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Том 8, № 1 (2017)


Microstructure evolution of titanium alloy VT8М-1 with globular-lamellar structure during deformation in temperature range of 650–800°С

Dyakonov G., Semenova I., Lopatin N., Grishina Y., Melemchuk I.


The microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior of the two-phase titanium VT8M-1 alloy with initial globular-lamellar structure are investigated during compression in the temperature range of 650–800°C at a strain rate of 1.4 × 10–3 s–1. It is established that the microstructure evolution of the alloy during compression is associated with the development of globularization and dynamic recrystallization of α-phase lamellae with subsequent formation of globular-shaped particles. The extent of the steady-state flow stress and the average size of recrystallized α-phase particles in the alloy increase as the temperature of plastic deformation is increased from 650 to 800°C. The possible formation of ultrafine-grained structure in the VT8M-1 alloy in the studied temperature–rate conditions of plastic deformation is shown.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):1-6
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Evolution of polymer matrix structure in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic based on polycyanurate and polyarylsulfone during accelerated climatic tests

Perov N., Chutskova E., Gulyaev A., Abramov D.


By methods of dynamic mechanical analysis and electron microscopy, has been carried out an investigation of evolution of the polymer microstructure in carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic based on polycyanurate and polyarylsulfone in accelerated climatic tests. Has been discovered that, under the impact of heat and moisture factors, more densely packed structural formations are disintegrated and the morphology of microstructure transforms from a mutually continuous to dispersed structure. It is shown that the structural characteristics of polymer matrix depend on the type and duration of climatic impact on carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):7-13
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Influence of microalloying with rare earth metals and production technology of structural intermetallide alloy based on nickel aluminide on alloy properties

Bazyleva O., Arginbayeva E., Echin A., Shestakov A.


The influence of rare earth metals, such as praseodymium, neodymium, and erbium, and the technology of smelting a nickel aluminide alloy based on “clean” raw materials and using 25, 50, and 75 wt % of waste is investigated. It is found that doping with neodymium and/or erbium in the smelting of structural intermetallic nickel-based alloy increases the heat strength at a temperature of 1200°C and heat resistance at the temperatures of 1100 and 1200°C for 100 h at a weight gain from 1 m2. Introducing a different percentage of waste during the smelting the intermetallic alloy results in a slight decrease in the heat resistance but preserves the same level of values when 25, 50, or 75 wt % of waste is included.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):14-20
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Glycolates and cellosolvates of metals as prospective materials for production of oxide powders and thin-film coatings

Grinberg E., Strelnikova I., Amelina A., Levin Y.


A method for producing a series of metal glycolates and cellosolvates, which are promising materials for the sol-gel and pyrolytic technologies for fabrication of powders and thin-layer oxide coatings by dissolution of metals in glycols and cellosolves in the presence of gallium trihalide as catalysts, is discussed. The dependence between catalytic activity of halides and the anion used is revealed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):21-26
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Defects of heat-resistant alloys synthesized by the method of selective laser melting

Alyoshin N., Murashov V., Grigoryev M., Yevgenov A., Karachevtsev F., Shchipakov N., Vasilenko S.


Defects of heat-resistant alloys synthesized by the method of selective laser melting are studied. It is shown that the main defects were pores and cracks in the metal, and the main reasons for the formation of those defects are given.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):27-31
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Synthesis and dry sliding behavior of composite coating with (R–OOO)FT polyimide matrix and tungsten disulfide nanoparticle filler

Breki A., Didenko A., Kudryavtsev V., Vasilyeva E., Tolochko O., Kolmakov A., Gvozdev A., Provotorov D., Starikov N., Fadin Y.


The synthesis of a composite coating with an (R–OOO)FT polyimide matrix is described and results of studying the tribological behavior of this coating are presented. Spherical 40-nm tungsten disulfide nanoparticles produced using gas-phase synthesis are used as a filler.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):32-36
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Wetting of Ag, Au, and BeO by melts of B2O3 and B2O3 + PbO

Denisova L., Kargin Y., Krinitsin D.


Wetting of Ag, Au, and BeO by B2O3 and B2O3 + PbO melts depending on temperature is investigated. It is shown that the strongest interaction of such melts occurs with BeO.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):37-41
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Features of surface preparation for nondestructive X-ray diagnostics of the stress state of railway metal critical parts

Nikulin S., Shitkin S., Rozhnov A., Nechaykina T.


