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Vol 9, No 2 (2018)

Physicochemical Principles of Creating Materials and Technologies

Theoretical and Experimental Research of Luminescent Properties of Nanoparticles

Kazaryan S.A., Starodubtsev N.F.


Theoretical research is performed on isolated nanoparticles (NPs) and NP-containing composite films with establishing analytically the concentration of nonequilibrium charge carriers and luminescence intensity as functions of surface recombination rate s, radius, diffusion length, lifetime of minority charge carriers, and other parameters. A hyperbolic dependence of the photoluminescence intensity (PL) on the parameter s is found. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that the photostimulated rise of s of NPs brings about quenching, while its decline favors amplification of PL. The microphotoluminescence PL intensity is established as a function of exciting laser exposure time for powdered carbon nanoparticles (CNPs), solutions of CNPs, and composite films based on PVOH polymers and CNPs with average particle diameters of 1.3 and 1.7 nm. Furthermore, the PL signal intensity of films processed at temperatures of 100–200°C decreases upon their exposure to a high-power-density 532-nm excitation radiation and rises in the case of films treated at 220–340°C. Almost always, the PL intensity of exposed dry CNP powders abruptly drops. The study allows putting forward a new method for contactless and rapid measurement of the parameters of luminescent NPs.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):151-161
pages 151-161 views

Formation of Diode-Like Composite Membranes by Plasma Polymerization

Kravets L.I., Gilman A.B., Satulu V., Mitu B., Dinescu G.


A method for the preparation of polymer “diode-like” composite membranes with a conduction asymmetry in electrolyte solutions (rectification effect) exhibited under different orientations of the membranes in an electric field is examined. To produce such membranes with diode-like properties, thin polymer films formed by plasma polymerization of organic precursors were deposited onto one side of a track membranes made of poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polypropylene used as a porous substrate. It is established that the achievement of asymmetric conduction is mainly caused by change in the geometry of pores owing to a substantial decrease in their diameter in the deposited polymer layer, as well by an interface between the initial membrane and deposited polymer layer in the pores. It is shown that, in the case of a hydrophobic polymer layer, for the description of the electrochemical properties of the membranes, along with the consideration of electrostatic interaction between the electrolyte ions and the charge of pore walls, one should take into account the phenomenon of electrolyte slipping along the hydrophobic surface. The revealed effects indicate a possible way to create composite membranes with conduction asymmetry for their use in developing various feedback systems, as well as chemical and biochemical sensors.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):162-174
pages 162-174 views

Properties and Potential Applications of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Molybdenum Disulfide for Nanoelectronic Elements

Voronina E.N., Novikov L.S., Rakhimova T.V.


Currently, the prospects for replacing traditional materials with quasi-two-dimensional compounds based on transition metal dichalcogenides are actively being studied. The quasi-two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide MoS2, a semiconductor with a finite band gap, can be used either as a standalone material or as a part of layered heterostructures. When creating nanosized electronics elements based on such ultrathin materials, the application of an atomic layer etching technology is of key importance. In this paper, a brief description of the properties of MoS2 monolayers in comparison with graphene and the monolayers of hexagonal boron nitride is considered. On the basis of the results of computer simulation by means of a DFT (density functional theory) method, effects caused in the MoS2 monolayer by chlorine atoms and molecules widely used in the state-of-the-art of atomic layer etching applied to silicon materials are demonstrated.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):175-183
pages 175-183 views

Composite Materials Obtained via Two-Nozzle Electrospinning from Polycarbonate and Vinylidene Fluoride/Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer

Bolbasov E.N., Buznik V.M., Stankevich K.S., Goreninskii S.I., Ivanov Y.N., Kondrasenko A.A., Gryaznov V.I., Matsulev A.N., Tverdokhlebov S.I.


Nonwoven composite membranes based on polycarbonate (PC) and vinylidene fluoride/tetrafluoroethylene copolymer were obtained via the two-channel electrospinning method with a common collector. Three groups of materials were studied: the first one was a polymer membrane made of a vinylidene fluoride/tetrafluoroethylene copolymer, the second one was a polymer membrane based on PC, and the third one involved a composite polymer membrane. Scanning electron microscopy studies of morphology of the polymeric membranes showed that a composite material with a variable pore area could be obtained, which allows selection of this parameter depending on the purpose. The resulting composite material and its constituents are studied with nuclear magnetic resonance, IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry. There are electrically active crystalline phases in the composite membranes. The obtained nonwoven composite membrane formed is presented as a two-phase system without any chemical interactions between the phases.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):184-191
pages 184-191 views

Materials for Aerospace Technology

Characteristic Features of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Al–Mg Alloy 1560

Krasnoveikin V.A., Kozulin A.A., Skripnyak V.A., Moskvichev E.N., Lychagin D.V.


