Increasing of cutting efficiency of heat-treated steel through the application of cutting tools of high-strength composite ceramic with coating E. S. Sotova, M. N. Lazareva

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In the paper there is investigated the cutting tool properties of high-strength composite ceramics with multi-coated cutting hardened steel. Mathematical models of cutting are obtained. They establish the dependence of the wear and tear on the back of the instrument, roughness of the machined surface of the parts, the tangent component of the cutting forces, as well as cutting power on the modes of turning. A problem of cutting tools modes optimization is made of high-strength composite ceramics. It is established that the application of the multi-functional coatings on ceramic cutting tool allows you to increase the efficiency of processing.

About the authors

E. S. Sotova

MSTU “Stankin”

M. N. Lazareva

MSTU “Stankin”



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Copyright (c) 2012 Sotova E.S., Lazareva M.N.

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