The Formation of the Elements of Advanced Training of Students in Higher Education Based on an Innovative Approach

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The article considers basic problems of modern higher vocational training and competitiveness of industrial production on the basis of innovations. The authors present experience of foreign countries in the decision of the given problems, the concept, allowing to integrate capacities and process of training of students in high school is offered, and also necessity of creation of system of the continuous formation raising creative potential of the young scientist and as a result of promoting development of effective innovative products, services and the technologies extremely necessary for the domestic industry is proved.

About the authors

E E Alenina


к.э.н. доц8 (495) 223-05-40; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

A V Paskhina


8 (495) 223-05-40; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2011 Alenina E.E., Paskhina A.V.

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