Specimens of Al–Mg alloy 1560 of ultrafine-grained structure were obtained by the method of severe plastic deformation based on multiple equal-channel angular pressing. Impact on physical and mechanical properties of the processed material and fracture pattern of specimens was studied. Tensile tests showed an increase of the offset yield strength and resistance to rupture with decrease in the ultimate deformation. The obtained specimens have increased microhardness values compared to the initial ones. It was established that the last cycle of pressing determines the structural orientation of macroscopic shear bands occurring at an angle to the specimen longitudinal axis while passing connection of channels. It affects the physical and mechanical properties of the material and fracture pattern. The quality control of the obtained specimens by the method of ultrasonic defectoscopy and X-ray tomography confirmed the absence of macroand microdefects when following the matched optimal regime of processing.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):192-196
pages 192-196 views

Studies of the Microstructure and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Layered Metal Composite Materials Based on a Molybdenum Matrix

Bol’shakova A.N., Efimochkin I.Y., Bobrovskii A.P.


A method of producing layered metal composite materials (layered MCM) based on a molybdenum matrix is examined; the microstructure and physical and mechanical properties of the produced layered MCM are investigated. Molybdenum foil with a thickness of 0.25 mm and metal composite powder based on a molybdenum matrix doped with silicon and boron are used as layers. The metal composite powder based on a molybdenum matrix is synthesized by a high-energy mechanochemical method. The layered metal composite material is produced by compacting the molybdenum foil and the metal composite powder by means of spark plasma sintering (SPS). Investigation of the microstructure of layered MCM samples after thermal treatment demonstrates that the material preserves the layered structure after a prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures. Preservation of a layered structure upon high-temperature treatment indicates a high thermal stability of the obtained composite material. The performed physical and mechanical tests allow us to make conclusions on a complete consolidation of the metal composite materials by means of spark plasma sintering. The layered MCM based on a molybdenum matrix are to be used in a production of assemblies and parts of for aeronautic and space flight vehicles.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):197-200
pages 197-200 views

Materials for Electronics

Properties of La–Sr Manganites with Combined Substitution of Different Valence Ions for Strontium and Manganese

Karpasyuk V.K., Badelin A.G., Datskaya Z.R., Merkulov D.I., Estemirova S.K.


Experimental data on structural, magnetic, and electrical features of manganites of the system La0.65Sr0.35–cCecMn1 – xZnxO3 + γ (c = 0, 0.05; x = 0, 0.05, 0.10), synthesized by ceramic processing, are reported. Part of the samples were annealed under conditions that yield stoichiometric oxygen content. The samples obtained are of rhombohedral structure, but contain the impurity of the CeO2 phase. The introduction of cerium and zinc leads to a decrease in the unit cell volume of the rhombohedral phase. Cerium does not substantially affect the magnetization and Curie point of the initial samples. The width of the “ferromagnetic–paramagnetic” transition temperature interval rises after annealing, especially in manganite with high zinc content. Initial and annealed samples of composition with c = 0.05, x = 0.10 exhibit the phase transition “metal–semiconductor” at temperatures of about 219 K and 200 K, respectively. All other manganites possess a metallic character of conductivity in the range of 100–300 K. The maximum absolute value of magnetoresistance reaches 52%. The approaches to the interpretation of experimental results are discussed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):201-206
pages 201-206 views

Specific Features of the Growth, Structure, and Main Physicochemical Properties of FeGa2Se4 Single Crystals

Pauliukavets S.A., Bychek I.V., Patapovich M.P.


FeGa2Se4 single crystals belonging to the promising class of diluted magnetic semiconductors of the AB2X4 type (A is Mn, Fе, Co, or Ni; B is Ga or In; and X is S, Sе, or Te) are investigated; this compound is currently used for designing solid-state magnetically controlled devices. Optically homogeneous bulk FeGa2Se4 single crystals ~14 mm in diameter and ~50 mm long are obtained for the first time from melt by the modified Bridgman method. The elemental composition of the crystals is determined by X-ray spectral microprobe analysis; it corresponds to the specified composition in the initial charge. It is established by X-ray diffraction analysis that this compound is crystallized into a cubic sphalerite-type structure with unitcell parameter a = 5.498 ± 0.005 Å. The melting and crystallization temperatures of the grown FeGa2Se4 single crystals are determined by differential thermal analysis. The melting temperature is 1283 K. The microhardness of the single crystals is measured for the first time, the density is determined by the pycnometric method, and the parameters of hyperfine interaction of iron ions are found on the basis of the Mössbauer spectra.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):207-211
pages 207-211 views

Materials of Power Engineering and Radiation-Resistant Materials

Fatigue Strength of Ferrite-Martensite 12% Chromium Steels EK-181, EP-823 and Vanadium Alloy V–4Ti–4Cr

Terent’ev V.F., Chernov V.M., Kolmakov A.G., Prosvirnin D.V., Kopiev G.V., Leont’eva-Smirnova M.V., Moroz K.A., Antonova O.S.


