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Vol 8, No 5 (2017)

Physico-Chemical Principles of Materials Development

Some problems of hydrogen in reactor structural materials: A review

Chernov I.I., Staltsov M.S., Kalin B.A., Guseva L.Y.


The review concerns some problems of hydrogen in the main reactor structural materials used in the core of nuclear reactors. Zirconium alloys, steels, and vanadium alloys, as well as the hydrogen and helium synergetic effect exerted on the radiation resistance, are considered. The main sources resulting in the accumulation of hydrogen isotopes in reactor materials are discussed. The causes and consequences of hydride embrittlement of zirconium alloys at relatively low temperatures are analyzed. It is shown that hydrogen can induce the embrittlement of vessel steels through the weakening interatomic bond forces and a stabilization of radiation-induced defects. It is demonstrated that hydrogen in the presence of helium behaves like a gas that enhances the irradiation effect on the microstructure and properties of materials in many cases. The irradiation with simultaneous introduction of hydrogen and helium causes, in particular, a catastrophic swelling of chromium steels and vanadium alloys, whereas in the case of austenitic steel the effect is less pronounced.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):643-650
pages 643-650 views

Obtaining of specified effective mechanical, thermal, and electrical characteristics of composite filled with dispersive materials

Bochkareva S.A., Grishaeva N.Y., Lyukshin B.A., Lyukshin P.A., Matolygina N.Y., Panov I.L.


Properties of polymer matrices compositions can be governed in a variety of ways. The structural modification is one of the most commonly encountered methods, where different effective characteristics of the material are varied by means of reinforcing inclusions, while the chemical nature of the matrix and inclusions is not changed. We propose an approach to determination of governing parameters (phase composition, phase properties, internal geometry, interphase interaction character) providing specified effective properties to the material or getting them into predetermined intervals. In line with this approach, on the basis of solution of a limited number of direct problems (modeling tasks) that define effective characteristics by values of governing parameters, the corresponding response surfaces of electrical, thermal, and deformation-strength properties to the values of the governing parameters are constructed in the state space. Surface analysis allows us to determine whether there is a solution for the selected range of the specified effective characteristics and, if there is one, to specify the range of values of governing parameters. If necessary to ensure simultaneous receipt for the material of both effective thermal and electrical properties and deformation-strength properties, the values of governing parameters are found by the intersection of the relevant areas. The proposed method can obviously be extended to multiphase materials.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):651-661
pages 651-661 views

Materials of Aircraft and Space Engineering

Mathematical modeling of temperature fields with consideration for curing kinetics of thick-walled fiberglass plate

Barinov D.Y., Marakhovsky P.S., Kutsevich K.E., Chutskova Y.Y.


The kinetic parameters of curing of the binder VSK-14-2m are determined. The heat release power in the specified hardening regime in the temperature range from 100 up to 200°C is estimated on the basis of the obtained data. A mathematical model of heat transfer when forming the thick-walled fiberglass plate is proposed. Temperature differences of the outer and middle layers of the plate and temperature gradients over the plate thickness are revealed—significant temperature differences of the outer and middle layers of the plate (more than 30°C) and temperature gradients of layers (more than 7 K/mm) are observed, resulting in decrease in mechanical characteristics. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data on the temperature distribution over the plate thickness is performed. The level of correlation with each other is 99.5%.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):662-667
pages 662-667 views

Materials for Electronics

Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of mesoporous tantalum oxynitride

Orlov V.M., Sedneva T.A.


The effect of the conditions of ammonolysis of mesoporous magnesiothermic tantalum powders with the specific surface area of 56–63 m2 g–1 on phase composition and specific surface area of the products is studied in the temperature range of 400–900°C. The ammonolysis products are shown to be X-ray amorphous at 400–600°C. At the heating rate of 20 K/min, the nitrogen content in these products is 5.4–7.3% and the specific surface area is 42–35 m2 g–1, while at heating rate of 8 K/min these parameters are 2.4–5.4% and 56–49 m2 g–1, respectively. The crystalline phase of tantalum oxynitride TaON is formed at a temperature of 700°C and above. The resulting materials exhibit a high photocatalytic activity in the reactions of ferroin and methylene blue degradation under irradiation with visible light (λ ≥ 420 nm).

