Calculation of wind turbine generator power characteristics using Windpowerlib software module

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The problem of using alternative energy sources is becoming more and more urgent every year. Wind turbogenerators are one of the most promising alternative power plants. The article is devoted to the creation and testing of a calculation program for determining the main indicators of wind generators - the dependence of the power factor (efficiency) and the generated power on wind speed, the power change curve by time intervals, and the average power per year. At the beginning of the work, basic information is given about alternative power plants, in particular, about wind generators, their advantages, disadvantages and methods of feasibility study for use in a given area according to weather statistics. The following are the modules used in the program, the main of which is a special command library for calculating wind turbines Windpowerlib. The sequence of implementation of the calculation algorithm stages is described: methods of entering weather data and the main characteristics of the turbine, the procedure for calculating the power of the turbine generator, and the output of results in the form of qualitatively formalized graphs. To test the developed program, the energy characteristics of one of the most common and widely used wind generators in the world were calculated - the Siemens SWT 3.6-120 model, the calculation results were compared with operational data published by the manufacturer of this plant. The graphs proved a high degree of conformity between the calculated and actual characteristics. The plant capacity change during the year is determined by hourly time intervals, as well as the average capacity generated per year. The resulting software product allows the end user to easily download input data and automatically calculate all the above characteristics of any wind turbine. In conclusion, conclusions were drawn on the work done, recommendations were made to expand the scope of the methodology to determine the characteristics of other power plants. The planned direction of further research in this area using the developed software product is indicated.

About the authors

V. Y Ilichev

Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Kaluga, Russia

D. V Shevelev

Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Kaluga, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2021 Ilichev V.Y., Shevelev D.V.

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