The Mathematics Model of Mechanism Forming the Spot Face of Rolling Wheel

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The mathematics model of mechanism which forms the spot face of rolling wheel is offered. It allows solving tasks involved in design and calculation of wheel propeller of different constructions, determining theirs numerical and qualitative characteristics when moving on different types of surface.

About the authors

A I Sergeev


к.т.н., доц8-495-223-05-23 доб. 15-27; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

I V Cherny

Bryansk State Engineering Academy

к.ф-м.н., доц; БГИТА; Bryansk State Engineering Academy


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  3. Тарг С.М. Краткий курс теоретической механики. М:. Наука, 1968. 479с.

Copyright (c) 2008 Sergeev A.I., Cherny I.V.

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