Static and fatigue strength at room temperature under conditions of repeated stretching of lowactivated ferrite-martensite 12% chromium steels EK-181 (Fe–12Cr–2W–V–Ta heat treatment + aging in lead at 600°C, 3000 h), EP-823 (Fe–12Cr–W–V–Ni–Mo–Nb, annealed condition), and alloy V–4Ti–4Cr (heat treatment + aging in lead at 600°C, 3000 h) were studied. It was shown that for materials there is straight-line dependence between the level of rupture resistance values and fatigue strength. The maximum fatigue limit of 600 MPa appears in steel EK-181 after a standard heat treatment and aging in lead at 600°C, 3000 h, and the minimal one of 300 MPa is observed in vanadium and V–4Ti–4Cr alloys. The fatigue failure mechanism is predominately of ductile character for all materials studied. The fatigue cracking originates near the surface and in some cases clustering of nonmetallic inclusions is the place of origin. The fatigue crack propagation is related to formation of a typical striation relief. Significant distinctions in the fracture surface relief of specimens after standard heat treatment and aging in liquid lead are not observed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):212-220
pages 212-220 views

Synthesis of Stable Bismuth Silicate with Sillenite Structure in the Na2O–Bi2O3–SiO2 System

Yastrebinskii R.N., Bondarenko G.G., Pavlenko A.V.


A combined method for synthesizing a highly dispersed (0.8–2.5 μm) hydrophobic Na2O–Bi2O3–SiO2 powder (NBS powder) based on solutions of sodium methyl siliconate and bismuth nitrate is studied. The powder is synthesized at a reduced temperature (100°C). The microstructure and the phase composition of the resulting compounds in the Na2O–Bi2O3–SiO2 system at different processing temperatures are investigated. The structural phase transformations in the mineral phases of NBS powder are revealed in the temperature range of 100–500°C. The metastable bismuth silicate Bi2SiO5 at 400°C is transformed into stable sillenite with composition Bi12SiO20 having a cubic crystal structure (a = 10.1050 Å). The synthesized NBS powder can be used as a filler to fabricate highly effective constructional radiation-shielding polymer composites with tailored properties.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):221-226
pages 221-226 views

Effect of Deuterium Plasma Irradiation on V–Ga Alloys

Tsepelev A.B., Shamray V.F., Sirotinkin V.P., Vinogradova N.A.


Indentation tests are used to investigate the effect of high-power nanosecond deuterium ion pulses (~100 keV, ~1010 W/cm2) and dense deuterium plasma (~100 eV, ~107 W/cm2) generated by a Plasma Focus machine on the mechanical properties of vanadium-based alloys such as V–5Ti–5Cr, V–5Ga–5Cr, V–5Ga, and V–5Ga–0.1Ce. It is established that the V–Ga–Cr alloys have a higher resistance to embrittlement during radiation-thermal exposure than that of V–Ti–Cr alloys. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the structure of solid solution is retained in all investigated alloys after pulsed ion and plasma irradiation. No signs of solid solution decomposition and the precipitation of second phases are found. It is established that pulsed ion-plasma irradiation suppresses the rolling texture that is typical of the alloys in the initial state and decreases the lattice parameter of the alloys, which in the case of the V–Ga alloy can be explained by the escape of gallium from the recast surface layer. Doping with a rare earth element (cerium) increases the radiation resistance of the V–Ga alloy, which results in the stability of the mechanical properties and the lattice parameter after irradiation.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):227-230
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Study of Nanostructure of Ferritic-Martensitic Steel ChS-139 in Initial State and after Fe Ion Irradiation

Rogozhkin S.V., Iskandarov N.A., Lukyanchuk A.A., Shutov A.S., Raznitsyn O.A., Nikitin A.A., Zaluzhnyi A.G., Kulevoy T.V., Kuibeda R.P., Andrianov S.L., Leontyeva-Smirnova M.V., Mozhanov E.M., Nikitina A.A.


