Panniculitis in the practice of an internist and a dermatologist (a lecture)

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Panniculitis is a group of heterogeneous inflammatory diseases that involve subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and have common clinical and pathomorphological signs. The rate of panniculitis varies widely in different regions of the world and depends on the prevalence of a particular disease, which is the etiological factor of the pathology discussed. According to the predominance of inflammatory changes in the connective tissue septa or fatty lobules, septal and lobular panniculitis are distinguished. Both types can occur with or without vasculitis. Clinically, panniculitis is characterized by indurations of different colors which are accompanied by varying intensity pain, with a predominant localization on the lower extremities. Changes in laboratory parameters in panniculitis are non-specific, reflecting the presence and severity of the inflammatory process. Histomorphological examination of biopsies of skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue and fascia is the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of the disease, especially lobular forms. During the examination, a number of questions related to the differential diagnosis of panniculitis variants may arise. Treatment of panniculitis has not been fully developed and consists mainly of the treatment for the underlying disease.

About the authors

Olga N. Egorova

Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology

д-р мед. наук, вед. науч. сотр. лаб. изучения коморбидных инфекций и мониторинга безопасности лекарственной терапии Moscow, Russia

Boris S. Belov

Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology

д-р мед. наук, зав. лаб. изучения коморбидных инфекций и мониторинга безопасности лекарственной терапии Moscow, Russia


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