Dynamic robust stabilization problem for the linear nonstationary systems

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The paper gives the definition of robust stabilization tasks of the object and the d-robust task; provides a definition of robust control and the method of synthesis of optimal guaranteed control is indicated, and the withdrawn selection rules of the indignation worst parameters from the known range; considers the formula that relates under some of the worst parameters the initial state of the object, restrictions on the right end and the time of the transition process system for which it should go to the state, satisfying the boundary restrictions. The theoretical results are supported by numerical examples.

About the authors

V. A Trindyuk

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering(MAMI)

Email: trindjukvladimir@mail.ru

G. I Kiyko

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering(MAMI)



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Copyright (c) 2012 Trindyuk V.A., Kiyko G.I.

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