Test bench for evaluation of the strength characteristics of elements of wheels

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The paper presents the design and principle of operation of a test bench for evaluation of the strength characteristics of elements of an automobile wheel. The advantage of the test bench is the ability of independent application of radial and axial forces which gives the ability to research the influence of each of them separately on a strain-stress behavior.

About the authors

I. V Balabin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: sopr@mami.ru
Dr. Eng., prof.

I. S Chabunin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: sopr@mami.ru

A. S Gruzdev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: sopr@mami.ru

M. N Lukyanov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: sopr@mami.ru


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Copyright (c) 2012 Balabin I.V., Chabunin I.S., Gruzdev A.S., Lukyanov M.N.

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