Application of management system for public administration of Russia

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The article analyses shortcomings of medium-term programs in the Russian Federation which should provide, first of all, competitiveness of national and regional economy and thereby proves reforming of the system of public administration on the basis of methods of management: systems the balanced parameters; strategic planning; management on the purposes; material stimulation.

About the authors

Y P Filyakin


д.э.н., проф+7-495-223-05-23 доб. 13-16; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

Y A Novikova


+7-495-223-05-23 доб. 13-16; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2008 Filyakin Y.P., Novikova Y.A.

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