Unified control algorithm for torques delivered to wheels of all-wheel-drive vehicles

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This paper proposes the unified control algorithm for torques delivered to wheels of all-wheel-drive vehicles with “intellectual” transmission. The algorithm provides the determination of torques delivered to each wheel of multi-axis vehicle with minimal loss of power regarding to road conditions: solid surface or deformable ground. Results of calculations were confirmed by experimental research.

About the authors

I. A Pliev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: pliev@mail.ru
Dr. Eng., senior scientific worker

A. M Saykin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

A. V Arkhipov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

A. A Akhmedov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Email: akhm@mami.ru


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Copyright (c) 2012 Pliev I.A., Saykin A.M., Arkhipov A.V., Akhmedov A.A.

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