Extralobar pulmonary sequestration in an adult male with a heart defect. Case report

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Pulmonary sequestration (PS) is a rare congenital malformation of the lungs referring to an abnormal (non-functioning) segment of the lung that has no connection with the tracheobronchial tree, which receives arterial blood from systemic circulation and has various types of venous outflow. PS is divided into intralobar (intrapulmonary) and extralobar (extrapulmonary) types. The distinctive feature of extralobar pulmonary sequestration is the presence of its own visceral pleura. PS is most common in pediatric practice; in some cases, this disease may remain oligosymptomatic or asymptomatic in children and adolescents. Adults with PS have a higher risk of recurrent pneumonia, chest pain, and episodes of hemoptysis. Cases of the late onset of PS are reported in a few foreign and Russian publications. The special feature was the elderly patients with a long asymptomatic course of PS, "pseudopneumonic" clinical onset, episodes of thoracalgia and hemoptysis. We present a case of an adult male soldier with PS clinically simulated a respiratory infection in the lower lobe of the left lung with severe pain and hemoptysis. In addition, the patient has a concomitant congenital heart defect.

About the authors

Andrey M. Makarevich

301 Military Clinical Hospital; Institute for Advanced Training of Health Care Professionals

Author for correspondence.
Email: makar-kha@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0004-5347-3554

Cand. Sci. (Med.), 301 Military Clinical Hospital, Institute for Advanced Training of Health Care Professionals

Russian Federation, Khabarovsk; Khabarovsk

Andrey A. Zaytsev

Russian Biotechnological University; Russian University of Medicine

Email: a-zaicev@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0934-7313

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Russian Biotechnological University, Russian University of Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Elena M. Makarevich

Children's City Polyclinic No. 1

Email: makarelenakha@gmail.com

Deputy Chief doctor, Children's City Polyclinic No. 1

Russian Federation, Khabarovsk

Hasan A. Akhmedkhanov

301 Military Clinical Hospital

Email: gasssssan@mail.ru

Department Head

Russian Federation, Khabarovsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. OGC radiograph in two projections.

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3. Fig. 2. MSCT OGC (native study): a pyramidal-shaped area (mass) of lung tissue, fully adjacent to the diaphragm, separated by a pleura sheet from the rest of the functioning lung tissue, not changing its airiness on inhalation and exhalation - the "air trap" symptom - is detected in the posterior basal area of the chest on the left side.

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4. Fig. 3. MSCT-angiography of OGC in axial and frontal projection: a - a large branch from the thoracic aorta - aberrant artery at the level of Th11 vertebrae on the left side; b - a large-diameter vessel is detected in the lower lobe of the left lung - a branch of the left inferior pulmonary vein; c - the entire pulmonary vascular system is clearly traced in the maximum intensity projection - drainage vein from the left inferior pulmonary vein, aberrant artery from the thoracic aorta.

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5. Fig 4. MSCT OGC, VRT-reconstruction - "vascular" filter. The aberrant artery (red arrow) branches from the thoracic aorta, a branch of the left inferior pulmonary vein (blue arrow) flows into the left atrium.

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6. Fig. 5. OGC radiographs in direct projection 2012-2019.

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