Possibility for finding of a common solution for Navier-Stokes equations

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The paper considers equations of a particle of a Newtonian fluid motion (equations of Navier-Stokes) in a vector form. The equality to zero of a rotor of the gradient is used, so it allows to move to one vector equation only by the speed and rotor speed. This equation contains the linear and quadratic terms. On the basis of the observations of the trajectories of the liquids flow in leakage from the tank through a tube, the trajectories of the flow does not change when fluid consumption changes, the conclusion is that with a change in flow velocity the equality of quadratic and linear parts of the motion equations can only be stored in that case, if these parts are equal to zero. This allows you to move to a more simple system of equations than the Navier-Stokes equations.

About the authors

V. G Vyskrebtsov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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