Achieving target lipid levels with statin and ezetimibe combination therapy

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The article discusses the issues of achieving target lipid values when using different lipid-lowering therapy regimens. The use of a combination of low/medium doses of statins and ezetimibe acts through complementary mechanisms: a decrease in intracellular cholesterol concentration with increased capture of LDL-C by hepatocytes (statins) and a decrease in cholesterol absorption in the intestine (ezetimibe). This allows you to achieve a reduction in LDL cholesterol by 45-65%. In addition, combination therapy with statin and ezetimibe is safe and cost-effective. The combination of statin and ezetimibe makes it possible to more effectively achieve target lipid values in comparison with statin monotherapy. Thus, among patients taking a combination therapy, the achievement of target values of LDL cholesterol is observed in more than 70% of cases. The addition of ezetimibe to a statin is associated with an increase in the probability of reaching target LDL values 2.5-3.2 times. In accordance with current international recommendations, the prescription of ezetimibe is possible both in monotherapy mode (with statin intolerance) and as part of combination therapy. In the framework of combined lipid-lowering therapy, the administration of ezetimibe is recommended in addition to the statin (“on top”) in case of failure to achieve the target lipid values. Adding ezetimibe at a dose of 10 mg/day to statin therapy can be recommended in most patients at high and very high risk if target levels of LDL cholesterol are not achieved within 4-12 weeks after starting therapy. Generic product of ezetimibe - Otrio, tablets 10 mg (JSC “Akrikhin”, Russia) is bioequivalent to the original drug Ezetrol® 10 mg (“Schering-plough Labo N.V.”, Belgium). Usage of Otrio in combination with different statins will make combination therapy of hypercholesterolemia more accessible and will increase the frequency of achievement of target levels of lipids in patients with high and very high CV risk (including familial hypercholesterolemia, CRD and diabetes).

About the authors

Igor I. Shaposhnik

South-Ural State Medical University

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof. Chelyabinsk, Russia

Vadim V. Genkel

South-Ural State Medical University

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Chelyabinsk, Russia


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