By example of samples of railway transport parts of cast and wrought steels, a need for surface preparation for X-ray measurements of surface stress providing removal of a cold-hardened surface layer 150–200 μm thick is shown. Basic principles and criteria of the required quality of surface preparation are determined.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):42-46
pages 42-46 views

Composite hydrogels based on alginate-reinforced calcium phosphate ceramics for tissue engineering

Pavlov N., Teterina A., Barinov S., Komlev V., Fedotov A.


Composite hydrogels in the system of sodium alginate–tricalcium phosphate (TCP) are studied. The gelation time, mechanical properties, and solubility of composite hydrogels are investigated in relation to the content of a reinforcing component such as TCP granules introduced in an amount of 10, 20, and 30 wt %.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):47-49
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The electrical properties of Cu2Se + Cu2O composites

Ivanov A., Kalinin Y., Bavykin V., Shuvayev A.


The concentration and temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of Cu2Se + Cu2O composites are investigated experimentally. It is found that a minimum at ~150°C is present in the temperature dependences of the coefficient of specific electrical resistance and thermoelectric power of the investigated samples.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):50-55
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Composite coatings based on A–OOO polyimide and WS2 nanoparticles with enhanced dry sliding characteristics

Breki A., Didenko A., Kudryavtsev V., Vasilyeva E., Tolochko O., Gvozdev A., Sergeyev N., Provotorov D., Starikov N., Fadin Y., Kolmakov A.


One- and two-step syntheses of composite coatings with an A–OOO polyimide matrix filled with 40-nm tungsten disulfide nanoparticles produced using gas-phase synthesis, which are intended for operation under dry friction conditions, are described. Results of studying the tribological behavior of these coatings are presented.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):56-59
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Investigations of variations in surface state of polymer films under structural rearrangements in air and during contact with water

Dvoretskaya O., Grachev V., Kurochkin S., Perepelitsina E., Boinovich L.


Films of methyl methacrylate–styrene copolymers with the different composition ratios were synthesized; the relaxation processes in a surface film layer were studied when it was in an air environment and during a long-term contact with an aqueous phase. It was shown by analyzing the contact angle and the surface tension of a droplet that the surface structural rearrangement in air after the film deposition was a timeconsuming process developing over tens of days. At the same time, the surface chains in contact with the aqueous phase reoriented in tens of hours. These structural variations observed owing to contact with the aqueous phase were reversible and could be remedied by a subsequent drying in air.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):60-66
pages 60-66 views

Fractal analysis of fracture of powder metallurgical hard alloy

Grigorov I., Zaynulin Y., Shveykin G.


By example of determination of the fractal dimension on a photo of the profile of Palmqvist microcrack obtained as a result of indentation of a Vickers indenter to the surface of a section of metal-ceramic solid alloy (MSA) based on titanium carbonitride, the relationship of microstructure parameters to the characteristic features of the destruction caused by the development of microcrack is studied. An attempt to find the numerical values of the fractal dimension of microcracks is made. As a solid alloy based on titanium carbonitride, alloys of KNT3, KNT7, and KNT12 grades are selected, where the number indicates volumetric content of the binder phase of Ni–Mo in the alloy, respectively.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):67-74
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Composite coatings with refractory metal matrix reinforced with nanodispersed metal-ceramic component

Gorynin I., Burkhanov G., Farmakovskiy B.


Protective coatings based on composites of a refractory metal matrix reinforced with nanodispersed particles of carbides, nitrides, borides, and oxides are developed and studied in this work.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):75-80
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Study of liquid-phase sintering of materials based on zirconium dioxide containing alumina

Smirnov V., Krylov A., Smirnov S., Goldberg M., Antonova O., Shvorneva L., Barinov S.


The dependence of the sintering of zirconium dioxide on the aluminum oxide content and the use of additives forming the liquid phase during sintering is studied. Dense nanostructured ceramic materials based on zirconium dioxide containing aluminum oxide are synthesized. It is shown that the use of additives based on sodium silicate contributes to the sintering and the formation of a nonporous structure at 1330°C. It is revealed that aluminum oxide in the amount of 1 and 5 wt % increases the density of materials, while at the content of 16 wt % the sintering until the dense state does not occur even at temperatures up to 1550°C.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):81-83
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Relaxation transitions in polyvinyl alcohol and porous polyvinyl formals

Lomovskoy V., Abaturova N., Lomovskaya N., Khlebnikova O., Galushko T.


