
Theoretical and Experimental Research of Luminescent Properties of Nanoparticles
Kazaryan S., Starodubtsev N.
Synthesis and Study of New Luminescent Carbon Particles with High Emission Quantum Yield
Kazaryan S., Nevolin V., Starodubtsev N.
Synthesis of Bimetal Fe–Pb Janus Nanoparticles via the Electric Explosion of Iron and Lead Conductors
Pervikov A., Lerner M., Bakina O., Lozhkomoev A., Glazkova E.
Gold Nanoparticles in Bimetallic Nanoparticle Systems: Synthesis, Properties, and Application
Ogarev V., Dement’eva O., Rudoi V.
Antifriction Properties of Plasma-Chemical Coatings Based on SiO2 with MoS2 Nanoparticles under Conditions of Spinning Friction on ShKh15 Steel
Breki A., Aleksandrov S., Tyurikov K., Kolmakov A., Gvozdev A., Kalinin A.
Improvement of Structure and Properties of Scintillation Composites by Centrifugation
Klassen N., Pokidov A., Kedrov V.
Radiation-chemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles in aqueous solution of chitin derivative
Shirokova L., Revina A., Aleksandrova V., Fenin A.
The Modification of Polyhydroxy Ether with Carbon Nanoparticles
Beeva D., Beev A., Dokshokov I.
On the Interaction of the Deformation and Photonic Self-Organizations in Condensed Media: Overview
Klassen N., Vasin A., Polyanin K.
Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Application
Ogarev V., Rudoi V., Dement’eva O.
Effect of power pulses of deuterium plasma on the structure and mechanical properties of chromium steel
Tsepelev A., Ilyushin A., Kiseleva T., Brovkina E., Vinogradova N.
Investigation of the Zirconium Forms in Nickel Melts Containing Exogenous Refractory Oxide Nanophases
Anuchkin S., Kazenas E., Volchenkova V., Andreeva N., Penkina T.
New Fibrous Materials Based on Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate for Biomedical Purposes, Made via Electrospinning Technique
Olkhov A., Krutikova A., Goldshtrakh M., Orlov N., Ischenko A., Staroverova O., Iordanskii A.
Powder aluminum composites of Al–Cu system with micro-additions of oxide nanoparticles
Agureev L., Kostikov V., Yeremeyeva Z., Barmin A., Rizakhanov R., Ivanov B., Ashmarin A., Laptev I., Rudshteyn R.
Metal-Carbon Nanocomposites FeNi/C: Production, Phase Composition, Magnetic Properties
Muratov D., Vasilev A., Efimov M., Karpacheva G., Dzidziguri E., Chernavskiy P.
Nanotechnologies of the Treatment and Production of Complex Transition Metal Oxides with High Photothermal Effect
Gulyaev P., Kotvanova M., Omelchenko A.
The form of the existence of Al in Fe–Sn melts with exogenous nanoparticles of refractory oxides
Burtsev V., Anuchkin S., Kazenas E., Volchenkova V., Andreeva N., Penkina T.
Synthesis and tribotechnical properties of composite coatings with PM–DADPE polyimide matrix and fillers of tungsten dichalcogenide nanoparticles upon dry sliding friction
Breki A., Didenko A., Kudryavtsev V., Vasilyeva E., Tolochko O., Kolmakov A., Fadin Y., Sergeyev N., Gvozdev A., Starikov N., Provotorov D.
Dielectric Properties of Polyethylene/TiO2 Composites
Magerramov A., Kuliev M., Ismayilova R., Abdullaev R.
Structural Organization of Magnetic Fluids Stabilized with Fatty Acids
Lysenko S., Derechi K., Astaf’eva S., Yakusheva D.
Atomic structure of gold nanoparticles stabilized in polyethylene
Kozinkin A., Podsukhina S., Vlasenko V., Yurkov G., Taratanov N., Biryukova M., Zubavichus Y.
Metal nanoparticles and quantum dots as photosensitizers of solar cell batteries
Ogaryov V., Rudoy V., Dementyeva O.
Combustion Synthesis of Membranes for Steam Reforming of Dimethyl Ether
Uvarov V., Loryan V., Uvarov S., Shustov V., Tsodikov M., Fedotov A., Antonov D., Alymov M.
Comparison of the basic physical and chemical properties of complex oxides LiNixMnyCo1–xyO2 (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.6; 0.2 ≤ y ≤ 0.4) obtained by different methods
Voronov V., Shvetsov A., Gubin S., Cheglakov A., Kornilov D., Karaseva A., Krasnova E., Tkachev S.
Influence of nanoparticles of cesium sulfate and deformation on structure, vibration spectra, and luminescence of polystyrene
Pokidov A., Klassen N., Kedrov V., Shmytko I., Bazhenov A., Fursova T.
1 - 25 的 33 信息 1 2 > >> 


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