Dimensioning in Combined Cutting-deforming Machining with Axial Oscillations

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The paper examines dimension processing in the technological system for combined cutting-deforming machining of needle shafts class. Actually dimension processing provided by cutting block, while the rollers of deforming part forming of surface roughness with plastic deformation method. Detail the process of the axial oscillation for removal of elastic-reduced metal after cutting. The mathematical model for calculating the error of machining consists of two parts. Computer modeling and subsequent analysis of the solutions will help to design technological process of combined cutting-deforming machining of needle shafts class and assign these modes of machining, which will provide the quality of demanded parameters: the dimension of part and surface roughness.

About the authors

A V Ankin


к.т.н., доц; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU "MAMI"

A S Adeev




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Copyright (c) 2009 Ankin A.V., Adeev A.S.

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