Relaxation phenomena in polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl formal are studied. The internal friction spectra acquired in a free-damped torsional vibrations mode and temperature range from–150 to 120°C of two test samples each contained two distinct loss peaks, designated as α and γ, and weakly expressed β peaks. The acetylation time affects the position of all relaxation loss peaks. The physicochemical characteristics of relaxation processes are calculated. The mechanical relaxation data are confirmed by IR studies.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Influence of sulfur on heat resistance of single crystals of heat-resistant nickel alloy of Ni–Al–Co–Re–Ta–Mo–W–Ru–Cr system

Min P., Sidorov V., Budinovskiy S., Vadeyev V.


The results of investigation of the influence of variable sulfur content on the thermal stability of single crystals of heat-resistant nickel Ni–Al–Co–Re–Ta–Mo–W–Ru–Cr alloy with coating and without it were presented. The negative influence of the increased sulfur content of 0.00030 wt % on the heat resistance of single crystals of this alloy at temperature Т = 1150°С for 500 h on the samples with coating and without it was established.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):90-93
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Influence of tensile stresses on the corrosion resistance of titanium alloy VT22 in aqueous solution of NaCl

Polyanskiy V., Puchkov Y., Orlov M., Napriyenko S., Lavrov A.


How tensile stresses and pH value influence the passivation, corrosion, and structure of a protective film of two-phase titanium alloy VT22 in 3% solution of NaCl is investigated with the help of potentiometry, potential and dynamical analysis, and electrical and chemical impedance spectroscopy. We simulate the process of electrical transfer through the protective film and we reveal that its structure is two-layered. The film consists of a layer based on titanium hydroxide under which there is a titanium oxide layer adjacent to the alloy and primarily it protects the alloy against corrosion. How tensile stresses and pH value influence the hydrogen saturation process and delayed fracture of titanium in an aqueous NaCl solution is investigated.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Phase composition and grain structure of quick-hardening alloy Pb–13 wt % Sb

Shepelevich G., Belaya O., Gusakova O., Neumerzhitskaya E.


The phase composition and grain structure of Pb–13 wt % Sb produced by the method of rapid solidification are studied. In the foils of alloys, formation of dispersed rounded antimony segregations takes place, distributed macroscopically homogeneously in the alloy foil; the foils have microcrystalline structure and texture (111) + (100) of lead and (101̄2) + (101̄1) of antimony.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):100-103
pages 100-103 views

Influence of coherence violation on growth of γ′-phase particles in heat-resistant nickel alloys

Zaytsev D., Alekseyev A.


Comparative structural analysis of a heat-resistant Ni alloy containing Re and Ru after complete thermal treatment (CTT) and grip sections after high-temperature creep test is presented in the article. It is shown that, after CTT and after long term annealing (from 500 to 1210 h) within the temperature interval from 900 to 1150°C, the size of the γ′-phase particles hardly changes. The article explains the size stabilization of the γ′-phase particles.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):104-107
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New tribological composites based on polytetrafluoroethylene

Kornopoltsev V., Mognonov D., Ayurova O., Buyantuyev S.


Some research directions of formulations and technology of development for polymeric antifrictional composites (solid lubrican Fts) with increased physicomechanical tribological properties are considered. These composites are based on polytetrafluoroethylene and semi-interpenetrating polymer network (SIPN) matrices and mixed organic–inorganic fillers. Comparative analysis of qualification of materials when tested in field conditions and express testing using laboratory equipment provide a reliable screening of the service life of the materials to evaluate the performance of machines and mechanisms operating under the climatic conditions of the Russian North and the Arctic.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):108-111
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Formation and investigation of composite material silver–nitinol for medical purposes

Nasakina E., Baikin A., Sergiyenko K., Leonov A., Kaplan M., Seryogin A., Konushkin S., Myasnikova N., Sevostyanov M., Kolmakov A., Simakov S.


Nanoscale and microscale surface layers of silver on flat and wire NiTi and SiO2 substrates were produced by vacuum magnetron sputtering. The structure and the composition of samples were determined by SEM, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and X-ray diffractometry. The thickness and the structure of surface layers were affected by the sputtering distance and time.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):112-117
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Calcium pyrophosphate powder for production of bioceramics synthesized from pyrophosphoric acid and calcium acetate

Safronova T., Kurbatova S., Shatalova T., Knotko A., Yevdokimov P., Putlyayev V.