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):668-673
pages 668-673 views

Materials of Quantum Electronics and Photonics

Research of physicochemical properties and structure of strongly doped LiNbO3:ZnO ([ZnO] ~ 4.02–8.91 mol %) crystals

Palatnikov M.N., Sidorov N.V., Aleshina L.A., Kadetova A.V., Biryukova I.V., Makarova O.V.


In LiNbO3:ZnО crystals grown from melts containing ~4.0–9.0 mol % ZnO, the evolution of structure was studied, the lattice periods were detected, and the models of atomic structure were analyzed. Raman spectroscopy and full-profile analysis of XRD patterns were used to obtain the results. The rise in ZnO concentration in the melt from 4.0 to ~6.99 mol % leads to the decrease in the unit cell volume of the crystals. The further rise in ZnO concentration in the melt to ~7.8 mol % results in the increase in the unit cell volume of the crystals. Refinement of the profile characteristics of XRD patterns and structural characteristics of the researched crystal samples was performed by the Rietveld method using the PDWin software package. All samples were considered single-phase, taking into consideration the absence of intense bands coinciding with the lithium niobate bands. Zn2+ cations were detected to occupy Li sites (which are vacant in the congruent LiNbO3 crystal). In this case, Nb vacancies are absent. Zinc displaces all excess Nb atoms in Li sites. In the sample grown from melt with ~6.12 mol % ZnO. In this case, Li vacancies and electroneutrality stay the same in the sample. Thus, NbLi antistructure defects are absent in the LiNbO3:ZnО crystal (~6.12 mol % ZnО in the melt). In LiNbO3:ZnО crystals with higher ZnO concentration, NbLi antistructure defects appear again. In this case, the concentration of Zn in Li sites almost coincides with the one in the LiNbO3:ZnО crystal. Unit cell parameters are equal in crystals grown from melts with ~7.8 and ~6.76 mol %. The biggest changes in the Raman spectra of these crystals are observed in the regions of vibrations of cations (200–300 cm–1) located in oxygen octahedra ВО6 (В: Nb5+, Li+, Zn2+) and in the region of vibrations of oxygen atoms in oxygen octahedra (500–900 cm–1). This indicates a change in order of alteration of intrinsic, doping cations and vacancies along the polar axis and deformation of oxygen octahedra during doping. This corresponds to anisotropic expansion of oxygen octahedra along the polar axis in LiNbO3:ZnО crystals.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):674-680
pages 674-680 views

Materials of Power Engineering and Radiation-Resistant Materials

Combined matrixes for solidification of organic radioactive liquid wastes containing Cs-137 and Sr-90

Nikitin A.V., Kondakova Y.V., Sazonov A.B.


Combined cement matrixes are proposed for petrification of organic liquid radioactive liquid wastes (spent tributyl phosphate in hydrocarbon solvent, process oil) containing radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr. The high level of filling of the matrixes with waste is achieved by premixing thermally expanded graphite with the latter. To confine cesium firmly, bentonite clay additions with a montmorillonite content not less than 65 vol % should be included in the compounds. It is demonstrated that the desired content of extracting agent in the compound is 25 vol % and that of oil is 20 vol %. The minimum time of aging of the compounds before transportation for long-term storage or burial should be not less than 42 days from the moment of cement mixing. The moisture-resistant enamel coating of the surface of compounds does not prevent substantial diffusion of 137Cs. However, it slows down the water absorption by the cement, thus postponing the beginning of transition 137Cs and other radionuclides to the liquid phase. The strength of the compounds obtained in the paper complies with the standardized values (GOST R 51883-2002). The average leaching rate of 137Cs is not more than 1 mg/(cm2 day) and that of 90Sr + 90Y is not more than 0.1 mg/(cm2 day). The leaching kinetics of cesium radionuclides from the compound has a diffusive character. The leaching kinetics of strontium and yttrium radionuclides from the compound has a sorption-desorption character. The leaching rates of radionuclides of elements of groups I, II, and III form the following series: R(137Cs) > R(90Sr) ≫ R(90Y).

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):681-690
pages 681-690 views

Radiation hardening of constructional cement–magnetite–serpentinite composite under gamma irradiation at increased dose

Yastrebinskii R.N., Bondarenko G.G., Pavlenko V.I.


