced, and the organ’s lumen is closed.

Advances in Gerontology. 2019;9(1):109-114
pages 109-114 views

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