Hydrated amorphous calcium pyrophosphate powder was synthesized from an aqueous solution containing pyrophosphoric acid and calcium acetate with the addition of an aqueous solution of ammonia. A distinctive feature of the proposed synthesis consisted in the use of pyrophosphoric acid synthesized by treatment of a sodium pyrophosphate solution with ion exchange resin (H+ form). The phase composition of ceramic fabricated from the powder after the calcination at 600–1000°C was represented by β-Ca2P2O7. The synthesized powder can be recommended for the fabrication of porous biocompatible resorbable ceramic.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):118-125
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On friction of metallic materials with consideration for superplasticity phenomenon

Breki A., Gvozdev A., Kolmakov A., Starikov N., Provotorov D., Sergeyev N., Khonelidze D.


A hypothesis on the possible occurrence of the superplasticity phenomenon in local zones of friction contact is put forwarded. An extended classification of friction junctions is developed with consideration for the superplasticity phenomenon. A relation for the coefficient of friction which considers the possibility of the occurrence of the superplasticity phenomenon over a portion of the friction surface is obtained.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):126-129
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Effect of plasma electrolytic nitrocarburizing on phase composition of 0.3C-1Mn-1Si-Fe steel

Popova N., Zhurerova L., Nikonenko E., Skakov M.


By transmission diffraction electron microscopy, study of the changes in the phase composition arising in 0.3C-1Mn-1Si-Fe steel upon plasma electrolytic nitrocarburizing with increasing distance from the modified surface is performed. It is found that, with increasing distance from the surface, the list of carbonitride phases and their volume fraction are reduced. The morphology of the steel matrix is changed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):130-135
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Influence of ripening in mother solution on characteristics of magnesium-substituted calcium phosphate powders

Goldberg M., Smirnov V., Antonova O., Shvorneva L., Konovalov A., Kudryavtsev E., Smirnov S., Barinov S.


Effect of ripening in the mother liquor on the degree of crystallinity and dispersity of mixed powders of calcium and magnesium phosphates is studied as a function of magnesium content with the elemental composition such that (Ca + Mg)/P = 2. Ripening is found to have a positive effect on crystallinity of the apatite phase of powders. Nanocrystals with lowered tendency to aggregation are formed during the ripening period, which affords the powders with specific surface area as high as 80 m2/g. The morphology of the constituent particles depends on the magnesium content. Crystallization processes are essentially completed by the 21st day of ripening.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):136-139
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Structure and properties of nitrile-butadiene rubber filled with carbon and basalt fibers

Shadrinov N., Nartakhova S.


The properties of nitrile-butadiene rubber reinforced with basalt and carbon short fibers are studied. The physicomechanical properties, hardness, and stability under abrasive wear and in a corrosive environment are established depending on the amount of introduced fibers. The structural properties of reinforced elastomeric composites are studied using electron and atomic force microscopy.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):140-144
pages 140-144 views

Decrease in extraction rate of poly(vinyl chloride) plasticizing agent in case of addition of nanofiller

Rybakov Y., Dedov A., Chirikov S.


An approach to estimating the efficiency of reduction in plasticizer leaching from a poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)-based polymer is proposed. Experimentally, the leaching rate was reduced by adding a nanofiller based on heptakis-(2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl)-β-cyclodextrin (Bz-β-CD) to the PVC. A decrease in the rate of the initial desorption stage depends on the nanofiller content, which determines the amount of leached plasticizer, which, in turn, causes a reduction in the desorption rate. Models for the influence of nanofiller content on the rate of the initial desorption stage and on the fraction of desorbed plasticizer, which diminishes the process intensity, are formulated.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):145-147
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Temperature distribution and structure in the heat-affected zone for steel sheets after laser cutting

Gvozdev A., Sergeyev N., Minayev I., Kolmakov A., Tikhonova I., Sergeyev A., Provotorov D., Khonelidze D., Maliy D., Golyshev I.


