Age of aerodynamics of automobiles

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The article analyzes the time variation of the values of the coefficient Cx and the aerodynamic factor for passenger vehicles of leading companies. Calculated equations of aerodynamic indexes are presented, both for the whole array of automobiles and for breaking them into classes according to the European classification. The analysis uses aerodynamic indicators of the main types of bodies of vehicles obtained both during road tests and in experiments in wind tunnels with full-scale objects. Examples are given of the discrepancy between aerodynamic indicators and the results of the correlation studies of automobiles produced under different conditions, in different wind tunnels and its comparison with road tests. The reasons for these discrepancies are indicated. Examples are given of the change in aerodynamic indicators from the time of the release of generations of some brands of automobiles. The best and worst vehicles in aerodynamics for all six classes of European classification are indicated. The novelty is the determination of the regularity of the change in aerodynamic parameters, in particular of the aerodynamic factor, for the whole period of development of motorization, which requires the use of a large data set. The results of the analysis are also given. The result of the analysis is the conclusion that the amount of the aerodynamic factor of passenger vehicles is decreasing for the whole time of automobilization with a change in the external form of the body.

About the authors

E. V Korolev

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics


R. R ZHamalov

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics


V. V Bernackij

Moscow Polytechnic University



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