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Diabetic polyneuropathy (DP) is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). Aim. To identify the features of the course of DP in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes according to electroneuromyography, with the use of Cocarnit and a-lipoic acid in the form of complex pathogenetic therapy. Materials and methods. 30 patients with type 1 and 2 DM and PD, aged 20 to 72 years (average age 46.8±18.3 years) were examined. Based on the results of ENMG, the severity of DP and the predominance of demyelinating or axonal lesions were determined. The relationship of nerve fiber damage in DM patients with age and gender, duration and type of diabetes was studied. Results. In patients with DM the predominant lesion of sensory fibers was demyelinating lesion. Аxonal lesions of sensory fibers were much less common, mainly in type 2 diabetes. Motor fiber lesions were observed only in combination with sensory fiber lesions. Both demyelinating and axonal lesions of sensory and motor fibers are closely related to the age of patients and duration of diabetes, and do not depend on the type of diabetes and gender. Conclusion. The use of ENMG in clinical practice makes it possible to detect DP at an early stage, to establish the features of nerve fiber damage for timely appointment of pathogenetic therapy. It is also proved that the inclusion of Cocarnit in the treatment of DP in patients receiving ALA therapy leads to a more rapid regression of neurological symptoms, namely, a decrease in the intensity of neuropathic pain and the degree of neurological deficit in patients with DP on the background of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

About the authors

Galina A. Batrac

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

Email: gbatrak@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, доц., проф. каф. терапии и эндокринологии Иваново, Россия

Natalia F. Metelkina

Ivanovo City Clinical Hospital №4

врач-невролог Иваново, Россия

Anna N. Brodovskaya

Ivanovo City Clinical Hospital №4

врач-эндокринолог Иваново, Россия

Ekaterina A. Andrianova

Ivanovo City Clinical Hospital №3

врач-эндокринолог Иваново, Россия


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