
Deformation behavior features of composite of polystyrene with cesium sulfate filler during ultraviolet and X-ray irradiation
Pokidov A., Klassen N., Kedrov V., Shmytko I.
Degradation of Fuel Cladding Materials Based on Zirconium after Operation in VVER-Type Reactors
Frolov A., Gurovich B., Kuleshova E., Maltsev D., Safonov D., Kochkin V., Alexeeva E., Stepanov N.
Synergistic Mechanism of Radiation Embrittlement of Austenitic Stainless Steels under Long-Term High-Temperature Irradiation
Shvetsova V., Prokoshev O., Margolin B., Sorokin A., Potapova V.
Improvement of Structure and Properties of Scintillation Composites by Centrifugation
Klassen N., Pokidov A., Kedrov V.
Modification of a hard alloy cermet structure upon pulsed electron-ion-plasma irradiation
Ovcharenko V., Ivanov Y., Ivanov K., Mohovikov A., Hua X., Zhong L., Hai Y.
Effect of Low-Temperature Ion Irradiation on the Nanostructure of 12% Chromium ChS-139 Steel
Rogozhkin S., Iskandarov N., Nikitin A., Bogachev A., Khomich A., Khoroshilov V., Lukyanchuk A., Raznitsyn O., Shutov A., Fedin P., Kulevoy T., Leontyeva-Smirnova M., Mozhanov E.
Combined Action of Fast Neutrons and Operational Factors on Reliability of Infrared LEDs
Gradoboev A., Simonova A., Orlova K.
Prediction of radiation embrittlement of WWER-1000 reactor vessel materials considering the influence of alloying elements and high content of copper
Margolin B., Yurchenko E.
Effect of power pulses of deuterium plasma on the structure and mechanical properties of chromium steel
Tsepelev A., Ilyushin A., Kiseleva T., Brovkina E., Vinogradova N.
Thermoelectric and Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Irradiated with High-Energy Electrons
Mikhailova G., Nishchenko M., Pimenov V., Starostin E., Tovtin V.
Surface Structure Transformation in Double Forged Tungsten upon Single and Sequenced Irradiation Using Different Types of Radiation Facilities
Demina E., Gribkov V., Prusakova M., Pimenov V., Morozov E., Maslyaev S., Voronin A., Gusev V., Garkusha I., Makhlai V., Laas T., Shirokova V., Vali B.
Comparative analysis of methods for increasing the biostability of collagen films
Nemets E., Pankina A., Sevastianov V.
Influence of technological defects and neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of single-crystal molybdenum pipes
Kinev E., Barsanova S., Pastukhov V.
Change in the Morphology of the Surface of Ta–W Coating after Exposure to Cyclic Laser Pulses
Karnavskaya T., Kikin P., Perevezentsev V., Razov E., Rusin E.
On the Interaction of the Deformation and Photonic Self-Organizations in Condensed Media: Overview
Klassen N., Vasin A., Polyanin K.
Radiation hardening of constructional cement–magnetite–serpentinite composite under gamma irradiation at increased dose
Yastrebinskii R., Bondarenko G., Pavlenko V.
Damage of Al2O3 ceramics under the action of pulsed ion and plasma fluxes and laser irradiation
Maslyaev S., Morozov E., Romakhin P., Pimenov V., Gribkov V., Tikhonov A., Bondarenko G., Dubrovsky A., Kazilin E., Sasinovskaya I., Sinitsyna O.
Study of Microscopic Origins of Radiation Hardening of Eurofer 97 in Simulation Experiment with Ion Irradiation
Rogozhkin S., Nikitin A., Khomich A., Iskandarov N., Khoroshilov V., Bogachev A., Lukyanchuk A., Raznitsyn O., Shutov A., Kulevoy T., Fedin P., Vasiliev A., Presnyakov M.
Structure and Properties of the Surface Layer of B4C Ceramic Treated with an Intense Electron Beam
Ivanov Y., Khasanov O., Petyukevich M., Smirnov G., Polisadova V., Bikbaeva Z., Teresov A., Kalashnikov M., Tolkachov O.
Radiation-induced changes in the structure and mechanical properties of Fe–Mo alloy under electron irradiation
Tsepelev A., Ilyushin A., Kiseleva T., Brovkina E., Melnikov V.
Pulsed ion beam induced changes in a submicrocrystalline structure of the near surface layers of austenite steel
Ligachev A., Kolobov Y., Zhidkov M., Golosov E., Potemkin G., Remnev G.
Improvement of the Approach to Predict the Fracture Toughness of Irradiated Anticorrosive Cladding for WWER-Type Reactors
Minkin A., Morozov A., Smirnov V.
Features of the Damage and the Structural Changes in the Tungsten Surface Layer under the Pulsed Action of Laser Radiation, Ion and Plasma Fluxes
Morozov E., Demin A., Pimenov V., Gribkov V., Roshchupkin V., Maslyaev S., Latyshev S., Demina E., Kazilin E., Koltsov A., Bondarenko G., Gaydar A.
Microstructure of Ti–5Al–4V–2Zr alloy in the initial condition and after irradiation with titanium ions
Rogozhkin S., Nikitin A., Orlov N., Kulevoy T., Fedin P., Korchuganova O., Kozodaev M., Vasiliev A., Orekhov A., Kolobylina N., Leonov V., Schastlivaya I.
Athermal laser annealing of cold-worked aluminum
Tsepelev A., Kazilin E., Maslyaev S., Melnikov V., Sadykhov S., Vinogradova N.
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