Integrated vehicle safety




The paper analyzes issues of vehicle structural safety regulated by international UN rules in order to reduce the number of road accidents and particularly the severity of their consequences. The effectiveness of the UN Rules for reduction of road accidents is analyzed and especially the number of killed and injured in accidents on the roads is studied. There were also considered the issues related to the increasing pollution of the atmosphere of large cities with exhaust gases harmful emissions from road transport even though long-term efforts of manufacturers were made to drastically reduce them to the Euro 6 for Ecology UN Rules number 49 and 83. A comparative analysis of foreign and domestic studies of emissions from wear of tires, brake mechanisms of road transport and road surface was made. The conclusion of a significant increase in pollution of air environment of large cities because of the solid fine particles from wear of tires and road surface was made. The problems of active, passive and environmental safety predetermine the necessity of reconsideration of the concept and strategy of the international and national legislation, for integrated safety of road transport.


V. Azarov

Automobile and Engine Research Institution NAMI


S. Gayisin

Automobile and Engine Research Institution NAMI

V. Kutenev

Automobile and Engine Research Institution NAMI

(903) 792-89-78


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版权所有 © Azarov V.K., Gayisin S.V., Kutenev V.F., 2016

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