It is shown that a constructional radiation-shielding composite material with high resistance to radiation-thermal loads can be obtained. The material was produced using a Portland cement mix, boron-containing chrysotile, magnetite filler, plasticizing additives, and metal fraction by the vibro-packing method. The content of chemically bound water was at least 1.5 wt %. Exposure to high doses of gamma radiation led to formation of monocalcium ferrite CaFe2O4 with high physical and X-ray density in the cement–magnetite–serpentinite composite. Its formation resulted in radiation hardening and increased the mechanical strength of the composite up to the dose of 10 MGy. When a protective composite was exposed to γ radiation with the absorbed dose of 20 MGy, the mechanical strength of the composite was reduced by only 4–5% compared to that of the unirradiated sample.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):691-695
pages 691-695 views

Materials for Ensuring Human Vital Activity and Environmental Protection

Modification of polyester fabrics with nanosized titanium dioxide to impart photoactivity

Prorokova N.P., Kumeeva T.Y., Agafonov A.V., Ivanov V.K.


Modification of the polyester fabric using the diluted suspension of nanosized titanium dioxide is shown to make the fabric capable of decomposing the adsorbed contaminants under irradiation. The effect of different types of preactivation of polyester material on the self-cleaning ability of the fabrics is investigated. Chemical preactivation and preactivation using surface barrier discharge plasma additionally enhances the photochemical activity of the modified fabrics. The resistance of the achieved effect to operational impacts, such as washing and dry friction, is estimated and is found to be satisfactory. Modification of polyester fabrics using nanosized titanium dioxide protects it against intense UV radiation.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):696-703
pages 696-703 views

New “old” polylactides for tissue engineering constructions

Antonov E.N., Bukharova T.B., Dunaev A.G., Krotova L.I., Nifant’ev I.E., Popov V.K., Shlyakhtin A.V.


New methods for the synthesis of aliphatic polyesters were proposed and realized with highly effective and low-toxic 1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]decene-5 and (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenoxy)-butyl-magnesium as catalysts and ethanol as an initiator. The interaction processes between D,L-polylactides of different molecular weights, obtained through these methods, and supercritical carbon dioxide were studied to provide “soft and dry” formation (without high temperatures and toxic organic solvents) of highly porous (up to 90 vol %) bioresorbable matrices for tissue engineering constructions. The chemical structure, molecular weight characteristics, morphology, cytotoxicity, and matrix properties of the samples synthesized from D,L-polylactides were studied with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, scanning electron microscopy, colorimetric testing to estimate the metabolic activity of cells (MTT test), and coloration with a vital fluorescent dye of in vitro cultures of multipotent stromal cells of human adipose tissue. A comparative analysis for biocompatibility of these matrices with control samples made from “medical grade” polylactide analog produced industrially indicates that the materials developed can be recommended for tissue engineering.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):704-712
pages 704-712 views

Low-temperature aging of ceramic on the basis of tetragonal zirconium dioxide stabilized by cations of yttrium and ytterbium

Podzorova L.I., Titov S.A., Il’icheva A.A., Mikhailina N.A., Pen’kova O.I., Shvorneva L.I., Gubareva V.E., Penkina T.N.


The effect of low-temperature aging of ceramics Zr0.97Y0.03O2 (Y-TZP) and Zr0.98Y0.02O2 (Yb-TZP) by the methods of the high-grade diffraction analysis and atomic force microckopy is studied. Formation of the phase M-ZrO2 in ceramic (Y-TZP) in a large quantity after hydrothermal impact in subsurface layers of ceramic samples is shown. A positive effect of the stabilizing cation Yb+3 on the phase composition stability and strength properties of ceramic based on T-ZrO2 is registered. Adaptation of the structural ceramic based on T-ZrO2 according to medical requirements is the aim of this study.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):713-717
pages 713-717 views

Comparative analysis of methods for increasing the biostability of collagen films

Nemets E.A., Pankina A.P., Sevastianov V.I.