The chemical element distributions and the fine structure were studied using atom probe tomography in ChS-139 steel (Fe–12Cr–Nb–Mo–W–V–N–B) after conventional heat treatment (normalizing at 1190°C for 25 s and subsequent tempering at 720°C for 2 h) and after subsequent Fe ion irradiation at room temperature up to the damage doses of 8 and 16 displacements per atom (dpa). A large number of nanosized clusters (~1023 m−3) enriched in chromium, vanadium, nitrogen, and niobium were found throughout the Ch-139 steel after conventional heat treatment. The chemical element distribution in the M23C6 carbide, Nb2(C, N) and M6(C, N) carbonitride phases, pre-precipitates of M6X carbide phases, and the Cottrell atmosphere were studied. The changes in the cluster composition and sizes resulting from irradiation at room temperature were found. An increase in the cluster sizes upon irradiation was accompanied by a reduction in the concentrations of chromium, vanadium, nitrogen, and niobium.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):231-238
pages 231-238 views

Materials for Human Life Support and Environmental Protection

M/Gd0.1Ti0.1Zr0.1Ce0.7O2 Catalysts Where M Is Pt, Pd, or Pt–Pd in CO Oxidation

Liberman E.Y., Zagaynov I.V., Koneva E.A.


Catalysts where the support was a nanodisperse solid solution of Gd0.1Ti0.1Zr0.1Ce0.7O2 and the active component was Pd, Pt, or Pd–Pt were obtained. The support was synthesized by co-precipitation with sonication. Palladium and platinum acetylacetonates were used as the precursors. The samples were studied by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption. The catalytic activity of the resulting samples in CO oxidation was measured by the flow method. Palladium-containing sample was the most active. The temperature of complete CO oxidation increases in the order Pd > Pd–Pt > Pt. The synthesized catalysts are of interest in detoxification of gas emissions.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):239-242
pages 239-242 views

Hyperbranched Functionalized Polyesters for the Creation of Promising Chemically Modified Sorbents

Shigapov M.Y., Gataulina A.R., Gerasimov A.V., Ulakhovich N.A., Kutyreva M.P.


This work presents the procedure for the preparation and the physicochemical characteristics of a new chemically modified sorbent on the basis of a NaX zeolite and hyperbranched polyester polyurethane. The procedure for the preliminary activation of the surface of the zeolite by a solution of NaOH allows optimizing the process of immobilization of hyperbranched polyester polyurethane on the surface of the zeolite. The increase in the sorption capacity of the new chemically modified sorbent with respect to Cu(II) ions in model solutions is proven. The obtained data will allow developing a technology for the sorption extraction of rare earth metal ions from objects of environmental control.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):243-249
pages 243-249 views

Antimicrobial Properties of Polyester Fabric Modified by Nanosized Titanium Dioxide

Prorokova N.P., Kumeeva T.Y., Kuznetsov O.Y.


We investigated antimicrobial properties of polyester fabrics with photochemical activity that they gained owing to modification by small amounts of undoped and metal-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles. We showed that the polyester fabric modified by undoped titanium dioxide leads to decolorization of colored impurities, but does not exhibit antimicrobial properties. We found that the use of nanosized silver-doped titanium dioxide particles with a higher photocatalytic activity as a modifier provides the polyester fabric with the ability to suppress the vital activity of bacteria. We analyzed the mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of nanosized silver-doped titanium dioxide. We showed that ions that are released by silver nanoparticles inhibit the activity of Gram-positive bacteria S. aureus in the absence of UV irradiation. We found that the polyester fabric with a coating that is formed by silver-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the presence of UV irradiation acquires the ability to inactivate Gram-negative bacteria E. coli via a photocatalytic mechanism. This mechanism requires a contact between the modified polyester fabric with bacteria, which makes it possible for them to be sorbed by the titanium dioxide coating.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):250-256
pages 250-256 views

General Purpose Materials

Influence of Rare Earth Elements on the Structural-Phase State of Mo–Si–X (X = Sc, Y, Nd) in situ Composites

Udoeva L.Y., Chumarev V.M., Larionov A.V., Zhidovinova S.V., Tyushnyakov S.N.


The microstructure and phase composition of the Mo-Si alloy doped with Sc, Y or Nd were investigated. The methods of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), electron microscopy, and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) were used to determine the main phase components and their volume fractions as well as to assess the speciation and interphase distributions of doping rare earth elements (REE). It was shown that, when introducing up to 3.0 at % Si, Y, or Nd into the Mo–15.3 at % Si hypoeutectic alloy, the structure intrinsic to naturally occurring (in situ) composites was formed. This structure was composed of an α-Mo based solid solution and a strengthening silicide phase including Mo3Si and the particles of complex composition enriched in REE. Doping additives contributed significantly to the microstructure dispersity and modified the morphology of particles of both the metallic and silicide phases, and increased the Moss/Mo3Si volume ratio. The microhardness of structural components was determined and the parameters of lattice elementary cells of the main phases were evaluated for the REE-doped alloys under study. The observed regularities of their variations generally conformed to the conclusions about the influence of REE on the structural-phase state of the Mo-Si hypoeutectic composites.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):257-263
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Variation of Contents of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen upon Formation of Plasma Cermet Coatings with Steel Matrix Reinforced with Titanium Carbide

Kalita V.I., Komlev D.I., Pribytkov G.A., Korzhova V.V., Radyuk A.A., Baranovsky A.V., Ivannikov A.Y., Alpatov A.V., Krinitsyn M.B., Mikhaylova A.B.


