Organizational Design Adaptation Strategies Aviation Industry to the Environment

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The paper analyzes the trends affecting the design of adaptation strategies aviation industry to the environment. The authors study the activities of companies in a volatile external and internal environment. It is proposed organizational structure of the coarsened aviation enterprises. The basic principles and modalities for the strategy of adaptation are being developed.

About the authors

G A Kalugina

Moscow Aviation Institute

к.э.н. доц8(495)1584120; Московский авиационный институт; Moscow Aviation Institute

Yu A Milodanova

Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow Aviation Institute

A I Tikhonov

State University of Management

к.т.н. доц8(925)7489113; Государственный университет управления; State University of Management

M A Ruzakov

State University of Management

к.э.н. доц; Государственный университет управления; State University of Management


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kalugina G.A., Milodanova Y.A., Tikhonov A.I., Ruzakov M.A.

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