Comparative analysis of methods for cutting process calculating (to development of analytical method for cutting processes calculating)

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This article presents the comparative analysis of methods for cutting process calculating. The known solutions and methods of calculations a chip formation are considered, on their basis comparative calculations of the cutting force are made. It is noticed that the greatest capacity decisions based on the energy method of the analysis using the extreme positions of deformation mechanics. By this method L. D. Olenin analyzed the most general case of cutting, namely the oblique cutting by the tool with a blunt cutting edge, the physical equations for calculation of all major process parameters are received. The decision considers strain hardening material, the real value of contact friction, and also the power spent on the plastic fracture associated with the formation of new surfaces. It is emphasized that all equations are physical. It allows to recommend them as a basis for developing methods for calculating the cutting processes by the tool with any shape and geometry of a cutting part.

About the authors

Y V Maksimov

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

д.т.н. проф(495) 223-05-23 доб. 1327; МГТУ МАМИ; Moscow State Technical University MAMI

L D Olenin

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

д.т.н. проф(495) 223-05-23 доб. 1327; МГТУ МАМИ; Moscow State Technical University MAMI

M A Shaparovskaya

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

(495) 223-05-23 доб. 1327; МГТУ МАМИ; Moscow State Technical University MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2011 Maksimov Y.V., Olenin L.D., Shaparovskaya M.A.

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