The research of thermal capacity of submicrocrystalline powder materials on the basis of nickel aluminide

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The paper examines the influence of compacting pressure on the thermal capacity of macrocrystalline and submicrocrystalline powder composition on the basis of nickel aluminide in the wide range of temperatures. It was found that the compacting pressure in the large-dispersed powder mixtures Ni50 Al50 actuates inttermetallides Ni2Al3, NiAl3 according liquid-phase mechanisms at Т ~ 0,85 Tпл, and in fine-dispersed powder mixtures it intensifies the generation of intermetallides according to the solid-phase reaction mechanisms at Т ~ 0,77 Tпл. The obtained results may be used for the analysis of physical and mechanical features of nano-materials, obtained from by gas condensation in the inert atmosphere.

About the authors

V P Levin




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Copyright (c) 2007 Levin V.P.

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