Most often, glutaraldehyde (GA) is used to increase the biostability of biological materials intended for the manufacture of implantable products or matrices for tissue-engineered constructs. However, this method has a number of side effects, including the manifestation of cytotoxicity of the final product, necessitating the search for new technological solutions. The original scleral collagen (SC) films of farm animals were obtained by the method of irrigation (sample thickness of ~150 μm), followed by drying at 370°C to a constant weight in the air. For the first group of samples, dehydrothermal treatment of SC films was carried out at a residual pressure of 10–20 mmHg and 120°C. Samples of the second group were stabilized by UV cross-linking—processing the surface with a Philips CLEO Compact lamp (16 W, 254 nm, distance from lamp to sample of 3 cm). Treatment of the SC films of third group was conducted in GA vapor at room temperature for the selected time interval (from 30 min to 18 h). The fourth group consisted of SC samples stabilized by the traditional method of cross-linking of biological tissues: treatment of aqueous 25% solution of GA with the final concentration in collagen solution from 0.0005% to 1.0% (processing time was 24 h at room temperature). The biodegradation of the samples was assessed using accelerated tests in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4, 37°C, 1 h) containing collagenase at the rate of 1 unit of enzyme per 1 mg of dry sample; the reaction was terminated after 1 h by lowering the temperature to 4°C. The films of SC (mass loss 66 ± 9%) were used as the control during the search for an optimal method of cross-linking. UV irradiation treatment weakly affected the biodegradation of the SC samples (mass loss of 55 ± 5%). The dehydrothermal treatment resulted in a linear decrease in biodegradation with increasing time of incubation, and after 18 h of treatment, the mass loss of the SC samples was practically absent. It was found that the reduction of the GA concentration in the SC solution from 1.0 to 0.001% led to a significant reduction in mass loss of samples from 20 ± 3% to 5 ± 1%. Cross-linking of the samples of SC in GA vapor also led to an increase in biostability of SC films (mass loss absent after 18 h of treatment). From four methods of SC films treatment investigated, the optimal from the point of view of increasing the biostability of collagen- based materials are dehydrothermal treatment and cross-linking by glutaraldehyde vapor.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):718-722
pages 718-722 views

Highly porous bioceramics based on octacalcium phosphate

Fedotov A.Y., Smirnov I.V., Barinov S.M., Komlev V.S.


The method of obtaining highly porous ceramics by chemical transformation of ceramics based on α-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) to dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) followed by hydrolysis to octacalcium (OCP) phosphate was explored. This method provides an opportunity to get monophase OCP as well as biphasic calcium phosphate with a different ratio of α-TCP/DCPD or DCPD/OCP. The microstructure and mechanical properties depending on the phase composition and processes in held conditions were studied. Using this method makes it possible to increase the compressive strength by up to 7 times because of morphological modifications inside the crystals.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):723-726
pages 723-726 views

Effect of supplementation different hydrophobic silicas on the stability of foams

Lebedeva N.S., Taratanov N.A., Barinova E.V., Potemkina O.V.


In this paper, we investigated two types of silicas obtained by the sol-gel synthesis (silica 1) and solgel synthesis of endotemplates (fructose) (silica 2). In the first phase of work, the surface characteristics of the synthesized silicas were evaluated. Area measurement and pore volume of silica samples showed that the surface of silica 2 had a narrow slitlike pores, and the pore size was 3.15–3.17 nm. Thermochemical studies of silica showed that the content of hydroxyl groups per 1 g of silica was greater in the case of silica synthesized by endotemplate technology. The obtained data on the texture parameters and chemical activity of the surface were used in the study of systems containing surfactant and silica in aqueous media. Common for particles of synthesized silica is that the form of particles in the solutions remains spherical and the zeta potential decreases. Moreover, the neutralization of the surface charge of silica 2 takes place to a greater extent than the neutralization of the charge on the surface of particles of silica 1. The greatest practical interest may be the pre-foaming solution with the addition of silica 2, because the maximum lifetime was recorded in this solution.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):727-733
pages 727-733 views

Surface-active properties and physiological activity of systems chitosan succinamide–surface-active substance

Bazunova M.V., Gimaeva F.R., Mustakimov R.A., Shamratova V.G., Sharafutdinova L.A., Kulish E.I.


The effect of water-soluble polymer—chitosan succinamide—on surface activity of such commonly used surfactants as anionic sodium dodecylsulfate and nonionic TWEEN-80 is investigated. It is shown that the combined use of sodium dodecylsulfate and TWEEN-80 with chitosan succinamide increases the surface activity of the investigated surfactants. It is found that the association of chitosan succinamide with sodium dodecylsulfate or TWEEN-80 begins at concentrations an order of magnitude lower than the critical micelle concentration of studied surfactants. The fact of reduction in the dynamic viscosity of the solution of chitosan succinamide in the presence of both ionic and nonionic surfactants, apparently owing to the formation of polymer-colloid complexes, is revealed. The obtained systems have a stabilizing effect on the membrane of red blood cells in stringent hypotonic conditions, which may indicate a decrease in the adverse effect of surfactants on the skin.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):734-738
pages 734-738 views

General Purpose Materials

Physicochemical properties and structure of aerogel type composites on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol/carbon black

Kokhanovskaya O.A., Razdiakonova G.I., Likholobov V.A.


