
Organizational-legal Support of Vehicle Safety
Komarov V.
Mathematical methods for monitoring the quality of education
Amelkin S., Egorychev A.
General method for construction of a piecewise-linear separating surface for sets of objects defined by points in a feature space
Gdanskiy N., Krasheninnikov A.
Technique for recognition of aircrafts and radar traps in the control circuit of airspace control system based on neural network technology
Bobin A., Azarov V., Bulgakov S., Savin D.
Analysis of the text and digital information for process modeling
Sofiev A., Vereshchagin G.
The Problem of Classification of Political Consultants in Modern Russia
Dmitriev A., Zhuravleva L., Fedorchenko S.
Specific features of risks of automotive companies innovative activity
Hoshgizfekh R., Popovskiy Y.
Geometrical Divisibility of Parts in Analysis of Assemblies with Spatial Tolerances
Gayer M., Shabalin A.
Starting device with a molecular energy store
Lebedev S., Gavritskiy D., Antipenko V.
Algorithmization Principles of Machining Datum Surface Select
Maximov A., Sorokin Y.
K voprosu ispol'zovaniya metodov i metodik analiza finansovogo sostoyaniya mashinostroitel'nykh predpriyatiy v usloviyakh sovremennoy konkurentsii
Tsogoev V., Shiriaev D.
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