Synthesis of Direct Torque Control System of Asynchronous Traction Electric Drives

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The paper proposes a method for the synthesis of a direct torque control of asynchronous electric drives with separate control of the magnetic flow and electromagnetic torque. The authors show the results of simulation of asynchronous electric drive, advantages of the developed motor control system: ease of construction, high dynamic quality, small fluctuations of electromagnetic torque.

About the authors

E M Ovsyannikov


д.т.н. проф(495) 223-05-23, доб. (*) 1312; MSTU MAMI

Thieu Nguyen Quang


к.т.н(495) 223-05-23, доб. (*) 1312; MSTU MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2011 Ovsyannikov E.M., Nguyen Quang T.

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