The porous structure and physicochemical properties of aerogel type composites on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol/carbon black obtained by gas cryotreatment of a foamed composite are studied. The materials consist of more than 50 wt % carbon and have a real density of no less than 0.79 g/cm3 (the bulk density is less than 0.27 g/cm3). It is found that the molecular weight of polyvinyl alcohol and the presence of sodium tetraborate affect the size of the macropores of aerogel type composites, while carbon black does not affect this parameter. The dependence of the specific surface area of carbon black and average size of the macropores of aerogel type composites on their specific surface area is found. The thermal stability of the materials does not depend on their composition and synthesis conditions and falls within the range of 260–280°C. The thermal conductivity of the aerogel type composites on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol/carbon black is in the range of 33–59 mW/(m K). These materials are recommended for application as heat insulators.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):739-744
pages 739-744 views

Application of the filler composite rods based on the B83 babbit alloy for production of the antifriction coatings by arc welding

Mikheyev R.S., Kobernik N.V., Kalashnikov I.E., Bolotova L.K., Bykov P.A., Kobeleva L.I., Kolmakov A.G.


The tribological properties of the antifriction composite coatings produced by arc surfacing on a steel substrate were studied. It was shown that application of the composite filler rods based on the B83 babbit alloy containing submicron particles of boron and boron carbide and micron-size silicon carbide particles makes it possible to obtain a coating with 20–40% lower friction coefficients in the case of increase in the wear resistance by 20–35% as compared with the layer formed with the use of the same B83 babbit filler rods.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):745-749
pages 745-749 views

Structure and properties of Mo–9Si–8B alloy fabricated by casting

Gaisin R.A., Imayev V.M., Shaimardanov R.A., Imayev R.M.


This article discusses the microstructure and mechanical properties under compression and resistance against oxidation of Mo–9Si–8B (at %) alloy fabricated by casting. Despite generation of coarse dendritic structure, the as-cast alloy demonstrates excellent high-temperature strength: the alloy yield strength at 1200°C is 700 MPa, and the maximum compression strength is 750 MPa, which is significantly higher than the strength properties at this temperature of the top quality heat-resistant alloys on the basis of nickel. The article considers possible improvements of the alloy resistance against oxidation by disintegrating the dendritic structure and obtaining a fine-grained structure, which promotes a more uniform distribution in the bulk of the matrix phase and disperse intermetallic phases.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):750-754
pages 750-754 views

Modification of epoxy matrix by whiskers of potassium polytitanate

Mostovoi A.S., Ledenev A.N., Panova L.G.


Studies show the possibility to directionally control the performance properties of epoxy composites by the use of small additions of whiskers of potassium polytitanate, the introduction of plasticizers of multifunctional action, and the methods of chemical and mechanical activation of composition components and the composition as a whole. This provides the creation of the next-generation epoxy composites with high performance (the breaking stress and the flexural modulus of 96 and 3150 MPa, the compressive breaking stress of 95 MPa, and the toughness of 18 kJ/m2), which meets the usual industrial requirements. In addition, the influence of potassium polytitanate whiskers on the structure formation processes of epoxy resin is established, which is shown by the increase in the gel time from 45 to 64 min and the curing time from 53 to 104 min.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):755-758
pages 755-758 views

Modern Technologies of Preparation and Processing of Materials

Hydrogen intercalation of compounds with FeSe and MoS2 layered crystal structures

Burkhanov G.S., Lachenkov S.A., Kononov M.A., Vlasenko V.A., Mikhaylova A.B., Korenovsky N.L.


Two compounds with a layered structure of FeSe0.88 superconductor and MoS2 semiconductor are intercalated with molecular hydrogen (H2) and ionized hydrogen (H+) formed in a special ion source. In the case of FeSe0.88, intercalation with hydrogen ions causes a slight increase in the superconducting transition temperature of the compound. It is noteworthy that the temperature of the middle of superconducting transition Тcm of this system can be a little higher on account of magnetization of the FeSe ferromagnetic phase (in a field up to 0.1 T) being in the contact with it. Hydrogen intercalation of MoS2 is accompanied by an increase in the weight of the compound, and the lattice parameter c associated with the interlayer distance increases from 12.241(6) to 12.297(5) Å. At the same time, along with the existing van der Waals forces, one observes the emergence of Н bonds, which leads to the formation of MoS2H0.38 hydride and to an abrupt change in specific resistance (by an order of magnitude) relative to its value before hydrogen intercalation.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):759-762
pages 759-762 views

Modification of thermally reduced graphene oxide by the SF6/Ar plasma treatment

Neustroev E.P., Nogovitcyna M.V., Popov V.I., Timofeev V.B.