A calculation is performed for the temperature distribution and studies are conducted for the structure of the heat-affected (HAZ) zone in sheet steel St3 with a thickness of 6 and 10 mm after laser cutting (LC). It is shown that, with increasing LC speed, the temperature in any section of the HAZ is reduced. Increasing laser power in the studied range has almost no effect on the temperature distribution in the HAZ. The temperature fields appearing in the course of LC are compared with the location of the HAZ regions differing in structure. The area with ferrite structure under heating stays in a state of pre-transformation before a eutectoid transformation; the cause of its formation could be an enhanced diffusion mobility of interstitial atoms near the critical point Ac1.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):148-152
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Colloidal forming of chemically bonded calcium phosphate composites

Putlyaev V., Safronova T., Filippov Y., Evdokimov P.


On the basis of mixtures of Ca3(PO4)2(α-TCP)/CaO and α-TCP/CaMPO4 powders (M = Na, K), self-hardening pastes are prepared whose treatment with solutions of sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride results in the production of chemically bonded composites containing the phases of hydroxyapatite (HA) and calcium carbonate, as well as TCP and HA. The resulting materials can be used both as relatively dense composites (up to 75%) for osteoplasty and in the casting of settable ceramic slurries in plastic molds of special geometry for obtaining osteoconductive macroporous ceramics.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):153-158
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Influence of cobalt alloying on structure and long-term strength of Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy system

Ryabov D., Antipov K., Fesenko T., Dynin N.


A determining factor for application of new materials for structural elements exposed to processing and operational heating is their thermal stability and operability at increased temperatures. This article presents the results of investigation into the influence of a minor addition of cobalt on modification of the microstructure of cold rolled sheets after thermal strengthening treatment. Furthermore, improvement of long term strength at increased temperature is demonstrated, which makes it possible to use the addition of cobalt in development of heat-resistant aluminum alloys.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):159-165
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Properties of thin films of tungsten sulfide and copper sulfide produced by magnetron sputtering method

An V., Pogrebenkov V., Zakharov A.


This article describes investigations into the properties of thin films of tungsten sulfide and copper sulfide produced by magnetron sputtering on glass substrates in argon atmosphere. Transmittance spectra of the obtained films are studied by spectrophotometry in the range from 300 to 900 nm; the band gaps are determined. The thickness of the obtained films varies in the range of 0.5–1 μm.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):166-171
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Electroluminescence and electron–hole mobility of 6,12-di(thien-2-il)indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles

Dmitriyev A., Yusupov A., Irgashev R., Kazin N., Maltsev E., Lypenko D., Rusinov G., Vannikov A., Charushin V.


Novel compounds—substituted indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles (SIC)—which demonstrate semiconducting properties are synthesized. Electroluminescence (EL) is studied in multilayer diode structures based on SIC. The values of hole (6.38 × 10–5 cm2/(V s)) and electron mobilities (1.31 × 10–5 cm2/(V s)) of these electroactive materials are measured. It is estimated that heteroaromatic nuclei are the electron transport centers of SIC molecules.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):172-175
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Properties and phase transformations progressing in complex alloyed stainless austenitic steel upon heating

Maltseva L., Vakhonina K., Levina A., Maltseva T., Sharapova V.


The features of change in the structure and physical and mechanical properties of complex alloyed stainless austenitic steel are studied at elevated temperatures. Modes of hot plastic strain of the studied steel are proposed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):176-180
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Preparation of a new sorption material based on modified shungite

Polunina I., Goncharova I., Petukhova G., Vysotskiy V., Polunin K., Buryak A.


A method of modification of mineral shungite (shungite-III) material was proposed that made possible a nanodispersive porous sorbent with the carbon content exceeding 75% and the pore size of 19 nm. The effect of the physicochemical modification of shungite on its composition and sorption properties was studied.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):181-185
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Crystal phase formation in colored leucite-reinforced glass-ceramics for dental restorations

Khabas T., Klimova V., Starosvetskiy S., Vasilyeva A., Zvigintsev M.


The influence of additives of rare earth elements on the crystallization and properties of glassceramic materials such as coatings for metal crowns in prosthetic dentistry was studied. A material for coatings was synthesized from a mixture based on potassium feldspar with the addition of oxides of alkali metals in the form of carbonates and fluorides as well as salts and oxides of rare earth elements. The additives of rare earth elements were introduced to give the coatings natural color. It was shown that the additives influence both the color and the phase composition of a coating by impeding crystallization. Upon the increase in the content of additives by more than 0.5 wt %, the thermal expansion coefficient of glass-ceramic materials increases.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(1):186-193
pages 186-193 views

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