This article describes comparative studies of a coating made of high-speed steel and cermet powder on its basis with 50 vol % of TiC strengthening carbide phase. Coatings are formed by Ar–N2 plasma with local protection by powders with particle sizes from 25 to 55 μm. It is demonstrated that the TiC content in the coating is retained, but the lattice constant of this phase decreases from 0.43212 nm for powder to 0.43035 nm in the coating because of variation of contents of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. After plasma coating of 50 vol % TiC–R6M5 powder, the average carbon content in the coating decreases from 7.83 to 6.74 wt %. The oxygen content in the cermet coating increases to 2.8 wt % in comparison with 0.8 wt % in the initial powder. The nitrogen content also increases from 0.05 to 0.89 wt %. The microhardness of particles of initial powders of high-speed steel is 8.91 GPa, and that of 50 vol % TiC–R6M5 cermet is 9.5 GPa. The microhardness of the cermet coating, 11.0 GPa, corresponds to the calculated value obtained by the mixture rule at microhardness of the R6M5 steel coating equal to 6.64 GPa.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):264-269
pages 264-269 views

Influence of Carbon Nanotubes on Mechanical Properties of Cast Aluminum, Grade A5

Alekseev A.V., Dubov D.Y., Predtechenskiy M.R.


Composite materials on the basis of A5 aluminum containing 0.01–0.1 wt % of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were obtained. The composite materials were fabricated by sand casting. Carbon nanotubes were added to the aluminum melt in the form of powdered mixture preliminarily produced using an AGO2S planetary ball mill. It was demonstrated that the CNT additions improved the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of cast metal by 9 and 32%, respectively. The improvement of metal strength properties even at such a minor amount of nanotubes is determined not only by the inoculating effect but also by dispersion, dislocation, and, to a lesser extent, by reinforcing mechanisms of strengthening. For CNT content in aluminum equal to 0.01 wt %, the calculated yield strength agrees well with experimental values, whereas for CNT content equal to 0.05 and 0.1 wt %, the obtained strengthening is significantly lower than calculations, which can be attributed to agglomeration of nanotubes. The degree of conversion of carbon nanotubes into aluminum carbide as a consequence of interaction with aluminum melt is analyzed. It is demonstrated that less than 50% of carbon nanotubes are transformed into aluminum carbide during melting at 700–800°C. The fact that CNTs are not completely converted into carbide can be attributed to the fact that CNTs are arranged into bundles and only top layer of CNTs is in contact with the melt.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):270-278
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Effect of Copper Content on the Structure and Phase Transformations in Melt-Spun TiNi–TiCu Alloys

Sitnikov N.N., Shelyakov A.V., Khabibullina I.A., Mitina N.A., Resnina N.N.


Thin ribbons 30–50 μm thick of the Ti50Ni50–xCux (x = 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34; 36, 38 at %) alloys are produced by the melt-spinning technique at a cooling rate of approximately 106 K/s. It is revealed that at the content of copper 25 and 26 at % the alloys are in the amorphous-crystalline state, while at the content of copper above 26 at % the alloys are in the amorphous state. It is shown that isothermal crystallization of alloys with the copper content from 25 to 32 at % leads to formation of single-phase B2 structure, which upon cooling transforms into the martensite phase B19. A noticeable decrease in characteristic temperatures of martensitic transformation at the increase in content of copper is revealed. In the alloys with the content of copper more than 32 аt % after crystallization, the two-phase structure of B2 + B11 is formed; at the same time, the B11 phase (TiCu) substantially prevents B19 ↔ B2 transformation in the alloy with 34 at % copper and blocks all structural transformations in the alloys with 36 and 38 at % copper.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):279-285
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Formation of Structure and Closed Porosity under High-Temperature Firing of Granules of Porous Glass-Ceramic Material

Apkaryan A.S., Kulkov S.N.


On the basis of broken glass, clay, and organic additives, granular insulating glass crystalline material and technology of its production is developed. The regularities of the effect of composition and firing temperature on the properties of the granules are specified. The resulting granular thermally insulating material is produced with a bulk density of 200–290 kg/m3, pellet strength of 0.82–2.5 MPa, thermal conductivity of 0.067–0.087 W/(m °C), and water absorption of 2.6–3.2% by weight. The effect of the basic physical characteristics of the components of the charge on the process of pore formation is studied. According to the results of investigations, the basic parameters affecting the sustainability of the swelling glass are specified. The rational charge composition and thermal and gas synthesis mode are chosen so that the partial pressure of gases is below the surface tension of the melt. This enables the formation of granules with small closed pores and vitrified surface. The article presents the results of studies on the use of foamed glass ceramic materials for pipe insulation of heating mains.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):286-290
pages 286-290 views

Mechanochemical Synthesis of Dy2TiO5 Single-Phase Crystalline Nanopowders and Investigation of Their Properties

Eremeeva J.V., Vorotilo S., Kovalev D.Y., Gofman A.A., Lopatin V.Y.