The effect of SF6/Ar plasma on the properties of partially thermally reduced graphene oxide (GO) was studied by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, and the current–voltage characteristics. Samples were treated by SF6/Ar plasma for up to 45 min at the power of 100–250 W. The fluorine content and the resistance of samples depending on the time of treatment were determined. It was established that the fluorine content in GO was more than 20 wt % if the treatment time was 45 min. It was shown that the sharpest change in the resistance occurred during the initial plasma treatment. In the subsequent processing, there was a gradual increase in the resistance, whose value varied slightly during the heat treatment at up to 450°C. No noticeable increase in defects on the surface of graphene oxide after plasma treatment was detected by Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The fluorination in SF6/Ar plasma was explained by the formation of C–F bonds with the structure of graphene oxide.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):763-768
pages 763-768 views

Mechanothermal synthesis of cobalt, iron, and titanium aluminides

Artukh V.A., Nipan G.D., Yusupov V.S.


The aluminides with compositions Al13Co4, Al13Fe4, Al13Co2Fe2, and Al3Ti are synthesized in air after mechanical activation of the precursor metals followed by thermosynthesis. The phase compositions of the synthesized aluminides as well as Al13Co4/SiO2, Al13Fe4/SiO2, and Al3Ti/SiO2 composites are analyzed before and after partial oxidation of methane (POM). According to the X-ray powder diffraction data, Al13Co4 crystallizes as the Y phase. During POM, the Z phase with low content of aluminum is formed along with the Y phase. The Al13Fe4 sample is the eutectic mixture of the Al13–xFe4 monoclinic M phase and aluminum, but the Al13Co2Fe2 solid solution crystallizes as the homogeneous M phase. The formation of Al3Ti in air is accompanied by oxidation. With SiO2 as a substrate, intermetallics Al13Co4 and Al13Fe4, albeit corrosion-resistant to atmospheric oxygen up to 600°C, decompose to form corundum Al2O3, mullite Al6Si2O13, and silicides CoSi2, CoSi, Co2Si, FeSi2, and Fe3Si. The phase transformations occurring during the coannealing of Al13Co4 and Al13Fe4 with SiO2 are described by irreversible reactions. The aluminide Al3Ti does not form silicides during the contact with SiO2, and the phase composition of the 3Al–Ti–1.5SiO2 composite does not change during POM.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):769-771
pages 769-771 views

High-temperature iron oxidation within the oxidative development approach

Zufman V.Y., Shevtsov S.V., Ogarkov A.I., Kovalev I.A., Kuznetsov K.B., Ashmarin A.A., Ovsyannikov N.A., Dergunova N.N., Rodionova S.K., Chernyavskii A.S., Solntsev K.A.


High temperature iron oxidation within the oxidative development approach was carried out. It was found that, in the temperature range of 750–850°C, the kinetics of the iron oxidation with the use of the oxidative development approach was described by a parabolic law. The formed compact oxide ceramic has a uniform thickness which reaches 7 mm at 850°C within 14 days. It was found that, with the increase in volume of the initial metallic sample, the rate of the high temperature iron oxidation decreased. The ceramic obtained within 14 days at 850°C was characterized by a laminated structure.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):772-775
pages 772-775 views

Combustion synthesis of mica-crystalline materials based on fluorphlogopite using mineral raw materials and aluminum production waste

Loryan V.E., Kachin A.R., Uvarov V.I.


