Determination of Optical Centers of Emission in a Plastic Scintillator Irradiated by UV-laser

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Photoprocesses in a plastic scintillator irradiated by UV-laser were studied. The spectral properties and structure of photoproducts in irradiated plastic scintillator were found. The mechanism of photochemical processes leading to radioluminescence signal decrease in the scintillator during its usage has been suggested

About the authors

L V Volkova


к.ф.-м.н., доц.+7-495-223-05-23 доб. 1338; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU "MAMI"

E A Borisova



R N Nurmukhametov


д.ф.-м.н., проф.+7-495-223-05-23 доб. 1338; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU "MAMI"


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Copyright (c) 2009 Volkova L.V., Borisova E.A., Nurmukhametov R.N.

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