Crystalline nanopowders of dysprosium titanate were prepared by the mechanochemical synthesis method using anatase and dysprosium oxide as the initial reagents. The duration of the mechanochemical treatment was 180 min. The crystal structure of mechanochemically synthesized Dy2TiO5 corresponds to a high-temperature cubic modification. The particle sizes of mechanochemically synthesized dysprosium titanate were 20–30 nm. The properties of the obtained nanopowders and bulk samples consolidated from them were studied. Commercial Dy2TiO5 powders prepared by melting the oxides were used for comparison. It was found that the Dy2TiO5 phase decomposes and the metastable DyTiO3 phase is formed during the sintering of mechanochemically synthesized nanopowders, which contradicts the classical Dy2O3–TiO2 phase diagram. No phase decomposition was observed in the case of sintering of commercial Dy2TiO5 powders.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):291-296
pages 291-296 views

New Technologies of Preparation and Treatment of Materials

Application of Pulsed Laser Deposition in Reactive Gaseous Media to Fabricate an Effective Hybrid MoSx/WOy Catalyst for the Reaction of Hydrogen Evolution

Nevolin V.N., Grigoriev S.N., Fominski V.Y., Romanov R.I., Volosova M.A., Fominski D.V., Dzhumaev P.S.


To fabricate an electrocatalyst containing nanostructured layers of WOy and MoSx, a sequential formation of tungsten oxide and molybdenum sulfide thin films is performed by means of the pulsed laser deposition of W and Mo in low-pressure air and hydrogen sulfide media, respectively. The reactive medium pressure and the substrate (glassy carbon) temperature are varied during and after the deposition. WOy thin films of various morphologies and structures determining certain differences in their catalytic properties in the reaction of hydrogen evolution in acidic solutions are obtained. However, the catalytic efficiency of the obtained WOy nanoelements (spheres, needles, and sheets) with amorphous and crystalline structures appears to be insufficient. Additional deposition of MoSx with an amorphous structure results in a significant improvement of the catalytic properties. Sulfur atoms in the MoSx amorphous matrix cause the formation of catalytically active sites, while the developed surface of the WOy stimulates an increase in the catalyst total active area. Penetration of hydrogen effectively formed on MoSx into the bulk of thin films of WOy provides a crucial electrocatalysis condition—low current resistance in the support layer with a large exposed surface area.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):297-304
pages 297-304 views

Synthesis of Composites from Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes and Polyaniline

Dyachkova T.P., Anosova I.V., Tkachev A.G., Chapaksov N.A.


Modification of the surface of preliminarily functionalized multilayer carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with polyaniline is studied. The influence of the method and degree of functionalization of CNTs on oxidative polymerization process of aniline is studied. There is a correlation of the maximum value on the temperature curve of this reaction and the yield of its target product with the depth of preliminary oxidation of CNTs. The morphological characteristics and composition of a modifying layer are studied with transmission electron microscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The character of the dependence of electrically conductive properties of the composites and the magnitude of their specific surface on the degree of preliminary functionalization of CNTs with carboxyl groups is shown. The composites based on carboxylated CNTs with a degree of functionalization of 0.2 mmol/g possess minimum resistivity values (0.3 Ω cm). Materials with a maximum specific surface area (more than 170 m2/g) were obtained during use of CNTs, oxidized with concentrated nitric acid, as a substrate for precipitation of polyaniline. The experimental studies made it possible to substantiate a choice of the type of functionalized CNTs during modification with polyaniline for the use of synthesized composites as electrode materials and effective adsorbents.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):305-310
pages 305-310 views

Optimization of Liquid-Phase Method of Synthesis of Cu–W Alloys

Bodrova L.E., Goida E.Y., Pastukhov E.A., Chentsov V.P.