The paper considers possible use of aluminum production waste (recycled cryolite Na3AlF6) and quartz sand (SiO2) as the main reagents in the synthesis of mica-crystalline materials based on fluorphlogopite under ambient conditions. The combustion process is shown to depend on the energy additive in the initial mixture and occurs at a rate of 2–5 mm/s in the temperature range of ~700 to 1600°C. The identity of the SHS-fluorphlogopite and pyrogenic fluorphlogopite structures is established. The conditions that allow synthesizing fluorphlogopites with the final product melting in the combustion wave or without it are determined. It appears to be possible to synthesize items by a direct method from dense (2.57 g/cm3) and porous materials based on SHS fluorphlogopites. The possibility of synthesizing materials with the open porosity of up to 35% is demonstrated. A material based on monoclinic sodium fluorphlogopites of NaMg3AlSi3O10F2 and Na4Mg6Al4Si4O20F4 compositions is obtained. The results of investigations can be used to develop the SHS technology of item production from mica-crystalline materials.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):776-780
pages 776-780 views

Preparation and properties of porous ceramics based on alumomagnesium spinel and zirconium dioxide

Morozova L.V., Kalinina M.V., Shilova O.A.


The foundations of the technology for the preparation of porous nanoceramics based on alumomagnesium spinel (MgAl2O4) and zirconium dioxide stabilized in the tetragonal structure (t-ZrO2) with an open porosity of >40% are developed. It is revealed that the cocrystallization of salt solutions with subsequent mechanochemical activation of crystallohydrates can be used for the production of nanosized MgAl2O4 and t-ZrO2 powder precursors (<20 nm). A possible way to control the open porosity and the pore size by choosing the optimal sintering temperature and the kind and the amount of pore-forming additives is shown. The width of the pore size distribution increases with increasing volume fraction of the blowing agent in the initial powder. Nanoporous ceramic materials with pores 25–100 nm in size for MgAl2O4 and 100–300 nm for t-ZrO2 are produced. The technological scheme for applying an α-Al2O3 membrane layer on a t-ZrO2 porous matrix is developed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):781-787
pages 781-787 views

Promising use of waste coal in the production of insulating material without the use of traditional natural materials

Abdrakhimov V.Z., Abdrakhimova E.S.


It is shown that one of the promising directions for the production of thermal insulation materials are waste coal (waste of the fuel and energy complex). Insulation materials (ceramic lightweight bricks) with the density not higher than 1250 kg/m3 were derived from waste coal without using the traditional natural raw materials. The innovative proposals for the use of waste coal in the manufacture of insulation materials were developed and their novelty was confirmed by four RF Patents. The investigated coal waste is characterized by high calorific value (1800–2800 kcal/kg); thus, such waste should be used not only as nonplastic materials but also as combustible additives so as to exclude the use of anthracite, coke breeze, etc., in the compositions of ceramic masses. Combustible additives containing increased amounts of organic compounds (the loss of ignition of >15%) and iron oxide (Fe2O3 of more than 3%) not only increase the porosity of ceramic products but also facilitate the uniform sintering of a ceramic crock. It was shown that there are three types of pores that mainly occur in samples of insulation materials: slitlike ones, isothermal ones, and bizarre pores. In addition, the samples contain relatively large oval pores and “channel” isometric pores. These pores determine the water absorption of ceramic materials. The presence of pores and, consequently, the heterogeneity of the material adversely affect the properties of ceramic products, and the harmful effect on the mechanical strength of the elongated (slitlike) pores is estimated at about 5 times higher than that for round ones. In addition, the presence of slit-shaped pores indicates the incompleteness of the sintering processes. The use of waste from the fuel and energy complex in the production of ceramic materials makes it possible to efficiently utilize industrial waste, to save scarce traditional natural materials, to expand the range of raw materials for construction materials, and to make a significant contribution to environmental protection.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):788-794
pages 788-794 views

Remote processing of metals with laser radiation with increased intensity

Gvozdev S.V., Glova A.F., Gladush G.G., Dubrovskii V.Y., Durmanov S.T., Krasyukov A.G., Lysikov A.Y., Smirnov G.V., Pleshkov V.M.


Application of laser radiation with a wavelength of 1.07 μm and intensity of ~104 W/cm2 used on damaged gas wells for remote cutting of metals can be inefficient on damaged oil wells owing to a large value of the mean coefficient of radiation absorption by the oil flame of ~0.1 cm–1. It was shown that, when the radiation with the intensity increased to 105 W/cm2 propagated through this flame, the absorption coefficient decreased rapidly and, in the intensity range of 105–106 W/cm2, it stabilized at a very low level of 5 × 10–3–10–2 cm–1. Experimental investigations on the conditions of remote cutting of metal plates from 1.5 to 60 mm in thickness by radiation of a cw ytterbium fiber laser with a power up to 7.5 kW at the radiation intensity of 105–106 W/cm2 on the metal surface were performed. It was found that, in a majority of practically important cases, such main parameters as drilling time, maximum cutting velocity, and cutting efficiency exceeded those at the radiation intensity of ≤104 W/cm2.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):795-801
pages 795-801 views

Features of technology of preparation of catalytic systems by thermal decomposition for synthesis of carbon nanotubes

Rukhov A.V., Bakunin E.S., Burakova E.A., Besperstova G.S., Tugolukov E.N., Han Y.A.


