Dynamic viscoelastic properties of polymeric constructional materials based on polycarbonate

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The paper presents the research of viscoelastic properties of polymeric constructional materials based on polycarbonate using the methods of acoustic spectroscopy. The research was conducted using the method of free torsional vibrations at the low-frequency acoustic spectrometry, performed on the basis of inverse torsion pendulum. In the measurement process the dynamic shear modulus G 'and mechanical loss-angle tangent tgδ have been obtained. Measurements were performed in a wide temperature range from -180 to 200 ° C. It was shown that the reduction of impact strength at low temperature area is connected with the difference in chemical structure and the introduction of impact modifier.

About the authors

V V Nizhegorodov


доц8-495-223-05-23 доб. 13-38; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2007 Nizhegorodov V.V.

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