Cu–W composite alloys are obtained using the liquid-phase impregnation method of noncompacted W powders and sintered porous W and W + Cu specimens. The structure of the alloys and its influence of pre-crystallization processing by low-frequency oscillation (LFO) on the “Cu melt–W powder” compositions are investigated. The technological parameters of obtaining low-porosity (1–2%) alloys are defined. It is proved that varying the thermo-time LFO exposure makes it possible to modify the W concentration in the matrix, creating the composite layers with high tungsten content (80–90%). The LFO treatment of the “copper melt + noncompacted W powders” compositions has a number of advantages compared to the routine (liquid-phase impregnation of compacted tungsten powder) industrial technology of production of Cu–W alloys. There are significant reduction of stages (up to 1–2), the possibility of replacement of working atmospheres (hydrogen, vacuum) by cheaper “Ar + CO,” and the dispersion of W phase.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):311-316
pages 311-316 views

Properties of Composite Electrolytic Coating Nickel–Cobalt–Aluminum Oxide–Fluoroplastic

Balakai V.I., Murzenko K.V., Arzumanova A.V., Balakai I.V.


The method of obtaining composite electrolytic coatings (CEC) based on the nickel–cobalt–aluminum oxide system possessing high performance properties is considered in the work, since in engineering, automotive, instrument making, and other industries much attention is paid to the development of new materials possessing increased physical and mechanical properties. The use of such CEC will not only increase the reliability and durability of new machine parts and mechanisms and restore old ones, but in many cases will also replace defective alloyed steel and cast iron with cheaper metals. The article suggests a chloride electrolyte for the application of wear- and corrosion-resistant CEC nickel–cobalt–aluminum oxide–fluoroplastic. The effect of electrolysis regimes on the composition of the electrolyte and the concentration of alloying components on the physical and mechanical properties (wear resistance, corrosion resistance, microhardness, internal stresses, porosity, adhesion) of nickel–cobalt–alumina–fluoroplastic coatings is studied. The use of such coatings will expand the scope of their use as a wear- and corrosion-resistant coating in various friction nodes.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):317-322
pages 317-322 views

Study of Phase Composition of CuO/Cu2O Nanoparticles Produced in the Plasma of a Low-Pressure Arc Discharge

Fedorov L.Y., Karpov I.V., Ushakov A.V., Lepeshev A.A.


The influence of synthesis parameters on peculiar features of the forming crystalline phases of copper oxide nanoparticles is inspected via electron microscopy, IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and differential thermal analysis. The nanopowders are produced through the evaporation of a bulk copper cathode by a low-pressure arc discharge with successive condensation of plasma-chemical reaction products on the substrate. The partial pressure of oxygen in the feeding Ar/O2 gas mixture is varied in a range of 3–30 Pa. The aforementioned methods reveal that particles are formed with controllable dispersion, phase composition, and structural features. The control of characteristics of nanodispersed oxides is based on their formation mechanisms that are brought by the competing impact of coagulation and diffusion processes. The synthesis products are spherical powders of copper oxides comprising a mixture of crystalline phases with the prevalence of CuO, whose average particle sizes are 10–20 nm. The qualitative differences in samples for the opposite partial pressures of oxygen (\({P_{{O_2}}} = 3\) and 30 Pa) are confirmed through the interpretation of IR and DTA spectra. The transmission bands over a wavenumber range of 440–530 cm–1, being intrinsic of CuO, are distinguished from those of Cu2O at 1130, 2923, and 2970 cm–1. The discrepancy of the DTA curves is due to the diversity in thermal stability of CuO/Cu2O oxides at their different proportion in samples.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):323-328
pages 323-328 views

Combustion Synthesis of Membranes for Steam Reforming of Dimethyl Ether

Uvarov V.I., Loryan V.E., Uvarov S.V., Shustov V.S., Tsodikov M.V., Fedotov A.S., Antonov D.O., Alymov M.I.


We have developed a new generation of porous metal-ceramic membranes by using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in vacuum on the basis of a mixture of a nickel powder (average particle size of 100 μm), cobalt oxide powder (average particle size of 10–15 nm), and aluminum powder (average particle size of 5–10 μm). In combustion synthesis, a membrane frame is formed from large particle fractions with open pores with size of 2.6–5.1 μm, so that it leads to an increase in membrane permeability and to a large consumption of the substrate. The synthesis thus produces porous metal-ceramic catalytically active membranes containing nanoparticles of nickel and cobalt in surface pore layers with size of 10–20 nm. The complete conversion of dimethyl ether is achieved at 450°C, producing synthesis gas and ultrahigh-purity hydrogen.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):329-333
pages 329-333 views

Structural Organization of Magnetic Fluids Stabilized with Fatty Acids

Lysenko S.N., Derechi K.V., Astaf’eva S.A., Yakusheva D.E.