The critical task for the manufacturing process management of metal-metal oxide catalysts (as exemplified by Co–Mo/Al2O3–MgO) for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNT) was solved with application of a new technology. The following main characteristic groups of the catalytic systems determining their quality were identified and discussed: physical and mechanical (bulk density and tapped density; repose, tapped, and collapse angles), the degree of feedstock conversion (shares of the mass loss during heating and calcination), the catalyst activity (the CNT specific yield by the catalyst and their specific surface), and indirect indicators (pH of the aqueous suspension and the true density). Methods and modes of the study selected parameters of the catalyst were experimentally proved and analytical equipment was recommended. A new control factor of the thermal decomposition stage of the catalyst was identified. It is the specific consumption of dehydrated air. Its impact on the catalyst performance was shown. Necessary and sufficient specific consumption for the catalyst Co–Mo/Al2O3–MgO making it possible to stabilize the quality indicators was determined, which is equal to 55 kgair/kgcatalyst. Metrological approaches to the certification of the produced catalysts, Co–Mo/Al2O3–MgO, under the conditions of an actual carbon nanotechnology enterprise (NanoTechCenter Ltd., Tambov, Russia) were considered, which allowed increasing the catalyst quality. The relative divergence of the mass loss during calcination was reduced from 110.0% to 24%; the specific yield, from 64.9% to 8.5%; and the specific surface area of nanotubes, from 45.6% to 15.4%.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):802-807
pages 802-807 views

Synthesis of aluminum oxynitride from MoO3/Al/AlN mixtures by SHS metallurgy

Miloserdov P.A., Yukhvid V.I., Gorshkov V.A., Alymov M.I.


This work investigates the regularities of autowave chemical transformation of MoO3/Al/AlN mixture, gravity separation of its combustion products, and formation of composition and structure of end product (aluminum oxynitride). It is demonstrated that the mixtures of MoO3, Al and AlN are capable of burning in wide ranges of reagent ratios. In the general case, this process is composed of three consecutive stages: stage 1—combustion and chemical transformation of MoO3, Al, and AlN mixture into two-phase melt of end products (autowave synthesis); stage 2—gravity separation of combustion products (metallic and oxide phases), where two layers are generated: upper layer of “light” oxynitride (Al2O3–AlN) and bottom layer of “heavy” intermetallic compound (Mo–Al); stage 3—cooling and generation of phase composition and crystalline structure of metallic and oxide layers. It is established that variation of the aluminum content in the initial mixture at constant content of nitride additive significantly influences the combustion and autowave chemical transformation of the mixture and the phase composition and structure of the end product (aluminum oxynitride). Optimum compositions are determined for obtaining aluminum oxynitrides with high nitrogen content (up to 6–9 wt %) and impurity content (Al7O3N5 and AlN) below 3 wt %. The obtained cast aluminum oxynitride and method of its production are promising for production of high-strength transparent ceramics.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):808-812
pages 808-812 views

Methods for Investigation of Material Properties

Composite model of the dependence of mechanical properties of anodic aluminum oxide on porosity

Simonov V.N., Loshmanov L.P., Markova E.B.


Results of the application of a theory concerning elasticity of composite materials to calculate the elastic modulus of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) are presented. The basis of the proposed AAO elasticity model is the assumption that the space of the anodic aluminum oxide may be represented as a composite material in the form of a matrix—bulk amorphous oxide filling the space between the pores reinforced by a hollow fiber with zero wall thickness. The maximum error of this simplification in the range of the actually used porosity values is 5% for the Young’s modulus and 0.7% for the shear modulus. The results are in proper agreement with the experimental data of other authors. Proper agreement of the results holds out a hope that this approach may be applied when the AAO pores are filled with some material (adsorbent, liquid, etc.), as is possible, for example, in cases of AAO application as a material for cantilever sensors.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(5):813-815
pages 813-815 views

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