Laser photochemical modification of poly-p-xylylene

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The spectral luminescence properties of poly-p-xylylene films irradiated by impulse UV- laser were studied. It was shown that the UV-laser irradiation to leads to the effective formation of new optical emission centers in the polymer chain. The fluorescence band of these centers is found over the visible range.

About the authors

L V Volkova

MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

Email: (495) 223-05-23, доб. 1338
к.ф.-м.н; МГТУ «МАМИ», ФГУП «НИФХИ им. Л.Я. Карпова»; MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

E A Averyanova

MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

R N Nurmukhametov

MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

МГТУ «МАМИ», ФГУП «НИФХИ им. Л.Я. Карпова»; MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

S P Kabanov

MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry

MSTU MAMI, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry


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Copyright (c) 2010 Volkova L.V., Averyanova E.A., Nurmukhametov R.N., Kabanov S.P.

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