Magnetic colloids which exist in a nonflowing pasty form at room temperature and are transformed into a liquid state during heating are described for the first time. Magnetic fluids (MFs) are obtained in a hydrocarbon medium after introduction of a nanosize magnetite into kerosene in the presence of stabilizers. Fatty acids with different lengths of a hydrocarbon fragment, from C12 to C22, were used as stabilizers. Magnetic granulometry data showed that the average diameter of particles is 8.3 nm. The MF samples are studied by differential scanning calorimetry. The geometric parameters of adsorption layers are calculated taking into account the geometric parameters of nanoparticles and stabilizer molecules. The models of liquid and solid states of the adsorption and overlapping layers of two particles are constructed from calorimetric measurements, calculation data, and observations of the phase state of MFs. The experimental and theoretical data prove that transition of the adsorption layer from the liquid phase to the solid one for particles ~8 nm in size is possible if the length of the hydrocarbon moiety in the stabilizer is C14 and higher. The length of the stabilizer molecule and its melting point are the main parameters which determine the structure and properties of MFs. Moreover, when the length of the hydrocarbon fragment in the stabilizer is C12 and higher, magnetic and van der Waals interactions between solid particles may be neglected.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):334-342
pages 334-342 views

Influence of Mechanical Treatment on Consolidation Processes of Ultradisperse Powders of Stabilized Zirconium Oxide

Ghyngazov S.A.


The effect of preliminary machining of ultradisperse powders of stabilized zirconium dioxide and its composite on consolidation in compacts under uniaxial static pressing and subsequent sintering is studied. The investigations were carried out with powders of compositions (in mol %) 97ZrO2–3Y2O3 and 80Al2O3–20(ZrO2–Y), which were obtained by the sol-gel and the plasma-chemical method, respectively. Mechanical processing of powders was carried out in two ways. The first method consisted in preliminary static pressing of powders at elevated pressure of 900 MPa and their subsequent grinding in a ball mill. The second method consisted in grinding the initial powders in an Activator-2SL planetary mill with drums and grinding balls of zirconia. It is established that mechanical treatment significantly affects the density of compacts. In this case, there is no strict correlation between the density of the sintered ceramic and the density of compacts. With increasing density of compacts, their expansion can be observed at the isothermal holding stage, which leads to a decrease in density of the ceramic. It is shown that, in dry grinding to improve the technological properties of ultradisperse powders obtained by the sol-gel and plasma-chemical methods, the most suitable is the method of mechanical treatment, which consists in pre-pressing the powders at elevated pressure and then grinding them in a ball mill.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):343-346
pages 343-346 views

Reverse Schemes of Explosive Cladding of Long-Length Pipe Billets

Malakhov A.Y., Saikov I.V., Nikolaenko P.A., Denisov I.V., Pervukhin L.B.


The present work is aimed at solving an important problem: premature failure of a critical element of downhole equipment, such as the pump-compressor pipe. For performance improvement, we propose to clad the inner part of the steel pipe with stainless steel. We experimentally test three schemes of explosive cladding by stainless steel of the inner part of one-meter steel pipe billets. For the production of high-quality twolayer pipes by explosion welding, we also propose to use either solid (a metal rod) or solid-liquid (shots with water) internal fillers. The use of these types of fillers makes it possible to avoid damage to the inner cladding layer and minimize the transverse deformation of the bimetallic pipe. Microstructural analysis of the joint boundary shows that the proposed explosion cladding produces an acceptable joining of the 37Mn2V structural steel with the 08Cr18Ni10Ti corrosion-resistant steel. The shock-compressed gas in the welding gap with no lateral outflows is found to lead to the formation of large fusion zones on the final sections of bimetallic cylindrical billets that may result in delamination of the layer joint. The quality of the welded two-layer tube blanks is ultrasonically controlled to check the bond continuity. Verification indicates that the adhesion of layers of good quality occurs over the entire length of samples, except for small initial and final segments.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):347-350
pages 347-350 views

Creation of Ceramic Composites by High Temperature Oxidation of Iron and Nickel Alloys Using Oxidative Constructing Approach

Kovalev I.A., Shokod’ko A.V., Konovalov A.A., Shevtsov S.V., Penkina T.N., Samoilov E.N., Chernyavskii A.S., Solntsev K.A.


High temperature oxidation of iron and nickel alloy blanks is characterized by the formation of bilayer ceramic and cermet structures, holding the original shape of the metal blank. The composition of the resulting ceramic depends on the temperature and synthesis time and the ratio of components with different sensitivity to oxygen in the initial alloy. Dwell at a low temperature leads to stabilization of the composition of the synthesized ceramic within the outer layer owing to the concentration leveling of the spinel phase. The outer and inner layers are characterized by different morphology of the chip surface and different porosity. The inner polycrystalline layer is porous; the outer layer of the sample is monolithic. The structure of interphase boundaries of the heterophasic sample ensures the integrity of the material and provides high adhesion properties of different phases to each other. The resulting oxidative constructed composites of ferrous alloys with nickel are promising for testing as inert anodes.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(2):351-356
pages 351-356 views

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