Numerical simulation of dynamic processes in transmission of vehicle




The article considers the issues of digital modeling of dynamic processes in the transmissions of transport vehicles. The purpose of this research was to develop an algorithm for numerical mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in the transmissions of transport vehicles using modern digital software packages. The method includes a systematic approach to the study of dynamic processes during switching, based on modeling the operation of the gearbox together with the internal combustion engine (taking into account its dynamic, speed and load characteristics). The order of application of the MATLab - Simulink, Simscape software packages for numerical simulation of dynamic processes is considered. Using the fundamental blocks of these applications, models of physical components are created: the internal combustion engine, friction clutches, gearboxes, elastic shafts, damping devices, and tractor power transmission control systems. A digital model of the tractor transmission is created, its design scheme is given, and the initial characteristics are set. It was used to simulate dynamic processes in the tractor gearbox. The main attention in this paper is paid to the application of the proposed method for calculating the dynamic processes in the gearbox during gear changes under load with forward and reverse switching, including the simultaneous use of several friction clutches.


S. Hoodorozhkov

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

DSc in Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Krasilnikov

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia


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版权所有 © Hoodorozhkov S.I., Krasilnikov A.А., 2021

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