Numerical study of the effect of droplet coagulation intensity on polydisperse aerosol fraction distribution

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The paper is devoted to the study of the effect of the intensity of aerosol fluctuations on the distribution of fractions of the dispersed component of the coagulating aerosol. Oscillations of aerosol in closed channel are numerically modeled in operation. To describe the dynamics of the carrier medium, a two-dimensional non-stationary system of Navier-Stokes equations for compressed gas is used. They are written taking into account interfacial power interaction and interfacial heat exchange. To describe the dynamics of the dispersed phase, a system of equations is solved for each of its fractions. It includes an equation of continuity for the “average density” of the fraction, equations of preservation of spatial components of the pulse and an equation of preservation of thermal energy of the fraction of the dispersed phase of the gas suspension. Phase-to-phase power interaction included Archimedes force, attached mass force, and aerodynamic drag force. Heat exchange between the carrier medium-gas and each of the fractions of the dispersed phase was also taken into account. The mathematical model of dynamics of polydisperse aerosol was supplemented by the mathematical model of collision coagulation of aerosol. For the velocity components of the mixture, uniform Dirichlet boundary conditions were set. For the remaining functions of the dynamics of the multiphase mixture, uniform Neumann boundary conditions were set. The equations were solved by the explicit McCormack method with a nonlinear correction scheme that allows to obtain a monotone solution. As a result of numerical calculations, it was determined that in the vicinity of the oscillating piston, an area with an increased content of coarse particles is formed. The coagulation process results in a monotonous increase in volume content of the coarse particle fraction and a monotonous decrease in volume content of fine particles. Increasing the intensity of gas fluctuations leads to intensification of the process of coagulation of aerosol droplets.

About the authors

D. A Tukmakov

Federal Research Center Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kazan, Russia


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