Investigation of the environmental characteristics of a diesel engine when operating on activated fuel

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The internal combustion engine is the most widespread source of energy for vehicles. The main requirements for an internal combustion engine include: the efficiency of functioning as part of a vehicle, high performance indicators, as well as environmental parameters of the emission of exhaust gases into the environment. The fulfillment of these conditions is possible by improving the design of the engine, as well as improving the working process of the diesel engine while increasing the quality of diesel fuel or additional impact directly on the fuel itself. One of the most effective ways to influence diesel fuel is to transfer a certain amount of heat to it in the high-pressure fuel line in front of the injectors. At the same time, the physical and mechanical properties of diesel fuel change, which leads to a change in mixture formation and the combustion process in the engine cylinder. To intensify the combustion process, a method of preliminary high-temperature local heating of diesel fuel in the fuel supply system in front of the injectors was proposed. To achieve this goal, several main directions were identified, including the study of environmental indicators during the intensification of the combustion process. The tests were carried out in stages. At the first stage, the operation of the fuel injector when operating on activated fuel (bench, laboratory tests) was investigated. At the next stage, the indicators of the diesel engine in the main modes of its operation were investigated. Bench (laboratory) tests made it possible to draw a conclusion about the operability and compliance of the aggregate with the technical requirements of the manufacturer and the parameters of GOST. The bench tests proved the possibility of a diesel engine running on activated fuel without deteriorating environmental performance in the exhaust gases; at the same time, changes in the toxicity and smoke of the exhaust gases from different values of the average effective pressure were revealed.

About the authors

S. A Plotnikov

Vyatka State University

DSc in Engineering Kirov, Russia

A. N Kartashevich

Vyatka State University

DSc in Engineering Kirov, Russia

M. V Motovilova

Vyatka State University

Kirov, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2021 Plotnikov S.A., Kartashevich A.N., Motovilova M.V.

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